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Name _____________________________ Date __________________ Class ___________ #26

German History Stations

Station 1: What led to World War II?
1) Describe 3 main reasons that led to World War II

2) Name the 3 leaders of Germany, Italy, and Japan:

3) Identify the first 3 countries Germany attacked.

Station 2: Who was Adolf Hitler?

1) Explain why Hitler had a difficult childhood.

2) Describe what helped Hitler in his rise to power.

3) Who were the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers?

Station 3: The Holocaust

1) What was the Holocaust?

2) Why did the Nazis do this (Holocaust) to people?

3) Write one detail for each of the following

Concentration Camps:

Station 4: D Day
1) Describe the D-Day invasion using 3 details from the article.

2) What was the job of the paratroopers?

3) Why was D-Day such a setback to the Germans (Nazis)

Station 5: Propaganda (Pictures, advertisements)

1) Looking at the US picture first, what do you think our government is


2) Looking at the Nazi poster, what do you think their government is


3) How does the theme or tone of the Nazi poster appear different than that of
the American?

4) Why would both Americans and Nazis advertise fighting during World War II
through posters?

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