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Nature Treasure Hunt: Exploring our Natural Surroundings

Approximate time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Grade Level: K-1
Subject: Exploring Nature (Science)
Number of Students: Approximately 30
Required Materials and Equipment:
Printed treasure hunt sheets with images of what students are to find on the nature
walk (can be found and printed here). This specific sheet is based on what is
typical to find in Michigan during the fall season. This could easily be adjusted
based on location or season.
Plastic bags for students to collect their items in
A pencil for each student
Classroom Projector
Computer with Internet access
Objectives and Goals:
Students will identify and locate typical materials found in their natural
Students will be able to recognize where these materials come from.
Students will participate in classroom reflection/discussion of how these materials
change throughout seasons.
Early Preparation and Introduction (approximate time = 10 minutes):
Print treasure hunt sheets for the correct number of students.
Explain activity We will talk a nature walk around the school property. You will
be given a treasure hunt sheet and a plastic bag to collect your items. As we walk
you will picking up items that match the images on your sheet.
Direct Instruction (approximate time = 15-20 minutes):
Show the images of what students are looking for on classroom projector before
hand and introduce items that they will be looking for.
Talk about where they may find these items (leaves may be found near a tree, for
Explain safety plan.
Safety Plan
Students are to stay within school property boundaries and within sight of the
teacher at all times (preferably this will be a school yard or playground with
Before going outside, students will be given a partner to work with. They are to
stay with this partner the entire time.
Teachers: Conduct partner checks every few minutes, in which students raise
their hands if they are standing next to their partner. Bring all safety/attendance

documents outside with you, and consistently perform a head count. Before going
outside, show student which door we will come back in together if there is an
Guided Practice (approximate time = 30-40 minutes):
Take students outside and guide them on a nature walk within school boundaries.
Each student will have a sheet with images of the items they are looking. Instruct
them to find these items with their partner and place them in their plastic bags.
Tell them to check off each item on their list as they collect them.
While walking comment on the various things that you notice - colors, smells,
wild life, weather, etc.
Independent Practice (approximate time = 5-10 minutes):
Upon coming back into the classroom give students a few minutes of individual
time to take out the items they found outside, and match them up with the sheets
they were given.
Closure (approximate time = 10 minutes):
Discuss the activity with students What did they learn? What did they like about
it? What items did they find?
Allow students to share their thoughts.
Talk about where students found these various items. Ask prompted questions
where did you find the leaves? What about the pinecones?
Show students this 3-minute video about seasons. Ask students which season they
think it is based on the items that they found and what they saw outside.
*If there is a camera available in the classroom it would be beneficial to take
pictures of their natural items; however, this is not mandatory for success in this
Assessment and Follow-Up
Conduct this lesson plan throughout each season of the season of the school year
(approximately 4 times).
At the end of each lesson have students discuss and compare how these items
changed each time.
Participate in and listen to students discussions. This will allow you to assess
their knowledge of how nature changes as the seasons and weather changes.
ISTE-T Standards Addressed:
1c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify
students conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative
2a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools
and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

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