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Position Paper: Eradicate Global Hunger

Name of Delegate: Wararat Eye Sumetawenunt

Issue: What can we do, as a United faction, to eradicate global hunger?
Country Assigned: United States of America, USA.
1. What is the current status of the Issue in your country?
According to the Hunger Project, around 805 million people of all around the
world are suffering as a hunger which about 98 percent of them lived in a developing
areas. In this case, we are not talking about the famine whos earn some money but
the chronic hunger who are invisible to the world. It doesnt mean that poor people are
hungry. Its the hunger people intead who are poor. And the issue which almost every
country in the world face on are about the hunger, poverty, and the food prices which
are very difficult to be solved.
The issues of poverty and hunger in America are quite different from the other
developed nation. Hungers are existing everywhere in the country. In average,
approximately 1 in 6 people struggle with the hungers issue and 46.5 million people
or 15% were in poverty including to those children who are in the age under 18. In the
United State, there are so many homeless people and a hungers children who their
family doesnt have enough money to raise them with a good food, around 48,966,000
people in the country. From the research, 34 percent of household who is served by
the feeding America network have to have a choice about their payment between
paying for food and paying for transportation. Moreover, 31 percent of households
have to choose between paying for medical care or paying for the meal. And more
than 27 percent of them need to take a decision between feeding their family or
paying for the house in each month. The seven states in America which considered in
a higher statistically in the lack for food are Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama,
Geogia, Florida, and North Carolina.
According to the Feeding America Hunger, 72 percent of the poor people based
on their annual income for each month are below the federal poverty line. In the year
of 2011, there was the USDAs measure the lack of access, in comparison of household
with children and without children. They found out that in the house with children is
20.6 percent lack of foods while the house without children is 12.2 percent. And more
than 1 in 5 children in the United State are in danger as hunger. At the same time
surprisingly 40 percent of food are being thrown out of the US every year, so about
$165 worth. How is this possible while 25 million American were not fed, those foods
suppose to be given to these people.

2. What is your country stand on this Issue?

In the year of 2006, the government of the United States has changed the
hunger to the term of food insecure. But changing the name doesnt really help
something to get better. Feeding America has been established in 1979. Its a kind of
organisation who's provide information about the hungers and poverty in America.

Their mission is to feed the hungers in America through a worldwide network. It helps
US to cope and end the hunger issue. Its the largest domestic hunger-relief
organisation that cooperate with a powerful network of 200 food banks all around the
country. They help America to cope with the hunger and poverty crisis by provides
food to people who are needed through a network of food banks. The other possible
way that the US government can do to deal with or at least help in solving this
problem is set up an organization in each state who will take care for the hungers and
poor people that lack of foods and sanitations. Because the area of the United States
is very big so there should be a specific team of the organization in each area to be
responsible for this issue. Another way is to give an education to people. One of the
reasons why people are poor and became hunger is because they got so little wages
from their work due to the lack of knowledge made them not be able to do a high
wage work.

3. Explain the reason /s for the stand.

By creating an organization in each state will help the government to be
better in term of look after people throughout the country by not missing any of
the small area. And by giving people in education will make they have more
knowledge about things which lead to a good and high income. This might
improve the living condition of americans. In conclusion, these kind of ways to
deal with the poverty and hunger issue are because the population in the
country is the most significant component that will make the country to

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