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CENG610 - Computer Systems Administration

Add a User

1. Logged in as an administrative user.
2. I selected Users and groups from applications
3. User creation
a. I created a user with the following details.
i. Real name :new user gui
ii. UserID: usergui
iii. Password: usergui
b. Information from the user manager front page

i. UserID: usergui
ii. Home Dir: /home/usergui
iii. Shell: /bin/bash
iv. Main group: usergui
4. User information was saved. I was able to log in as the user
5. I logged in to the admin account
6. usergui:x:1003:1003: usergui:/home/ usergui:/bin/bash
7. usergui:x:1003:
8. usergui:
a. This verification cannot be done from user gui because user gui does not have
the permissions to view the shadow file
9. The results from the files matched the specs for usergui
Add a second user with gui
1. I loged in as admin user
2. Opened Gui to add user
3. Created a user
a. I created a user with the following details.
i. Real name :new user gui
ii. UserID: usergui
iii. Password: usergui
b. Information from the user manager front page

i. UserID: usergui
ii. Home Dir: /home/usergui
iii. Shell: /bin/bash
iv. Main group: users
4. I was able to log in as usergui2

5. I logged in as admin user

6. usergui2:x:1004:100:two user gui:/home/usergui2:/bin/bash
7. users:x:100:usergui2
a. I now this is the correct group because the user is a part of the group users
8. usergui2:$6$KCFbAya8FT0uUeIv$k7y0aE8hcZHCD4mg6BZex7oCF1AmkHc5Jfikg
9. Yes the results match the specs for usergui2
Add a user with useradd
1. I logged in as admin user
2. I used user add to add the following user

- Her ID name is promptuser


- Her real name is Lucy Linux


- Her password is Love2Tux

: sudo useradd promptuser

:sudo passwd promptuser

d. - Her group is users


- Her home directory is /home/promptuser

:This is set by default


- Her logon shell is the C shell (or another non-bash shell)(see /etc/shells)

h. Commands used: sudo useradd -c 'Lucy Linux' -g users -s '/bin/bash' promptuser
3. Test
a. I was able to login as promtuser
b. command used: echo $SHELL

output: /bin/bash

4. promptuser:x:100:100:Lucy Linux:/home/promptuser:/bin/bash
5. promptuser:x:100:
6. promptuser:
7. The results match the user specs
8. Tux is the penguin character associated with Linux

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