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Self Assessment

Vilseck Elementary School

Europe: Bavaria

Mr. Scott Finlay, Principal

Unit 28040
APO, AE 09112

Document Generated On March 24, 2015



Standard 1: Purpose and Direction

Standard 2: Governance and Leadership

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems


Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement


Report Summary


Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

AdvancED's Self Assessment (SA) diagnostic is based on the AdvancED Standards of Quality, which serves as the foundation of the
accreditation and continuous improvement process. The SA is a valuable tool for collaboratively engaging staff members and stakeholders in
purposeful, honest dialogue and reflection to assess the institution's adherence to the Standards, and guide its continuous improvement
efforts. The SA includes the institution's self-ratings of and the evidence cited for each of the indicators, comments that explain the indicator's
ratings and an overall narrative for each Standard. The results of the SA are reviewed by the External Review Team as one essential
component of the preparation process for the institution's External Review.

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Standard 1: Purpose and Direction

The school maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that commit to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and
beliefs about teaching and learning.
Overall Rating: 3.0

Statement or Question
The school engages in a
systematic, inclusive, and
comprehensive process to
review, revise, and communicate
a school purpose for student

The school's process for review,
revision, and communication of the
purpose statement is documented. The
process is formalized and implemented
on a regular schedule. The process
includes participation by representatives
from all stakeholder groups. The
purpose statement focuses on student

Examples of
communications to
stakeholders about the
school's purpose (i.e.
website, newsletters,
annual report, student

Level 3

Communication plan to
stakeholders regarding the
school's purpose
Minutes from meetings
related to development of
the school's purpose
* Daily announcements
that include CSI Goals and
VES Vision Statement
* School Website
* Community emails from
* School Advisory
Committee (SAC)
* CSI Committee Meeting
* School Improvement
Leadership Team Minutes
* Vision Statement
reviewed at the beginning
of each year
* "VES Successes" at
every Faculty Meeting
* TV in foyer for
* SST Committee and
* Award Ceremonies
(information about
Vision/CSI Goals

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School


Statement or Question
The school's leadership and staff
commit to a culture that is based
on shared values and beliefs
about teaching and learning and
supports challenging, equitable
educational programs and
learning experiences for all
students that include
achievement of learning, thinking,
and life skills.

Statement or Question
The school's leadership
implements a continuous
improvement process that
provides clear direction for
improving conditions that support
student learning.

Commitment to shared values and
beliefs about teaching and learning is
evident in documentation and decision
making. This commitment is regularly
reflected in communication among
leaders and staff. Challenging
educational programs and equitable
learning experiences are implemented
so that all students achieve learning,
thinking, and life skills necessary for
success. Evidence indicates a
commitment to instructional practices
that include active student engagement,
a focus on depth of understanding, and
the application of knowledge and skills.
School leadership and staff share high
expectations for professional practice.

Agendas and/or minutes
that reference a
commitment to the
components of the
school's statement of

School leaders implement a
documented, systematic continuous
improvement process for improving
student learning and the conditions that
support learning. All stakeholder groups
are engaged in the process. School
personnel maintain a profile with current
and comprehensive data on student and
school performance. The profile contains
analyses of data used to identify goals
for the improvement of achievement and
instruction that are aligned with the
school's purpose. Improvement goals
have measurable performance targets.
The process includes action planning
that identifies measurable objectives,
strategies, activities, resources, and
timelines for achieving improvement
goals. School leaders hold all school
personnel accountable for and evaluate
the overall quality of the implementation
of all interventions and strategies. The
process is reviewed and evaluated.
Documentation that the process yields
improved student achievement and
instruction is available and
communicated to stakeholders.

The school data profile

Level 3

The school's statement of

* School Advisory
* CSI Committees
* Lion's Den
* Principal emails to
* STEAM Training
* Multiage Classrooms
* Schoolwide Data Walls
* Afterschool Professional
Development Classes for
* Reading Counts
* Red Hot Readers
* Family Library Night
* Vilseck Literacy Project
* Afterschool Professional
* Spelling and Geography

Level 3

Agenda, minutes from

continuous improvement
planning meetings
The school continuous
improvement plan
* Data shared at Parent
Teacher Conferences
* CSI Teams

Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the following
questions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.
Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing.

Vilseck Elementary School's Vision Statement is "Vilseck Expects Success." Our vision resonates with all of our staff, students, and
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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

stakeholders. It is easily identifiable, seen, and heard throughout the entire school. It is on teachers' emails, on the morning
announcements, on posters in all classrooms, in all hallways, and on school shirts. Our students, staff, and parents understand that our
vision is about each individual person and his or her own success. The monthly faculty meeting begins with our staff sharing "Vilseck
Successes." The vision is also known, seen, and heard within and around the Vilseck community. Within the Vilseck community, we have
created a culture focused on success. The Vilseck Elementary vision, while simplistic, is powered through high expectations.
The Vilseck Elementary staff identified its Purpose and Direction before the students returned to school in August 2014. The staff's
amazingly expansive--yet focused--feedback was shared with the staff, community, and students. Parents and students also had the
opportunity to provide feedback of their perception of the Vilseck Elementary's Purpose and Direction. Their feedback was diverse; however,
the theme was the same. The purpose of Vilseck Elementary is to provide an exemplary education for each student, meeting their unique
and diverse global needs, ensuring each students success, and supporting our community.
As a result of the branding of the Vilseck Elementary School's Vision Statement, our staff has embraced the meaning of our vision. Our
school has a plethora of ways we celebrate students' successes such as Dining at the Ritz, Attendance Awards, Red Hot Readers, National
Geographic Geography Bee, Reading Counts Wall of Fame, and our television in the foyer displaying updated information and pictures of
students and activities. Vilseck Elementary has numerous measures in place to ensure that students are also supported to ensure their
success. Our CSI Teams have ensured that our students have at least two adults that know them well. The Student Intervention Plan
identifies students that the CSI Teams feel needs extra support to be successful. Vilseck Elementary has an abundance of programs that
are designed to support student development. Our counselors, school psychologist, Military Family Life Consultants, and embedded Social
Worker from the Bavaria Mental Health Clinic support the social/emotional well-being of our students. Our Instructional Support Specialist
Practitioners (ISSPs), Gifted Education Teacher, and creative use of our Foreign Language Elementary Spanish (FLES) teachers support our
students' learning needs. Creative use of our ISSPs and Foreign Language Elementary Spanish teachers also supports the professional
learning needs of our teachers as part of the Vilseck Literacy Project, which is aimed at implementing Balanced Literacy across the school,
resulting in higher student achievement in reading and writing.
Vilseck Elementary has exceptional momentum to continue living and seeking to attain our vision. Our successful celebrations and support
will continue due to their overwhelming successes and positivity for staff, students and the community. The continued discussion by our staff
and CSI Teams about struggling students via our newly implemented Student Intervention Plans will identify, focus, and review the progress
of students in need. Our CSI Teams have recently identified "Power Standards" at each grade level in Language Arts and Mathematics to
provide a more rigorous curriculum and focused instruction for our students. We have begun to implement and teach to our "Power
Standards" and will review their effectiveness throughout upcoming CSI professional learning opportunities.
Vilseck Elementary is taking steps to improve and have greater impact upon student success. Our staff, via grade level data conferences to
include CSI Partners, are working toward having meaningful discussions about students learning, progress, and next steps. Data
conferences will bring uniformity to grading and teaching practices across the grade levels as well as knowledge about grading and teaching
practices for our CSI Partners.

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Standard 2: Governance and Leadership

The school operates under governance and leadership that promote and support student performance and school effectiveness.
Overall Rating: 3.0



Statement or Question
The governing body establishes
policies and supports practices
that ensure effective
administration of the school.

Statement or Question
The governing body operates
responsibly and functions

Statement or Question
The governing body ensures that
the school leadership has the
autonomy to meet goals for
achievement and instruction and
to manage day-to-day operations

Policies and practices support the
school's purpose and direction and the
effective operation of the school. Policies
and practices promote effective
instruction and assessment that produce
equitable and challenging learning
experiences for all students. There are
policies and practices regarding
professional growth of all staff. Policies
and practices provide requirements,
direction for, and oversight of fiscal

Governing body policies, Level 3
procedures, and practices

The governing body has a process to
ensure that its decisions and actions are
in accordance with defined roles and
responsibilities, a code of ethics, and
free of conflict of interest. Governing
body members participate in a
systematic, formal professional
development process regarding the roles
and responsibilities of the governing
body and its individual members. The
governing body complies with all
policies, procedures, laws, and
regulations and functions as a cohesive

Governing body minutes
relating to training

The governing body protects, supports,
and respects the autonomy of school
leadership to accomplish goals for
improvement in student learning and
instruction and to manage day-to-day
operations of the school. The governing
body maintains a distinction between its
roles and responsibilities and those of
school leadership.

Roles and responsibilities Level 3
of school leadership

Staff handbooks
School handbooks

Level 3

Communication plan to
inform all staff on code of
ethics, responsibilities,
conflict of interest
Findings of internal and
external reviews of
compliance with laws,
regulations, and policies
Governing code of ethics

School improvement plan

developed by the school
Stakeholder input and
Maintenance of
consistent academic
oversight, planning, and
resource allocation
Agendas and minutes of

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School


Statement or Question
Leadership and staff foster a
culture consistent with the
school's purpose and direction.

Leaders and staff align their decisions
and actions toward continuous
improvement to achieve the school's
purpose. They expect all students to be
held to high standards in all courses of
study. All leaders and staff are
collectively accountable for student
learning. School leaders support
innovation, collaboration, shared
leadership, and professional growth. The
culture is characterized by collaboration
and a sense of community.

Survey results

Statement or Question
Leadership engages stakeholders
effectively in support of the
school's purpose and direction.

Leaders communicate effectively with
appropriate and varied representatives
from stakeholder groups, provide
opportunities for stakeholders to shape
decisions, solicit feedback and respond
to stakeholders, work collaboratively on
school improvement efforts, and provide
and support meaningful leadership roles
for stakeholders. School leaders' efforts
result in measurable, active stakeholder
participation; engagement in the school;
a sense of community; and ownership.

Minutes from meetings
with stakeholders

Level 3

* Student Suport Team

* Pre-Referral Process for
Special Education
* CSI Teams/Partners
* Frequent collaboration
between grade levels,
large and small group
* Monday Meeting wth
Counselors, School
Psychologist, Teacher of
the Emotionally Impaired,
Autism Teacher Leader,
School Nurse, Bavaria
Medical Social Worker
* Student Morning
announcements with CSI
* School Wide Behavioral
Expections (ROAR)
* Team Leader
* CSI Goal Posters in
every classroom

Level 3

Survey responses
Involvement of
stakeholders in a school
improvement plan
* Minutes from Grade
Level, School
Improvement Leadership
Team (SILT), Case Study
Committee (CSC), School
Advisory Committee (SAC)
* Parent Teacher
Conferences feedback
* Commumity Surveys
* CSI Partnerships
* Parent Teacher Student
Association (PTSA)
* Lion's Den

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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
Leadership and staff supervision
and evaluation processes result
in improved professional practice
and student success.

The focus of the criteria and processes
of supervision and evaluation is
improving professional practice and
improving student success. Supervision
and evaluation processes are regularly
implemented. The results of the
supervision and evaluation processes
are used to monitor and effectively
adjust professional practice and improve
student learning.

Examples of professional Level 3
development offerings and
plans tied specifically to
the results from
supervision and evaluation
Governing body policy on
supervision and evaluation
Supervision and
evaluation documents with
criteria for improving
professional practice and
student success noted
Job specific criteria
supervision and evaluation
* All staff members have
Professional Growth Plans
* Administration share
results of observations and
* Classroom walk throughs
with feedback notes by
* VES staff (ISSPs and
FLES teacher) providing
coaching in Balanced
* FLES teacher providing
math support
* Vilseck Literacy Project
* Special Education
Spotlight at Faculty

Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the following
questions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.
Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing.

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has guidelines for the governance and operation of its schools. Vilseck Elementary
School, being a DoDEA school falls under DoDEA control. In-between DoDEA Headquarters and Vilseck Elementary are two levels of
control, the European Area and Bavaria District.
DoDEA has adopted curriculum that it implements in all of its schools. All DoDEA Regulations, Administrative Instructions, Manuals, Policies,
Forms, Guidance, and Department of Defense Directives are found on the DoDEA website at These guidelines promote effective instruction and assessment that produce equitable
and challenging learning experiences for all students, as well as professional growth of all staff.
DoDEA requires and documents annual training in the code of ethics and conflict of interest, human trafficking, anti-terrorism. THE
the specific needs and duties of the schools in providing professional development. DoDEA's Parent Guide for Grades Pre-K through 6
incorporates the standards with activities parents can use to support these standards. These are found at The DoDEA ADMINISTRATORS' GUIDE 1005.01
( offers specific guidance on instructional planning and supplemental curriculum.
At Vilseck Elementary School, the leadership is comprised of the school administrators as well as teacher leaders. Teacher leaders include
Continuous School Improvement Chairpersons, Case Study Committee Chairpersons, Vilseck Literacy Project leaders, STEAM (Science,
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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) leaders, Faculty Representative Spokesperson (FRS) and Grade Level/Team Leaders. Vilseck
Elementary also offers multiple leadership opportunities for its staff such as leading professional development at faculty meetings,
Professional learning presentations, and educating and informing parents at monthly Lion's Dens.
Our school counselors have a tremendous amount of responsibility and leadership duties. With our services flowchart, all student matters in
the realms of academics and social/emotional development go through the counselors for their respective grade levels. Due to the vast
opportunities for the staff to undertake leadership roles, a culture of shared leadership is highly evident at Vilseck Elementary School.
Vilseck Elementary School also has multiple leaders within the community that provide guidance to the school. We have a vibrant Parent
Teacher Student Association (PTSA) that is active within the school and supports the staff, students, and community. Our School Advisory
Committee (SAC) is comprised of four elected parent representatives who have brought forward a number of suggestions for improvement.
They were instrumental in implementing important changes. As a direct result of our SAC parent leadership, student attendance is celebrated
with quarterly awards and ice cream celebrations at the semester, outstanding parent participation at our Mini Educator's Days, and improved
communication between home and school.
School Administrators follow the DoDEA Employee Performance Appraisal System and hold educators accountable for Professional Growth
Plans (PGPs); they discuss progress and conduct formal and informal observations of all staff members. Performance meetings are held
throughout the year and formal observations are discussed based on documented observation write ups. Feedback notes, both positive and
constructive, are now provided to educators after informal observations. The school administration also facilitates opportunities for staff to
partner with other staff members to improve an area of interest or need.
TerraNova, Benchmark Assessment System (BAS), and the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) data from recent years indicate that a large
portion of our students are reading and writing below expectations. The Vilseck Literacy Project was implemented based on our students'
data. This endeavor was modeled after the Pacific Literacy Project, from the DoDEA Pacific Area, to have common literacy language and
teaching practices within Vilseck Elementary and create balanced literacy environments in all classrooms. The school administration worked
collaboratively with the DoDEA-Europe Deputy Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, the Bavaria District Superintendent,
Bavaria Instructional Support Specialists, Vilseck Elementary Instructional Support Specialist Practitioners, and the Vilseck Elementary
Faculty Representative Spokesperson to create a four year Action Plan and Professional Development Plan. With phenomenal teacher buyin, job imbedded Professional Development, after school classes for graduate credit, and change in instruction in the classroom, the Vilseck
Literacy Project has been successful in its inaugural year. This has been due to the tremendous amount of shared leadership and long
range planning that was involved in its creation and execution, as well as the staff's commitment to student success.
Vilseck Elementary will continue with the momentum of shared leadership. An area in need of improvement for Vilseck Elementary School
has been to include both stakeholders and staff members in vital decisions and planning that affect facets of the staff as well as the purpose
and direction of the school as a whole. Opportunities for shared leadership include the following: grade level leaders, CSI committees, grade
level meetings, and ad hoc committees. With the suggestions and positive influence of the School Advisory Committee and Parent Teacher
Student Association (PTSA), Vilseck Elementary has taken steps to improve parent participation in our direction, vision, and decisions where
more global input and voice is needed.

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

The school's curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning.
Overall Rating: 2.5


Statement or Question
The school's curriculum provides
equitable and challenging
learning experiences that ensure
all students have sufficient
opportunities to develop learning,
thinking, and life skills that lead to
success at the next level.

Curriculum and learning experiences in
each course/class provide all students
with challenging and equitable
opportunities to develop learning skills,
thinking skills, and life skills. There is
some evidence to indicate curriculum
and learning experiences prepare
students for success at the next level.
Like courses/classes have equivalent
learning expectations. Some learning
activities are individualized for each
student in a way that supports
achievement of expectations.

Lesson plans

Statement or Question
Curriculum, instruction, and
assessment are monitored and
adjusted systematically in
response to data from multiple
assessments of student learning
and an examination of
professional practice.

School personnel monitor and adjust
curriculum, instruction, and assessment
to ensure for vertical and horizontal
alignment and alignment with the
school's goals for achievement and
instruction and statement of purpose. A
process is implemented sometimes to
ensure alignment when curriculum,
instruction, and/or assessments are
reviewed or revised. There is limited
evidence that the continuous
improvement process ensures vertical
and horizontal alignment and alignment
with the school's purpose in curriculum,
instruction, and assessment.

Common assessments

Level 3

Posted learning
* Vertical Articulation
* Collaborataion within
grade levels for consistent
* Support services that
target low as well as high
* Reward Assemblies
* Dining at the Ritz
* Differentiated Centers in
* Creation of Grade Level
"Power Standards"
* TerraNova scores
* Data Notebooks in many
* Student Goal Setting in
many grade levels
* Grade level planning

Level 2

Lesson plans aligned to

the curriculum
* Schoolwide Data Walls
* Across grade level
common assessments
* CSI Teams/Partners
* Differentiation of
homework, tests, content

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
Teachers engage students in
their learning through
instructional strategies that
ensure achievement of learning

Teachers plan and use instructional
strategies that require student
collaboration, self-reflection, and
development of critical thinking skills.
Teachers personalize instructional
strategies and interventions to address
individual learning needs of students
when necessary. Teachers use
instructional strategies that require
students to apply knowledge and skills,
integrate content and skills with other
disciplines, and use technologies as
instructional resources and learning

Professional development Level 3
focused on these
Examples of student use
of technology as a learning
Student work
demonstrating the
application of knowledge
Findings from supervisor
walk-thrus and
* Project Based Learning
* Data Notebooks
* CAFE implemented in
* Student Led
* Young Authors
* Guided Reading Groups
* Differentiated Math
* SRI/Reading
* Cross grade level
* Vilseck Literacy Project
* STEAM Room
* Student work displayed
in and around the school
* Use of technology
* Leveled Literacy
Instruction (LLI)
* Gifted Educatoin
* Technology websites
accessible in school and at
home (IXL, Starfall)

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
School leaders monitor and
support the improvement of
instructional practices of teachers
to ensure student success.

School leaders monitor instructional
practices through supervision and
evaluation procedures to ensure that
they 1) are aligned with the school's
values and beliefs about teaching and
learning, 2) are teaching the approved
curriculum, 3) are directly engaged with
all students in the oversight of their
learning, and 4) use content-specific
standards of professional practice.

Supervision and
evaluation procedures

Level 2

Peer or mentoring
opportunities and
Recognition of teachers
with regard to these
Administrative classroom
observation protocols and
* Professional Growth
Plans and Observations
* Formal and Informal
observations by
* School Wide Behavioral
Expectations (ROAR)
* Administration support
risk taking by staff
* Peer mentoring
* "Pats on the Back" at
Faculty Meetings


Statement or Question
Teachers participate in
collaborative learning
communities to improve
instruction and student learning.

Some members of the school staff
participate in collaborative learning
communities that meet both informally
and formally. Collaboration occasionally
occurs across grade levels and content
areas. Staff members promote
discussion about student learning.
Learning from, using, and discussing the
results of inquiry practices such as
action research, the examination of
student work, reflection, study teams,
and peer coaching sometimes occur
among school personnel. School
personnel express belief in the value of
collaborative learning communities.

Common language,
protocols and reporting

Level 2

Peer coaching guidelines

and procedures
Examples of
improvements to content
and instructional practice
resulting from
* CSI Teams/Partners
* Autism Classes
presented by the Autism
Teacher Leader
* Study Groups of Number
Talks, CAFE
* Vilseck Literacy Project
Writing Class
* Data Walls
* Monday Meeting with
Counselor, School
Psychologist, Teacher of
the Emotionally Impaired,
School Nurse, Autism
Teacher Leader, Bavaria
Medical Social Worker
* CSI Professional
Development with
mentoring/assistance at
* Mini Educator's Day
* Lion's Den
* Vilseck Literacy Project

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School


Statement or Question
Teachers implement the school's
instructional process in support of
student learning.

Statement or Question
Mentoring, coaching, and
induction programs support
instructional improvement
consistent with the school's
values and beliefs about teaching
and learning.

All teachers use an instructional process
that informs students of learning
expectations and standards of
performance. Exemplars are often
provided to guide and inform students.
The process includes multiple measures,
including formative assessments, to
inform the ongoing modification of
instruction and provide data for possible
curriculum revision. The process
provides students with specific and
timely feedback about their learning.

Examples of learning
expectations and
standards of performance

Level 3

Some school personnel are engaged in
mentoring, coaching, and induction
programs that are consistent with the
school's values and beliefs about
teaching, learning, and the conditions
that support learning. These programs
set expectations for school personnel.

Records of meetings and Level 2
walk thrus/feedback

Examples of
assessments that
prompted modification in
* Kindergarten quarterly
* Kindergarten checklist
* Common Assessments
(BAS, STAR, SRI, RAZKids, TerraNova)
* Classrooms participate in
common assessments
across grade levels
* Assessments used to
guide instruction
* Multiple support services
available and utilized
Autism Teacher Leader,
Counselors, Math Support)
* Beginning of Year
Welcome Letters to
include yearly
* GradeSpeed, Progress
* Using BAS scores and
setting goals

* Coaching created from

ISSP's and FLES teachers
for Balanced Literacy
* Paraprofessional
Beginning of Year Training
* New Substiture Teacher
Beginning of Year Training
* Student Council
* Meeter Greeter Program
* Counselors meeting wtih
new parents when they
* Sure Start Parent
* Parent Orientations for
new families at the
Beginning of the Year
* Kindergarten Orientation
* Parent University
* Student Teachers

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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
The school engages families in
meaningful ways in their
children's education and keeps
them informed of their children's
learning progress.

Programs that engage families in
meaningful ways in their children's
education are designed and
implemented. School personnel regularly
inform families of their children's learning

Volunteer program with
variety of options for

Level 3

List of varied activities

and communications
modes with families, e.g.,
info portal, online,
newsletters, parent
centers, academic nights,
open house, early release
Calendar outlining when
and how families are
provided information on
child's progress
* Lion's Den
* GradeSpeed
* Principal's Emails to
* Mathapalooza
* Red Hot Readers' Month
* Parent Teacher
* Blue Communication
* Bavaria Monthly
Community Newsletter
* Open House
* Sneak Peek
* Summer Reading "Mane
Event" with Rose Barracks
* Parent Information to
support reading goals (CSI
Reading Home School
* Mini Educator's Day with
parent participation
* VES Website
(Educational Activity sites)
* Family Library Night
* Fun Run


Statement or Question
The school has a formal structure
whereby each student is well
known by at least one adult
advocate in the school who
supports that student's
educational experience.

School personnel participate in a
structure that gives them long-term
interaction with individual students,
allowing them to build strong
relationships over time with the student.
All students may participate in the
structure. The structure allows the
school employee to gain insight into and
serve as an advocate for the student's
needs regarding learning skills, thinking
skills, and life skills.

Curriculum and activities
of formal adult advocate

Level 3

* Counselors loop with

grade levels by school
* Teachers maintain
relationships with students
while at VES
* CSI Partners/Teams
* Multiage classrooms
foster longterm
* Response to Intervention
* Counselor Classroom

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
Grading and reporting are based
on clearly defined criteria that
represent the attainment of
content knowledge and skills and
are consistent across grade
levels and courses.

Most teachers use common grading and
reporting policies, processes, and
procedures based on criteria that
represent each student's attainment of
content knowledge and skills. These
policies, processes, and procedures are
implemented across grade levels and
courses. Most stakeholders are aware of
the policies, processes, and procedures.
The policies, processes, and procedures
may or may not be evaluated.

Sample report cards for
each grade level and for
all courses

Level 2

Sample communications
to stakeholders about
grading and reporting
Policies, processes, and
procedures on grading and
* Math and Reading
assessments are common
across the grade levels
* Common grade level
assesssments that match
DoDEA report card
* CD/P/N used in
classroom grading and
report cards
* GradeSpeed
* Lion's Den about
Understanging Student
Data and Assessments
* Lion's Den about


Statement or Question
All staff members participate in a
continuous program of
professional learning.

Most staff members participate in a
program of professional learning that is
aligned with the school's purpose and
direction. Professional development is
based on the needs of the school. The
program builds capacity among staff
members who participate. The program
is regularly evaluated for effectiveness.

Results of evaluation of
professional learning

Level 2

* CSI Planning with CSI

* Mini Educator's Day
aligned with staff needs
* Staff members particiate
in Professional Learning
(PGP's, Webinars,
Conferences, Mentoring,
* Shared Planning
* Vilseck Literacy Project
* Vilseck Literacy Project
Writing Class
* Autism Book Clubs
* Staff surveyed for
Professinal Needs (Need

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
The school provides and
coordinates learning support
services to meet the unique
learning needs of students.

School personnel use data to identify
unique learning needs of all students at
all levels of proficiency as well as other
learning needs (such as second
languages). School personnel stay
current on research related to unique
characteristics of learning (such as
learning styles, multiple intelligences,
personality type indicators) and provide
or coordinate related learning support
services to all students.

List of learning support
Level 3
services and student
population served by such
Training and professional
learning related to
research on unique
characteristics of learning
Data used to identify
unique learning needs of
* Gifted Education,
Special Education, English
as a Second Language,
FLES, PE, FLES< Music,
ISSP, Counselors, Media
Specialist, School
* After School Clubs
* Autism Teacher Book
* Special Eduction
* Webinar and Video
* Behavioral Health Social
Worker based at VES
* Military Family Life
Consultants (MFLC)
* Response to Intervention
* Screenings by
Occupational Therapist
and School Psychologist
* Child Find Activities
* Creative use of staff to

Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the following
questions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.
Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing.

Vilseck Elementary School has made many strides in increasing student performance and educators' skills to become a highly effective
institution of teaching and learning. These progressive improvements have taken the form of professional development, collaborative
practices, enriching discussions, and making well-researched decisions about how we teach children and ensure their higher achievement.
As we move toward the College and Career Readiness Standards being implemented in DoDEA, Vilseck Elementary took a proactive step in
getting closer to meeting that challenge. The Bavaria District Superintendent's Office worked with all its schools' administrators with the book
"Focus" by Michael Schmoker. The message of the innovative guide was to focus on our teachers teaching more challenging and rigorous
standards and our students being held accountable for higher level and more complex standards. This allows our teachers to teach in-depth
in subject areas and teach concepts and skills at a deeper level rather than teaching so many standards with limited depth. During a recent
Continuous School Improvement (CSI) professional learning opportunity, the Vilseck Elementary grade levels worked together with their CSI
Partners to identify the most rigorous, challenging, and enduring standards in Mathematics and Language Arts. Our grade levels are
currently working on implementing these "Power Standards," as recommended by Schmoker.

Based on data from multiple sources, our students across all grade levels are not all reading and writing at grade level expectations. Vilseck
Elementary has developed a four year plan to infuse Balanced Literacy across all grade levels called the Vilseck Literacy Project (VLP). The
vision of the VLP is to bring common language and focused teaching practices to our Language Arts instruction. This Professional
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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Development Plan has been supported by the Bavaria District Superintendent's Office with support from Instructional Support Specialists and
additional professional development days. From the initial planning of the VLP, afterschool classes for college credit have been offered in
writing and reading which have supported the momentum of the imbedded Professional Development. Vilseck Elementary has creatively
utilized its resources by using one of its Foreign Language Elementary Spanish (FLES) teachers as both a FLES teacher and a Literacy
Coach with the kindergarten teachers to infuse best Balanced Literacy instructional practices in the classroom. Fiscal resources have been
used to provide items such as leveled readers for our book room, teacher resource books about balanced literacy, and magnetic letters for
word work.
Data meetings with grade level educators and their CSI Partners have begun this school year. Discussions about individual students,
teaching practices, trend analysis, TerraNova (DoDEA's System Wide Assessment), and data from grade levels above and below are some
of the topics of the quarterly meetings.
Teachers, substitute teachers and all paraprofessionals who are new to Vilseck Elementary receive training to bring them into our
organization and allow them to have opportunities to improve their knowledge base and skills. This also validates them and recognizes their
roles as vital members of the Vilseck Elementary team.
Our Lion's Den has been a successful way to engage parents in their children's' education. Once a month various topics are presented to
the community and the Lion's Den is considered our parent information forum. Multiple topics have been presented to create a bridge
between what is occurring in school and what is communicated home. Topics such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Student Data,
Preparing for the TerraNova, STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), Preventing the Summer Reading Slide, and Special
Education have been offered to parents and the community. Other events in the school have also helped communicate with parents about
student progress such as Parent Teacher Conferences, Mathapalooza, and Family Library Night.
Vilseck Elementary School has implemented an innovative manner for students to be known by more than one adult. CSI Teams were
started to have consistency across the school in the implementation of our CSI interventions. As a result of grade level teachers and
specialists work as a team to address student needs and achievement. It allows students to have another trusted advocate who know them
on personal basis. Because CSI teams work together regularly to discuss their students, children are very well known by a second teacher in
the school.
Learning communities have been evident at VES with Autism Book Clubs and groups forming around the afterschool Vilseck Literacy Project
inspired Writing Class and Reading classes along with a PLC based on differentiated learning.
The Vilseck Elementary Administration abides by and fully implements the guidelines for Employee Performance Appraisal System. They
meet with all teachers three times per year to establish and monitor Professional Growth Plans. The Administration conducts formal
observations with written feedback and conferencing. Additionally, administrators conduct informal observations via classroom walkthroughs,
often leaving feedback notes.
Vilseck Elementary School has adopted a Response to Intervention philosophy and created procedures to ensure that researched based
interventions are attempted, implemented, and documented for our students. The Pre-Referral Intervention Manual (PRIM) and Behavioral
Intervention Manual (BIM) are used to implement and monitor interventions for students' needs. Vilseck Elementary has also begun using
the Student Improvement Plan (SIP). This identifies students who are struggling, and interventions are put in place to ensure their success.
These plans are created by grade levels with their CSI partners. Our Student Support Team (SST) has been revamped and is represented
by a multiple-disciplinary team. Our Case Study Committee and Special Education provide high quality instruction to meet the unique needs
of qualified students. Our Instructional Support Specialist Practitioners (ISSPs) provide Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) and READ 180
services for student in need of reading support. Math Support for struggling students is also provided by our ISSPs as well as creative
staffing to include one of our FLES teachers. Students that show the ability to use higher level thinking skills and who are assessed to have
higher cognitive abilities are provided enrichment via the Talented and Gifted program, as well as receiving rigorous, challenging
assignments in the regular classroom.

Vilseck Elementary School has many enriching themes that it celebrates annually with our students and community. Sneak Peek, STEAM
Day, Field Day, Young Authors, Read Across America Day, Red Hot Readers Month, and the Fun Run for Freedom are a few of the events
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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

that celebrate our students and bring in a tremendous number of parents and military members to our school.
We have a strong partnership with our Military Community. The Second Calvary Regiment is our sponsoring unit. They provide us with a
remarkable amount of logistical support by moving furniture, bringing the Stryker vehicles to community events, and reading with our
students during Red Hot Reader Month activities. Additionally, the Vilseck Dental and Health Clinics have been good partners by offering
support during our annual Dental Health Screening and Flu Vaccines which are both done at the school. In partnership with Vilseck HS,
JROTC cadets support a number of VES activities during the school year.
To sustain our improvement efforts our school will continue with many of our newly implemented practices. The Vilseck Literacy Project, CSI
Partners, and Power Standards have all just begun and will require time to grow and evolve. Just as with our Response to Intervention
philosophy, Vilseck Elementary will monitor these interventions and use feedback from the staff as well as student achievement data to
determine their effectiveness.
Vilseck Elementary has identified areas of improvement within the Teaching and Learning Standard. The staff indicated that more
administrative observations and feedback is necessary for validation of best practices as well as suggestions for improvement.
Administration has begun more classroom walkthroughs and providing educators with notes of positive and constructive feedback. This
practice will continue and administrators will monitor it effectiveness with feedback from the staff.

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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems

The school has resources and provides services that support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students.
Overall Rating: 2.57

Statement or Question
Qualified professional and
support staff are sufficient in
number to fulfill their roles and
responsibilities necessary to
support the school's purpose,
direction, and the educational

Policies, processes, and procedures
ensure that school leaders have access
to, hire, place, and retain qualified
professional and support staff. School
leaders systematically determine the
number of personnel necessary to fill all
the roles and responsibilities necessary
to support the school purpose,
educational programs, and continuous
improvement. Sustained fiscal resources
are available to fund positions critical to
achieve the purpose and direction of the

School budgets for the
last three years

Level 3

Policies, processes,
procedures and other
documentation related to
the hiring, placement and
retention of professional
and support staff
Assessments of staffing
Documentation of highly
qualified staff


Statement or Question
Instructional time, material
resources, and fiscal resources
are sufficient to support the
purpose and direction of the

Instructional time, material resources,
and fiscal resources are sometimes
focused on supporting the purpose and
direction of the school. Instructional time
is usually protected. School leaders
attempt to secure material and fiscal
resources to meet the needs of all
students. School leaders express a
desire to allocate instructional time,
material resources, and fiscal resources
so that all students have equitable
opportunities to attain challenging
learning expectations. Efforts toward the
continuous improvement of instruction
and operations sometimes include
achieving the school's purpose and

Examples of efforts of
school leaders to secure
necessary material and
fiscal resources

Level 2

School schedule
Alignment of budget with
school purpose and
School calendar
* Funding for library
* Spending Plan (Zero
Based Budget)
* Educational Study Trips
* Equitable Opportunities
for each student
* Afterschool
* overall well-funded and
* Power Standards

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
The school maintains facilities,
services, and equipment to
provide a safe, clean, and healthy
environment for all students and

School leaders have adopted or created
clear expectations for maintaining safety,
cleanliness, and a healthy environment
and have shared these definitions and
expectations with stakeholders. School
personnel and students are accountable
for maintaining these expectations.
Measures are in place that allow for
continuous tracking of these conditions.
Improvement plans are developed and
implemented by appropriate personnel
as necessary to improve these
conditions. Results of improvement
efforts are evaluated.

Records of depreciation
of equipment

Level 3

Documentation of
compliance with local and
state inspections
Documentation of
emergency procedures
such as fire drills,
evacuation and other
emergency procedures.
System for maintenance
Maintenance schedules
* School Dude
* Cleaning Schedules


Statement or Question
Students and school personnel
use a range of media and
information resources to support
the school's educational

Students and school personnel have
access to media and information
resources necessary to achieve the
educational programs of the school.
Qualified personnel are available to
assist students and school personnel in
learning about the tools and locations for
finding and retrieving information.

Budget related to media
and information resource

Level 3

Data on media and

information resources
available to students and
* All students have log ins
* Web Based programs to
support learning (STAR,
Reading Counts, IXL,
Brain Pop, RAZ- Kids)
* Smartboard in every
* Computers On Wheels
(COWS) on every wing
* Two Computer Labs
* Student/Teacher Access
to the Internet
* Access to DODEA
Funded E-Books


Statement or Question
The technology infrastructure
supports the school's teaching,
learning, and operational needs.

The technology infrastructure meets the
teaching, learning, and operational
needs of most stakeholders. School
personnel have a technology plan to
improve technology services and

Technology plan and
budget to improve
technology services and

Level 2

Survey results
* Technology plan
* Afterschool Technology
* Lion's Den (Technology)

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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School


Statement or Question
The school provides support
services to meet the physical,
social, and emotional needs of
the student population being

School personnel endeavor to determine
the physical, social, and emotional
needs of students in the school. School
personnel provide or coordinate
programs to meet the needs of students
when possible. School personnel
evaluate all programs. Improvement
plans related to these programs are
sometimes designed and implemented
to meet the needs of students.

Student assessment
system for identifying
student needs

Level 2

Agreements with school

community agencies for
student-family support
Schedule of family
services, e.g., parent
classes, survival skills
Social classes and
services, e.g., bullying,
character education
List of support services
available to students
* Student Support
* School Psychologist,
Military Family Life
Consulant Counselors,
School Counselors,
Emotional Impaired
Teacher Leader, Autism
Teacher Leader
* Monday Meetings
(Support Staff)
* Lunch Bunch ( Counselor
& Emotional Impaired
* Student Services Flow
* Meeter Greeters
* Child Find
* Student Support Team
* Vision and Hearing
* Dental and Health
* Lion's Den ( ADHD,
Special Education 101,
Community Peditrician)

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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
The school provides services that
support the counseling,
assessment, referral, educational,
and career planning needs of all

School personnel implement a process
to determine the counseling,
assessment, referral, educational, and
career planning needs of all students.
School personnel provide or coordinate
programs necessary to meet the needs
of students whenever possible.
Measures of program effectiveness are
in place, and school personnel use the
data from these measures to evaluate all
programs. Improvement plans related to
these programs are designed and
implemented when needed to more
effectively meet the needs of students.

List of services available
related to counseling,
assessment, referral,
educational, and career

Level 3

Description of IEP
Description of referral
* Student Support Team
* Response To
Intervention Forms (PreReferral Intervention
Intervention Mannual)
* Case Study Committee
* Weekly Case Study
Committee Business

Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the following
questions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.
Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing.

Vilseck Elementary School is fortunate to be a school of plentiful material and financial resources; up-to-date technology; a current and
relevant library collection of resources; numerous support staff; and a well-maintained, clean, and safe facility for our students to flourish.
A major strength of our school is our ability to ensure the success of our students' social and emotional development. The school
administration meets weekly with our two counselors, school psychologist, teacher of the emotionally impaired, autism teacher leader, nurse,
and imbedded Bavaria mental health social worker to monitor students that have demonstrated potential struggles in school. Additionally we
have military family life consultants in the school provided by the Department of Defense. We have implemented a "Services Flowchart" that
maps how students with special emotional or academic needs get the attention or services they require from any or all of our support
Vilseck Elementary has adopted the Response to Intervention (RTI) philosophy which has been beneficial with the interventions and services
we provide our students. Our Student Support Team and Case Study Committee have a standardized process to access their services. The
Pre-Referral Intervention Manual (PRIM) and Behavior Intervention Manual (BIM) are utilized throughout the school to implement researched
based intervention strategies prior to referrals being made to either process.
Our students' needs are met across the developmental spectrum of their abilities. We have a Gifted and Talent program that provides
enrichment services to non-eligible students as well as to eligible students. Vilseck Elementary has just begun implementing Leveled
Literacy Instruction, the DoDEA intervention to work with our struggling readers in kindergarten through third grade. Math Support is
provided in multiage through fifth grade by one of our ISSPs and through creative scheduling by our Foreign Language Elementary Spanish
(FLES) teacher. Vilseck Elementary provides a tremendous spectrum of Special Education services such as Learning Impaired Resource
Rooms for the Moderate to Severe and Mild to Moderate populations. Speech and Language services are provided as well as Preschool for
Children with Disabilities (PSCD). Vilseck Elementary houses both the teacher of the visually impaired and the teacher of the hearing
impaired for the Bavaria District.
Our school has abundant technological resources. Each classroom has a teacher computer and multiple student computers. Smartboards
and projectors are in every classroom. Numerous other tools are available to help our teachers infuse technology into lessons such as
Elmos, digital cameras, and Smart Response systems. Computers on Wheels are on each wing and are stocked with up to 18 computers for
whole classroom use.
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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

The Vilseck Elementary Library is abundantly resourced with a copious amount of materials. Wide assortments of books for our extensive
range of developmental reading levels are available. Laptop and desktop computers are continually utilized throughout the day for research,
investigation, educational games, and writing projects. The library is used for multiple purposes such as Family Library Night, class
presentations, class lessons, daily check out, and Learning Communities. DoDEA provides a wide variety of data base site licenses for
student and teacher research and learning. The VES librarian and her technician regularly co-teach and assist classes in their learning
Our financial resources are well utilized by our entire school. Vilseck Elementary uses the zero based budget philosophy and has created a
spending plan to ensure that funding is spent equitably for those that require the procurement of items or materials to meet the needs of our
students and school. Vilseck Elementary School receives Extra Duty Compensation funding to be used for after-school activities such as
Continuous School Improvement Chairs, Case Study Committee Chairs, and multiple after-school clubs. Field trip funding is available for all
grade levels and provides students an extension of their classroom learning. Our facilities are maintained in a timely manner via a
maintenance reporting system called School Dude. Our school shares an Administrative Officer with the high school; his duties include
management of safety and maintenance. Contracted employees clean on a daily basis to ensure a safe and hygienic environment for
students, staff, and the community.
Hiring and licensure practices are guided by DoDEA Regulation 5000.1 EDUCATOR LICENSURE PROGRAM
( The qualification standards, reciprocity and license types for educators are detailed in
this regulation. The school administrators, as outlined in 5.2 of this regulation, will ensure that all educators are in possession of a current,
valid certificate for the positions to which assigned. In addition the school administrators will initiate appropriate corrective action when
educators fail to meet the requirements of the Regulation. DoDEA Regulation 5713.9 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM
( outlines the employment practices to ensure equal employment opportunities for all
employees which includes the development, implementation and evaluation of the Affirmative Action Program for Minorities and Women,
Persons with Disabilities, and Special Emphasis Programs to assure that DoDEA's workforce is reflective of the nation's diversity. DoDEA
Regulation 7350.1 MANPOWER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ( defines the terms and
outlines the responsibilities that place the priority of manpower resources at the school level. In addition DoDEA Regulation 5511.1
standardized position descriptions, the program administration which includes information for the submission of the Requests for Personnel
Action, and information on Evaluation Standards. DoDEA Regulation 3000.1 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DOMESTIC DEPENDENT
PROFESSIONAL BARGAINING UNIT MEMBERS ( specifically delineates the program
for evaluating the performance of teachers and other professional bargaining unit members employed within the Department of Defense
Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS).
An area of improvement is the creation and implementation of our Technology Plan. Vilseck Elementary School recently implemented a
Technology Plan to combine the use of its technological resources and professional development in the field of technology. Our Continuous
School Improvement Technology Committee is responsible for the plan's creation, approval, and implementation. To move to the next level
of implementation and infusion of technology into our classrooms, our Technology Plan is vital and will need to be fully executed.

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement

The school implements a comprehensive assessment system that generates a range of data about student learning and school effectiveness
and uses the results to guide continuous improvement.
Overall Rating: 2.4

Statement or Question
The school establishes and
maintains a clearly defined and
comprehensive student
assessment system.

School personnel maintain and use an
assessment system that produces data
from multiple assessment measures,
including locally developed and
standardized assessments about
student learning and school
performance. The system ensures
consistent measurement across
classrooms and courses. Most
assessments, especially those related to
student learning, are proven reliable and
bias free. The system is regularly
evaluated for reliability and effectiveness
in improving instruction, student
learning, and the conditions that support

Documentation or
description of evaluation

Level 3

Brief description of
student assessment
system including range of
data produced from
standardized and local
assessments on student
learning and school
Evidence that
assessments are reliable
and bias free
* Common Assessments (
Benchmark Assessment
System, Scholastic
Reading Inventory, STAR
Early Literacy, RAZ-Kids,
Terra Nova)
* Data Walls
* Grade Speed
* Data Notebooks
* Assessments consistent
across grade levels

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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
Professional and support staff
continuously collect, analyze, and
apply learning from a range of
data sources, including
comparison and trend data about
student learning, instruction,
program evaluation, and
organizational conditions.

Some processes and procedures for
collecting, analyzing, and applying
learning from data sources are used by
professional and support staff. Data
sources include limited comparison and
trend data about student learning,
instruction, the effectiveness of
programs, and organizational conditions.
School personnel use data to design,
implement, and evaluate continuous
improvement plans.

Written protocols and
procedures for data
collection and analysis

Level 2

Examples of use of data

to design, implement, and
evaluate continuous
improvement plans and
apply learning
List of data sources
related to student learning,
instruction, program
effectiveness, and
conditions that support
*Data Walls
* Data Notebooks
* Grade Speed
* Behavior Charts
* Reading Counts
* Terra Nova
*Benchmark Assessment
* Math Unit Test
(Envison/Everyday Math
* RAZ-Kids
* Scholastic Reading


Statement or Question
Professional and support staff are
trained in the evaluation,
interpretation, and use of data.

Most professional and support staff
members are assessed and trained in a
professional development program
related to the evaluation, interpretation,
and use of data.

Training materials specific Level 2
to the evaluation,
interpretation, and use of
* Benchmark Assessment
System Webinar
* Data Walls
* Special Education
Paraprofessional On-line
* Kindergarten
Paraprofessional STAR

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Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Statement or Question
The school engages in a
continuous process to determine
verifiable improvement in student
learning, including readiness for
and success at the next level.

A process exists for analyzing data that
determine improvement in student
learning, including readiness for and
success at the next level. Results
indicate mixed levels of improvement,
and school personnel sometimes use
these results to design, implement, and
evaluate the results of continuous
improvement action plans related to
student learning, including readiness for
and success at the next level.

Agendas, minutes of
meetings related to
analysis of data

Level 2

Evidence of student
readiness for the next level
Evidence of student
Evidence of student
success at the next level
* Vertical Articulation
* Quarterly Assessments
selected by each grade
level for Data Walls
* Student Intervention
* Power Standards
* Electronic Placement
Cards (Data on
electroniccards used to
determine class
* Data Notebooks,
Portfolios, and Reading


Statement or Question
Leadership monitors and
communicates comprehensive
information about student
learning, conditions that support
student learning, and the
achievement of school
improvement goals to

Leaders monitor comprehensive
information about student learning,
conditions that support student learning,
and the achievement of school
improvement goals. Leaders regularly
communicate results using multiple
delivery methods to all stakeholder

Communication plan
Level 3
regarding student learning,
conditions that support
learning, and achievement
of school improvement
goals to stakeholders
Sample communications
to stakeholders regarding
student learning,
conditions that support
learning, and achievement
of school improvement
* Data Walls
* Lion's Den
* Administration Emails
* Posted Terra Nova
Scores on DODEA
* Student Support Team,
Case Study Committee,
and School Advisory
* Bavaria School District
Instructional Support
Specialist (ISS) News
Letters and School Visits

Reflect upon your responses to each of the indicators and performance levels by considering and responding to the following
questions when drafting your narrative response. Use language from the performance level descriptions to guide your writing.
Cite sources of evidence External Review team members may be interested in reviewing.

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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Vilseck Elementary School

Vilseck Elementary has taken steps in the past year to have a comprehensive data collection system that is not only is an assemblage of
information about students' levels of performance but a useable and viable source of information about student achievement and progress.
We implemented data walls last school year to maintain quarterly summative data for each student in the school. Administration met with
each grade level and determined the quarterly assessments that the grade level wanted to track in the disciplines of mathematics, reading,
and writing. Each grade level in the school is required to do a quarterly writing sample which is the common assessment throughout the
school. Common assessments across grade levels which are included on the data walls are the Benchmark Assessment System (BAS)
used in kindergarten through third grade, the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) used in grades two through five, RAZ-Kids used in
kindergarten through first grade, and TerraNova (DoDEA system-wide assessment) that is used in grades three through five. The Data Walls
are active and fluid documents that the staff recognizes as valuable in determining students' performance levels.
This school year we implemented a Student Improvement Plan especially for at-risk students. This process involved our grade levels
meeting together along with their CSI Partners to address the needs of two struggling students in each classroom. As a large group, each
CSI Team presented two students and the large group had an opportunity to discuss the students with a wide background of varied
perspectives to brainstorm interventions to assist the students. The Pre-Referral Intervention Manual and Behavior Intervention Manual were
also available as a reference during these meetings. We decided that these students should be those not currently receiving Special
Education service. This process has had two cycles this school year. The Vilseck Elementary staff felt this process was valuable. Therefore,
it will become an institutionalized practice to ensure we successfully meet the needs of our students at Vilseck Elementary.
The new DoDEA Director has made it a priority to transition to College and Career Readiness Standards. The Bavaria District has also
made it a priority to prepare for the transition from DoDEA standards to the College and Career Readiness Standards. Vilseck Elementary
School took a major step in transitioning to more challenging, relevant, and rigorous standards and created "Power Standards." Our CSI
Teams met together with their grade levels and identified six to ten of the most rigorous and challenging DoDEA standards in
English/Language Arts and Mathematics. The selection of the Power Standards was based on guidance from the book Focus by Michael
Schmoker. Teachers were given the authority to focus on teaching the Power Standards. As a school and in grade level CSI Teams, the
staff's progress toward implementation of teaching the Power Standards has been reviewed one time since its initial creation.
An area of improvement which will span the spectrum of all of the Standard 5 indicators is data meetings. Data meetings were reimplemented this school year and have included all the staff via CSI teams meeting as grade levels. Data meetings address data wall
information, teaching practices used to obtain quarterly scores, CSI partners bringing formative data to the meetings, data from grade levels
above and below, trend data, Vilseck Elementary TerraNova data and many other aspects of student performance. Data meetings will also
address the identified need for professional development in the area of data interpretation, as voiced by the staff.

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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

Self Assessment
Vilseck Elementary School

Report Summary

Scores By Section
Section Score

Standard 1: Purpose and Direction

Standard 2: Governance and Leadership

Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for



Standard 4: Resources and Support



Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous




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2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement.

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