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Baghdad, Iraq Monday, March 18, 2015 2 pages


Isis:Slowly taking Iraq

The most recent ISIS invasion is

the biggest situation right now in Iraq.
Tikrit is in captivity and the
governments hands are tied. The Iraqi
government had their Prime Minister
Haider al-Abadi take a trip to the forces
in charge of Tikrit and give a speech to
see if there was another way to reclaim
the north and west regions of Iraq. It

a sectarian blood bath for anyone that

entered the city of Tikrit that was on the
opposing side of the Islamic State
(ISIS). ISIS then uploaded a video of
four men in orange jumpsuits being
executed by gunshots for anyone
wanting to aid the security forces
against them, to fear them. The four
men that were killed were said to be The
no neutrality in this battle. Youre either
with Iraq or with the Islamic State.
The country is getting attacked
frequently and its creating a bigger
problem throughout the streets of Iraq.
Theres bombs being placed in peoples
homes, on the streets, on bridges, in
cars and all throughout the city of
Tikrit. The soldiers of the United States
are struggling to push the ISIS

militants back. Not only are the

militants cruel to people that are
against them, but also execute some of
their own for the ineffectiveness in
battle. They killed 18 on March 16, 2015
alone. Research shows that ISIS had
killed a little over 200 of their own
fighters. The group shows no mercy,
even to their own fighters.
On March 17, 2015, U.S. military
made improvements and bombed a
drone in Iraq. This was the first
unarmed hit from the U.S. One of ISISs
checkpoints, one of their tactical units
and one of their staging units were also
hit on March 17, 2015.
ISIS is creating conflicts between
within the city limits inside Tikrit as
well as outside of the city and needs to

be taken into consideration before

matters get worse.

topics the teachers are allowed to


Education Issues Invade

Education in Iraq has changed
intensely, however, not for the better.
Iraq was considered one of the best in
the Arab world. War, sanctions,
dictatorship and violence damaged their
system of education. The students
teachers left their classrooms to become
soldiers. Iraq has a 66% student
enrollment rate in primary schools and
a 37% student enrollment in secondary
schools. Iraq is one of the countries that
has the largest child population in the
Middle East. The teachers arent trained
properly and are underpaid as well.
The lack of proper education has
caused an 18% unemployment rate in
the young adults in 2010. A rough 65%
of students dont even attend school at
all because they wont benefit from it.
The Iraqi government is also using the
funds that were originally being
donated to the education systems, to
support the soldiers and the military for
the wars in the country. Anything in
relations with citizenship/patriotism
have been removed from the

There is also the separation of

males and females ranging from the
gender of the teacher to the boys and
girls interacting with each other. Male
teachers arent allowed to teach at all
girls schools and visa versa with the
female teachers at the boys schools.
With that, they are violating their
human rights. Its unfair to not only to
the students because it affects their
entire life, but also to the countrys

Works Cited
Cover Story
"American Volunteers Help Kurds Fight ISIS in
Northern Iraq." NBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar.
Barnard, Anne. "Iraqi Forces and Militias Said to Loot
Sunni Towns." The New York Times. The New York
Times, 18 Mar. 2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2015.
"Iraq: Militia Attacks Destroy Villages, Displace
Thousands." Iraq: Militia Attacks Destroy Villages,
Displace Thousands. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2015.
"To Defeat ISIS, Iraq Forced to Accept Iran's
'Suffocating Embrace'" US News. U.S.News & World
Report, n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
MailOnline, Simon Tomlinson for. "Dozens Die in
Wave of ISIS Bombings across Iraq as Terror Group
Kills Kurdish Commander in Major Attack on Kirkuk ."
Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, 30 Jan. 2015.
Web. 19 Mar. 2015.
"Put Iraq Back on the Agenda Because Iraqi Education
Matters." EPIC. N.p., 02 Apr. 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2015.
Mamouri, Ali. "IS Imposes New Rules on Education in
Syria, Iraq - Al-Monitor: The Pulse of the Middle East."
. N.p., 21 Oct. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2015.

"In Iraq, UNESCO Chief Says Education, Culture Key

to Country's Future Peace and Stability." UN News
Center. UN, 03 Nov. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2015.

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