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Dual Entry Journals

Brandon Ruff

Act I

Quote 1: Act 1, Scene II, Lines 189-92

Let me have men around me that are fat, sleek-headed men, and such sleep-a-nights. Cassius
has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.
Reaction: Caesar knows that Cassius is plotting something against him. It shows that Caesar is
fairly intelligent and that the line is foreshadowing. I applaud you on these lines, Shakespeare.
Also, Caesars pretty cool.

Quote 2: Act 1, Scene II, Lines 126-30

Alas, it cried, Give me some drink Titinus, as a sick girl. Ye gods, it doth amazes me a man of
such a feeble temper should so get the start of the majestic world, and bear the palm alone.
Reaction: Cassius really doesnt like Caesar. He states that how could Caesar rule Rome is he
was crying as a girl for drinks when he was sick. Cassius seems to be really angry at him and it
seems hes the antagonist. I dont really appreciate his character; He sucks.

Quote 3: Act 1, Scene II, Lines 306-12

In several hands, in at his window throw, as if they came from several citizens, writings, all
tending to the great opinion that Rome holds of its name; where in obscurely Caesars ambition
shall be glanced at. And after this, let Caesar seat him sure, for we will shake him, or worse days
Reaction: Man Cassius, why you got to be such a scumbag?! He plans to put multiple letters in
different writing styles into Brutus room, basically saying We love you Brutus, Caesar sucks!
to make Brutus join the conspiracy. Brutus actually kind of likes Caesar though. Man, Cassius,
you suck with you manipulation techniques and opinions. I hate you! Boo!

Quote 4: Act 1, Scene II, Lines 81-83

I would not, Cassius; yet I love him so, but wherefore do you hold me here so long? What is it
that you would impact to me?
Reaction: Brutus wishes Caesar wasnt king, but at the same time, he respects him. Then he asks
Cassius what do you want? Brutus seems like an intresting, complicated character. Hmm!
(sophisticated thinking).

Quote 5: Act 1, Scene II, Lines 62-64

Into what dangers are you leading me to, Cassius, that you would have me seek into myself for
that which is not in me?
Reaction: Brutus is questioning what Cassius will lead him into. I appreciate that Brutus is
questioning Cassius, because Cassius shouldnt be trusted.

Act II

Quote 1: Scene I, Lines 27-35

By which he did ascend. So Caesar may; then lest he may, prevent. And since the quarrel will
bear no colour for the thing he is, fashion it thus: that what he is, augmented, would run to these
and these extremities; and therefore think him as a serpents egg, which hatchd would, as his
kind, grow mischievous, and kill him in the shell.
Reaction: I thought I could trust you Brutus! I thought you were reluctant about killing Caesar
but you werent. You are now as bad as Cassius is. The Conspiracy sucks.

Quote 2: Scene II, Lines 44-45

No, Caesar shall not. Danger knows full well that that Caesar is more dangerous than he.
Reaction: Caesar is cocky and I love it. He seems like Chuck Norris esc person. Awesome!

Quote 3: Scene III, Lines 12-13

If thou read this, O Caesar, thost may live; if not, the fates with the traitors do contrive.
Reaction: I think its too late to warn Caesar, buddy. Also, nice foreshadowing on the last bit.

Quote 4: Scene I, Lines 299-302

I have made a strong proof of my constanty, giving myself a voltunary wound here, in the thigh:
Can I bear that with patience, and not my husbands secrets.
Reaction: DANG! Lots of things! A) You want info that bad?! B) Thats overproving to Brutus.
C) Yeah, just shake it off! Just a flesh wound! D) Doesnt stabbing yourself in the thigh have
major side effects?! Like paralysis?!

Quote 5: Scene I, Lines 150-52

Oh, name him not; Lets not break with him; for he will never follow anything that other men
Reaction: Yes, DONT use the one guy wholl spread the word of the conspiracy. Instead, let
people know yall are just selfish, ambitious young adults and dont have a serious interest.


Quote 1: Scene I, Line 77

Et tu, Brute? Then fall Caesar!
Reaction: Why, Brutus?! I thought you would be a tragic character, but youre nothing more than
a traitor.

Quote 2: Scene I, Lines 293-94

In my oration, how the people take the cruel issue of these bloody men.
Reaction: I like you, Antony! Youre getting revenge on the conspirators for your friends death.
Youre going to start chaos in Rome. Nice planning!

Quote 3: Scene III, Lines 34-36

Tear him, tear him! Come, brands, ho! Firebrands! To Brutus, to Cassius; burn all! Some to
Decius house, and some to Cascas; some to Ligarius. Away! Go!
Reaction: Man, that speech Antony gave REALLY caused a lot of havoc. A war will start and the
streets are dangerous. Also, I noticed a lot of conspirators names end with the letter s.

Quote 4: Scene II, Lines 94-97

I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he thrice refuse. Was this ambition? Yet Brutus
says it was ambition, and yet Brutus is an honourable man.
Reaction: Good way to influence, Antony! Use ethos to state their moral sense and get revenge
on them conspirators.

Quote 5: Scene I, Line 76

Speak hands for me!
Reaction: What does this mean, actually? Im dead serious, I dont know!

Act IV

Quote 1: Scene I, Lines 27-30

You may do your will; But hes a tried and valiant soldier. So is my horse, Octavius, and for
that I do appoint him store of provender.
Reaction: (fire noises like schhh). Please apply water to burn! Nice one, Antony!

Quote 2: Scene III, Lines 33-35

Go to! You are not, Cassius. I am! I say you are not!
Reaction: Jeez, are yall like a married couple or little kids or something?! Stop doing dumb
arguing. I think its childish to say Am too, are not repeatedly!

Quote 3: Scene III, Lines 115-118

When I spoke that, I was ill-temperd too. Do you confess so much? Give me your hand.
And my heart too. O Brutus.
Reaction: Two things; one serious, the othernot so much. Serious one is, man, did yall make
up quickly. Geez, that was fast. Second one that isnt so serious. If you read the lines in a
negative context, one could assume that Brutus and Cassius were a gay couple. I think that
thinking negatively is funny, if it were the case for the whole play.

Quote 4: Scene III, Line 155

And, her attendant absent, swallowd fire.
Reaction: JESUS, THATS A WAY TO COMMIT SUICIDE! You couldve stabbed yourself, but
you ate hot coals! That takes guts, Portia!

Quote 5: Scene III, Lines 283-285

Well; then I shall see thee again? Ay, at Philippi. Why, I will see thee at Philippi then.
Reaction: I wonder if this is foreshadowing (sarcasm). (Whispers to your ear) it is! Its too

Act V

Quote 1: Scene II, Lines 1-6

Ride, ride, Messala, ride, and give those bills unto the legions on the other side. Let them set on
at once, for I perceive but cold demeanor in Octavius wing and sudden push gives them the
overthrow. Ride, ride Messala; let them all come down.
Reaction: Entire scene right there. Im surprised at its short length. Also, nice battle cry/speech,

Quote 2: Scene III, Lines 46-47

Guide thou the swordCaesar, thou art revengd, even with the sword that killd thee.
Reaction: (slow claps) Good job, Cassius (sarcasm). You killed yourself for NO REASON. But
yet, youre dead. YES!!!

Quote 3: Scene III, Lines 89-90

By your leave, gods. This is a romans part: Come, Cassius sword, and find Titinius heart.
Reaction: A Cassius supporter?! Ughh, you make me sick! You should be celebrating his death,
not mourning it! The guy was a douche!

Quote 4: Scene IV, Lines 10-11

Why now thou diest as bravely as Titinius, and mayst be honourd, being Catos son.
Reaction: A few things. One: How is Catos death honorable? He had like, 5 lines of dialogue
and no character development. We dont care. Second: Titinius did NOT die honorably. He
committed suicide. If anything, thats considered a cowards death. Jeez, thats some mistake

Quote 5: Scene V, Line 82

To part the glories of this happy day.
Reaction: It is happy. Traitors Brutus, Cassius, and others die and lose the battle. (Ice Cube) I can
sayToday was a good day!

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