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Action Research Colloquia in Hue and Danang, May/June 2014


Dear educators,
We thank you for attending the Colloquium on Action Research last year and hope you not only
found it helpful then, but are able to apply what you learned about action research to your own
teaching. We began the colloquia with several presentations on action research projects done by
local teachers and ended the time with a workshop on the components of action research and how
to get started with writing your own research question. In our effort to make this a more effective
model, we would greatly appreciate your feedback below. We would be thankful if you sent your
responses to Vu Thi Chau Sa at by February 12, 2015.
Directions: Please read and answer the following questions in as much detail as you can provide.
1. Had you heard about Action Research before you attended the colloquium? No
2. Did your understanding of Action Research change as a result of attending the colloquium?
3. If yes, how did your understanding change? (in terms of the definition of Action Research, its
steps, its main purpose, its advantages, etc.)
At first I thought action research is something like experimental research which needs a
large number of participants, statistics and so on. After attending the colloquium, I know that
any teacher can do action research in their own classroom. The purpose of action research
is to find the most effective way to improve teaching and learning quality (maybe not to
publish on a journal). It can quickly be done without too much pressure on the scale or scope
of the study or statistics.

4. Have you done an action research project in your classroom since the colloquium? No
5. If yes, please briefly explain your project,

What was the problem you wanted to solve in your class through the AR?

What did you do to find possible solutions?

What solution did you select and why did you select that one?

What was the result?

6. If you havent, have you thought about trying your own Action Research project? Yes
7. What were the obstacles that prevented you from doing the project?
Too much teaching and marking students papers.

8. What kinds of support would help you to overcome the obstacles mentioned in question
number 7?
Financial support may help. We need to do a lot of teaching instead of researching due to
the matter of earning a living.

Thank you!

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