rdg531 Kim Chart Jmeza

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KIM Chart Journal Club

Name: Jorge Meza

Reading: Data-Driven Teachers

Author: Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D.
Date: May 2005
Complete the following chart, based upon the five most salient Key Concepts in the reading for you.

Key Concept
List the key concepts discussed in the
article, one concept per for.
Data-driven decision-making (DDDM)
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)


What information will help you remember this concept?

DDDM = Better information for teachers

NCLB = Accountability for federal aid to education.

Specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish (Who,

What, Where, Why)
Measureable: How will you demonstrate and evaluate the extent
to which the goal has been met?
Attainable: stretch and challenging goals with ability to achieve
outcome. What is the action-oriented verb?
Result-oriented: How does the goal tie into your key
responsibilities? How is it aligned to objectives?
Time-Bound: Set 1 or more target dates, the by when to guide
your goal to successful and timely completion (include
deadlines, dates and frequency)

Memory clue
Draw a visual that will help you remember
this key concept. (NOT REQUIRED)

Formative Assessment

Assessment during the school year to allow for instructional


Pareto Principle:
Strategic, targeted, focused instructional 20% of activity = 80% of results

Data as feedback not as indictments

School culture should be professionally and emotionally safe to view,

analyze, and disseminate student data.

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