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In the reading passage, Arthur Evans

suggested that Greeks was occupied by a

well-developed country called Grete. In
addition to the passage, the lecturer casted
doubt on Evanss idea by two reasons.
Firstly, based on the myth of Theseus about
an ancient civilization, Evans believed Grete
was a country provided fundamental elements
for later period such as literature and artThe
discovery of a palace at Knossos in Crete
reinforced Evans belief that such a culture
existed. In fact, as mentioned in the lecture,
Evans found a tablet at the palace and he
could not figure out what its mean. Michael
Venn, a decipher, tried to solve the problem.
Surprisingly, he proved that the tablet was an
import with Greeks letter on it. The same
tablets could be found on the mainland
Greece. Thus, Greeks had its own language
and Gretes had to use the language from the
Secondly, Evan posited Grete ruled Greece
while the lecturer stated that Grete was once

belonged to Greece. Grete was not an

advance country with overwhelming military
forces as Evans thought.

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