Written and Oral Communication Syllabus

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Teacher: Ms.

Department: English Language Arts
Oral Communication



Course: Written and

Course Description:
Students will learn and enhance their written and oral communication skills by
presenting their views and opinions to the class. Students learn how to arrange and
present debates, speeches, and interviews to be effective leaders in todays
Throughout the year, you will learn how to become an effective communicator
through your completion of the following assignments:
1. The Narrative
2. The Interview
3. The Informative Essay
4. The Persuasive Essay
5. The Argumentative Essay
6. The Compare & Contrast Essay
7. The Research Paper
Guidelines for Success:
1. Be Proactive: Take control of your life by taking initiative.
2. Begin With the End in Mind: Set goals and work towards them.
3. Put First Things First: Prioritize your life by putting your most important
responsibilities first.
4. Think Win-Win: Compromise and look at the bright side of every situation,
even when its hard.
5. Seek First to Understand, Then be Understood: Be an active listener.
6. Synergize: Respect everyones talents and work together.
7. Sharpen the Saw: Maintain balance in your life as a student, mother, and teen.
Classroom Rules:
Classroom rules or norms are essential to providing an environment where every
single student can learn. Each student who attends Simpson Academy For Young
Women deserves an opportunity to get the best education possible. This can only
happen if everyone in the class abides by these norms.

Always CHOOSE to be a STAR Student:

Start the day off on the right foot: Bring in all completed assignments, binder and
writing instrument.
Timeliness: Come to class on time and be prepared to learn
Attentiveness: Pay close attention and ask any clarifying questions when necessary
Respect your administrators, teachers, staff, and fellow classmates
Universal Grading Systems:
Grading Weights
Class work


Grading Scale and Rubric









Exceeds Mastery
Meets Mastery
Developing Mastery /Needs

Beginning Mastery/Below Acceptable

Classroom Procedures:
Classroom Activities: During our 51 minute classes, we will engage in many

different types of activities. We use the following activities in this classroom: Do-Now,
Mini-Lesson (teacher directed instruction), Class Discussion (pairs, triads, and whole
group), Small Group Work/ Independent Work, Tests/Quizzes, and Daily Assessment.
Expectations for different classroom activities are posted in the classroom. Please
refer to this poster for guidance.

Entering the Classroom: Teacher and student greet each other at the door. DoNow is either handed to the student as they walk in the door or clearly posted in the
room. Students immediately begin working on the Do-Now quietly and
independently. When finished, students silently take out materials and wait for the
teacher to begin the walkthrough.

Signal for attention: When it is time to focus your attention, I will count down 32-1. I expect you to direct your attention to me after 1.

Your Initials

Tardy to class: Teachers will close and lock classroom door at the bell.
Students will not be permitted to enter without a pass.

Paper or Pencil: There will be a limited supply of notebook paper at the assignment
drop-off and pick-up table. Once the supply runs out, I will not be supplying any extra
paper. If you need a sheet of paper, you may quietly get up to retrieve a sheet of Initials
paper during any of the silent activities. Then you are to go directly back to your seat
and resume the activity. If you need to borrow a writing instrument, you must silently
ask your classmate to borrow one.

Kleenex/Trash/Etc: If you need to pick up a piece of Kleenex or throw out a piece of

garbage, you must wait to do so during a silent activity. You may not get up to
retrieve a Kleenex or throw out a piece of garbage during teacher instruction time.

Going to the Bathroom: If you need to use the restroom, you may only do so
during independent practice time. I will not give out a bathroom pass during
teacher instruction time. Teacher instruction time is critical learning time. Missing
any part of the instruction means missing critical information. Therefore you must
wait until after the instruction time to use the restroom. Get up quietly and record the
time you leave the room. When you return, record the return time.

Sick in Class: If you feel ill and it is something for which you would seek Emergency
Room Treatment, raise your hand and ask your teacher/staff member for a pass. The
teacher/Staff member will ask you questions to determine if it is a true medical
emergency. If they determine that it is a true emergency, they will give you a pass
to the clinic. The clinic staff will only see you during class time if you have an
appointment slip from them or a pass from your teacher.

Electronics: Students may use their cell phone and electronics in the hallway during
passing periods or in the cafeteria during their lunch periods.
Students may not use the following during class periods: cell phones, CD players,
MP3 players or iPods, gaming systems, or any related items. If any of the above
electronics are seen during class periods, students will receive an Electronics Ticket
resulting in a one-day ban. Any student receiving three Electronic Tickets within a
week will be issued a one-week electronics ban.
If a student is placed on a one-week ban due to policy violation, a parent/legal
guardian will be required to pick up the electronic item at the end of the week.
Simpson is not responsible for any loss or damage of any personal electronic

Lockers: You may only access the lockers before school starts, during passing
periods, and after passing periods.
Turning in assignments: All assignments should be placed in the drop-off bin.
Before turning in work, make sure your name is on every sheet of paper. All

assignments are due at the beginning of each class. I will NOT accept any
assignments turned in at the end of the period unless it is an in-class assignment.

Returning assignments to students: Assignments turned in on time will be

returned within 1 week. If you are not satisfied with a grade on your assignment, you
may submit a re-grade request. A re-grade request will not necessarily result in a
higher grade.

Student responsibilities after an absence: Missing work is kept in green

organizers. Students may write down or pick up missing work during passing
Late, Missing, or incomplete assignments: Students will have a due date

and an expiration date for all assignments. Assignments submitted by the due
date will be eligible for full credit. Assignments received after the due date
but before the expiration date will be reduced by letter grade.
Assignments received after the expiration date will receive a grade of F
unless the administration has approved a Hardship Form.

Communication procedures with parents and families: Parent phone calls

are made quarterly for general progress reporting and as needed for
issues/emergencies. Attendance calls are made each day of absence.

Ending Class: Students will use the last five minutes of class to complete the
daily assessment and put it drop off bin. If a student finishes early, they may
work on enrichment assignments or missing assignments if time permits. The
teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell. There should be no lines at the
door waiting for the bell.
Guest Teacher Behavior Expectations/Visitor Behavior Expectations:
Get used to the fact that I am almost never absent! However, in the

unlikelihood that I am, there will be guest teachers or visitors in the classroom. On
such occasions, you must show the same respect to the guest teachers and visitors
as you would to any other teacher. Sometimes visitors will be coming into the
classroom to make observations. Visitors will sit quietly in the back of the room.

Consequences for Rule Violations: Violations are a serious breach to

classroom learning time. There are five tiers of consequences to these violations.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Speak to me after class or write me a post-it note
3. Phone Call Home to Parents.
4. Parent-Teacher Conference (depending on violation, principal may be invited to
5. Referral to the Dean

Consequences for Code of Conduct 5-6 Violations (Non-Negotiables):

All level 5 and level 6 Violations will warrant a referral and discipline
in accordance with the Chicago Public Schools Code of Conduct. This
may include out of school suspension or expulsion depending on


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