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Schaefer Mueller

PSYC 101
A Beautiful Mind Review
A Beautiful Mind has to be one of if not the best movies I have ever seen in my
life. From the beginning of the movie I was sucked in to and fully believed what would
come to be John Nashs schizophrenic delusions. Throughout the movie there was never a
dull or boring moment and they did a great job building up to the most revealing scene,
which was when John sits face to face with Dr. Rosen and starts to yell at Charles who
we find out is just a delusion of Johns. I was a little surprised to find out that John Nash
was literally a genius that graduated from Princeton and won a Nobel Prize for his game
theory. It is sad to admit but I thought people diagnosed with schizophrenia were
essentially useless in any and all aspects of society. I also think that the movie did a
perfect job depicting the disease of schizophrenia. The first think in the movie was the
delusions. Nashs best friend Charles and government agent Parcher were both delusions.
Parcher was the more significant of the two in my opinion, due to the fact that Nash made
up a high-speed car chase in his head and the fact that Parcher needed him to crack codes
in news articles to locate a nuclear bomb. At first the delusions were juvenile, but they
started to get more and more serious and crippled is life to the point of a mental break.
Next would be the emotional response. There were two points in the movie in which this
was evident. First was when he was holding his crying newborn and instead of
comforting the baby he just sat there with a blank stare until his wife came and grabbed

the child. Next would be when he was in bed with his wife and she was literally throwing
herself at him and he just turned away from her. Ultimately the fact that the way the
movie unfolded they were able to hide for over an hour that all those delusions were
really was crazy, reminds me of Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense being dead the whole
time. The scariest part of the movie was even after he knew those delusions were not real
he still played in to them. At the end of the day I give this movie 10 out of 10.

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