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1. Consumption Reports
These reports provide information about the total and specific consumption of fluxes and alloys in the
particular steel plant unit. The reports summarize the consumption figures on a crew-wise, shift-wise,
daily, weekly, monthly basis or over any selectable period of time (< last 90 days). Reports are also
provided on maximum, minimum, average, std. deviations of specific consumptions with
corresponding comparison thereof with variations in output parameters.
The reports are also reported as trends, generated from on the above information.
2. Delay Reports
These reports categorize, summarize and provide information on the various delays (and their cause
allocation) suffered in the particular steel plant unit on a crew-wise, shift-wise, daily, weekly, monthly
basis or over any selectable period of time (< last 90 days).
The reports are also reported as trends, generated from on the above information.
3. Productivity Reports
This report summarizes the level of production that is achieved by the plant per unit of various
definable input parameters. Reports include productivity on a crew-wise, shift-wise, daily, weekly,
monthly basis or over any selectable period of time (< last 90 days). Reports are also provided on the
total and specific process/activity durations for various production steps.
The reports are also reported as trends, generated from on the above information.
4. Quality Deviation Reports
These reports summarize the deviations and the degree of deviations of actual steel output quality
parameter values with respect to target quality parameter values. These reports are available on a
crew-wise, shift-wise, daily, weekly, monthly basis or over any selectable period of time (< last 90
days). Reports are also provided on degree of quality deviations with corresponding comparison
thereof with variations in one or multiple input parameters.
The reports are also reported as trends, generated from on the above information.
5. Availability Reports
These reports provide information on the overall and specific up-times and idle periods of individual
equipment of the plant as well as the total plant unit. These reports are available on a crew-wise,
shift-wise, daily, weekly, monthly basis or over any selectable period of time (< last 90 days).
The reports are also reported as trends, generated from on the above information.
6. Energy and Utilities Usage Reports
These reports provide information about the total and specific consumption of energy and various
utility components (water, gases etc.) in the particular steel plant unit. The reports summarize the
consumption figures on a crew-wise, shift-wise, daily, weekly, monthly basis or over any selectable
period of time (< last 90 days). Reports are also provided on maximum, minimum, average, std.

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deviations of specific consumptions with corresponding comparison thereof with variations in output
The reports are also reported as trends, generated from on the above information.
7. Operations Visibility Report Retrospective vs. Current
These reports enable plant management to compare particular operational parameters between
current period and one or more previous periods. The parameters compared may include aggregate
consumption and usage of fluxes, alloys, energy and/or utilities, category wise delays, idle-times,
plant availabilities, plant usage etc.. These reports also offer maximum, minimum, average, std.
deviations etc. of the operational parameters with corresponding comparison thereof with variations in
input and/or output parameters.
The reports are also reported as trends, generated from on the above information.
8. Operations Performance Report Retrospective vs. Current
These reports enable plant management to compare particular specific performance parameters
between current period and one or more previous periods. The parameters compared may include
any specific consumption and usage of fluxes, alloys, energy and/or utilities, quality deviations etc..
These reports also offer maximum, minimum, average, std. deviations etc. of the specific operational
parameters with corresponding comparison thereof with variations in input and/or output parameters.
The reports are also reported as trends, generated from on the above information.

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