tp2 2015

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Teachers Rules and Responsibilities

At 7:20, the teacher enters the class. At 7:54 she starts the class .At 7:55 the kids ate
snacks because they will see an author. At 8:30, she took them to the auditorium. At
9:30, the kids had PE class. At 10:00, she made them write an assignment. At 10:30,
she reads a story to them. At 11:02, she corrects their books. At 12:00, she taught
them math by teaching them the coin song . Finally, at 2:15, she gave her last class
of the day, which was science, and the title of the lesson was how are clouds
Being a teacher is definitely a tough job. Especially if that teacher were teaching kids.
Thus, a teacher who teaches kids has many responsibilities. The teacher is supposed
to control the class and at the same time teach them skills and new topics. Kids are
unpredictable. They tend to do whatever comes to their minds. They could start a
fight unexpectedly or just decide to cry and shout and be fussy. This would only
distract the teacher from her work and the teacher will end up not being a teacher
where as a person who calms kids down. Besides all that, there are also good things
about teaching kids. If you look on the bright side, you are dealing with innocent
young creatures. They do not know anything about this world yet and it is your job to
provide them with that knowledge of yours. Therefore, you could send a message to
the world the way you want. I think that the best role of being a teacher is when you
get to build a relationship with the kids in a fun way. It could become messy as the
kids are unpredictable but it is so fun. You get to enjoy it and them too. Playing
games with them while trying to deliver a message to them is so amusing. The only
tough par about the experience of teaching kids is to control their mysterious
actions that could ruin the vibe of the class.



Sing in and out

She has to know about

the attendance for the

Attend the morning


They have to sing the

national anthem

Deal with attendance


They should know the

numbers of the students
in the class

Do bus duty

Teachers has to make

sure that everyone goes
home safe

Meet with parents


Parents should know

what their kids are doing
at school

Deal with disruptive


To be discipline

Tidy up classroom

Students should stay in

a place that is clean


teachers roles and responsibilities

1. What surprised you?

(for example-are there any roles your teacher has that you were
surprised to find out a teacher does?)

- She knows the level of the students

2. What shocked you?

- Teacher sing and dance in the class

3. What delighted you?

(What roles does your MST do that you are happy about
because you like doing those things?)

- Dancing with the kids and singing

4.Any other things you thought about while you were

completing this task.
(Maybe you thought things like, Wow! A teacher sure has to
do a lot of things during the day. Or, I wonder how s/he
manages to do so much every day.)

- she organises the class , and have patience because the kids
are noisy and hard to make the sit wisely

5. Ask your MST about the roles s/he prefers the most. Find
out why. Are there any s/he does not like to do that much?

Your teachers and responsibilities

throughout the day

7: 20

Enters the class


she starts the class

7: 55

she told the kids to eat snacks

8: 30

she took the kids to the auditaruim


the kids had pe so she took a break


she mad them write an assessment


reads a story to the kids


she corrects their books


she taught them math


she gave taught them science


Ended the class


Leave the class




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