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Judie Hanley

6th hour
March 13th 2015

Liquid to Solid

When a liquid transforms into a solid, it is freezing. The picture above is frozen
water shaped into a figure. When a liquid turns into a solid, the atoms that it
contains slow down and come closer together. What causes the phase change to
occur is when the temperature gets at or below 23 degrees. That is freezing

Solid to Liquid

When a solid turns into a liquid, it is known as melting. In the picture above, the
ice cream has melted because it has become warm. When a solid becomes a liquid,
its atoms start to move faster and move farther apart from one another. When you
have a drink with ice cubes in it, it eventually melts. The hotter it is the faster the
substance will melt.

Solid to Gas

Sublimation occurs when a solid turns into a gas. When this occurs, the
substance never goes through the liquid state. Its like dry ice. When you put dry ice
in water it forms gas bubbles. This reaction is immediate. The picture above is an
example of dry ice.

Gas to Solid

Deposition is when a gas transforms into a solid. When this happens, the gas
skips the liquid phase and goes straight into the solid phase. You may not realize it
now, but Deposition occurs in everyday life. In the fall, when you wake up, theres
frost spread across the grass. Frost is an example of this phase change. The mist
has completely skipped the liquid phase (rain or dew) and has froze and settled
onto the ground.

Gas to Liquid

A gas turning into a liquid is called condensation. In the picture above, the
water bottle appears to have water on it as well as in it. This is because warm air
can absorb more water than cold air. So the water bottle is cold but the air is not,
causing the water bottle to gather water on its surface. We refer to it as the water
bottle is sweating. You'll mostly see it happen with cold drinks in the summer.

Liquid to Gas

When a liquid turns back into a gas, its known as evaporation. Evaporation
happens all the time. When water sits out in the sun, its eventually dried enough to
go up into the air and back into the clouds. Just like the picture above, if
condensation is occurring on a big portion of water or land, it will create what we
know as fog. Lets say it rains and you go outside afterwards and examine the
puddle. Its a pretty good sized puddle. You wait for a few days and go back and
check the puddle again. Its gone. Thats because the water evaporated into gas and
went back up into the clouds.

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