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KIM Chart Journal Club

Name: Molly Harbottle

Reading: Data-Driven Teachers

Author: Scott McLeod, J.D, Ph.D.
Date: 3/24/15
Complete the following chart, based upon the five most salient Key Concepts in the reading for you.

Key Concept
List the key concepts discussed in
the article, one concept per for.

Data-driven decision-making

What information will help you remember this concept?

Collecting and analyzing

summative/formative data

Setting measurable goals

Making changes for instruction

Good baseline data, measurable instructional goals, frequent formative

assessments, professional learning communities, and focused instructional
Getting better information into the hands of the teacher
Multiple forms of data lead to a more complete picture of student success

Need to be well-read in summative/formative assessments to be able to

determine a baseline
Feed-back to administrators is essential
Administrators should make sure that the data is accurate
Good benchmark for progress throughout the year
Improves student learning

SMART goals
Only have a few goals to work towards each year
Goals should be both important and strategic
Goal-setting process should be modeled

Strategic, targeted, focused instructional interventions that are aligned

with state standards
Teachers can work with content-area specialists for help
Principals will support teachers by providing them with motivation and
training opportunities

Memory clue
Draw a visual that
will help you
remember this key
concept. (NOT

Alignment for results

Accepts greater responsibility for student learning and success

Professional Development should be aligned to student, school and
district needs
Teachers seek out failure or success of their pedagogy
Strive for further improvement
Teachers are willing risk-takers
Principals help facilitate teachers goals and instruction

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