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You're stage managing a site-specific theatre piece that will be taking place outside. Tomorrow is the first
performance, and you have been tasked with leading a quick orientation. In addition to explaining all of the
dangers of site-specific theatre (heat, rain, bugs, audience members? ), you will be explaining how your kit and
other tools have been prepped for the site-specific theatre experience to your ASM s. What have you done to

T hings to Go T hrough:
1. Audience
2. Weather Conditions
3. K it Prep
4. Costumes/Set/

What to do with a
disruptive audience?

K it Prep:

Are they
disrupting the


Do nothing


R ain, rain go away!

(And other weather issues)

H eavy rain
T hunder/lighting
Strong winds

Find a
way to usher
them away without
causing more of
a scene.

Basic first
aid supplies
Light R ain

Info: allergies/
emergency contact
Costumes may be layered. H ave
to keep track or location. M ake
sure that costumes (including shoes)
can get wet.

N o show. It is too
dangerous for all

T he location is more than

likely to be filled with people that
may be disruptive to a performance. U se
your best judgement to see whether or not
they interfere with the integrity of the
show. Sometimes actors may incorporate
them into the action. If not, you may
need to use external forces in order to
keep a peaceful environment.

M ust bear in mind

the weight of a set and how
long it will take to put together/
take apart to factor into

It is hard to determine whether it

will stop or continue. T he shorter
the show or the lighter the
equipment = T he better


T he more props there are, the more

restricted and actor. M ust keep track of
and take care of any that may be fragile.
Report any damages ASAP

EX : Bug spray,
poncho, lighter.

General rule: T he show must go

on in any weather unless it interferes
with cast or crew health and safety. OR
the audience becomes disheartened
and leaves

Your kit must be prepared for

what the site needs along with the
general supplies of what would be
necessary for main house

It is your
responsibility - once in
the site, to report any
mishaps/damages/ or
additional requests

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