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3263 E Jamestown St Republic, MO 65738

Kyla Garner
Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice and Minor in The Study of
Sign Language
Missouri State University, Springfield, MO
Expected May 2015
Associates of Arts
Ozark Technical Community College, Springfield MO
May 2013
Professional Experience
Green County Juvenile Office, Springfield, MO
June 2014 July 2014
Observe and assist with investigations and intake conferences with juvenile offenders
Assist in the programming with gender responsive for Juvenile Office including
information presented at the SAVVY Sister two day training
Participate in daily tasks with not only the Delinquency Unit but, also with several units
including Child Abuse and Neglect, Probation, Detention, Teen Court, Evening
Reporting Center (ERC), and Greene County Youth Academy (GCYA)
Administrate screening instruments utilized to determine risk/needs for juvenile
Community Blood Center of the Ozarks, Springfield, MO
Data Entry
January 2012 Present
Enter donors information in the database
Call donors to update information on their confidential records
Clerical work to assure the safety of filing donor records correctly
Work independently and performed a variety of duties
Lead Telerecruiter
February 2011 January 2012
Supervise day to day operations
Train employees on new telerecruitment software system
Collaborate with administration to design calling techniques and campaign with the
goals of increasing donor results
Donor Recruiter
February 2007 February 2011
Work one on one with donors to assure positive donations while remaining accountable
to the local community, blood donors and health care providers
Collaborate with administration to contribute to the safety and quality of the donations
Manage donor records and took full responsibility for donors information
August 2014 Present
Teen Court- Supervise low rick juvenile offenders during their teen court process
ERC- Teach the ERC kids basic American Sign Language. This gives them the
opportunity to learn something new and the understanding of a different culture
Girls on the Run- Running coach that inspires girls to take charges and to teach them that
they can do anything.
Computer Skills
Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint

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