Writing Program

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Writing Program - 2014



Writing Program
Course Philosophy:
Because students read and write prose and, particularly, expository prose so often, I want
them to learn about and appreciate poetry as a potential choice for written discourse. I see myself
as a guide in their early attempts to analyze and develop their own poetry.

Course Methods & Common Core State Standards:

*Standards can be found at: http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/WHST/6-8/

Students will learn to analyze poetry using key poetry terms as a class with teacher guidance
(modeling) and scaffolding will be used to slowly allow students to do this in group
discussions and individually.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.4 - Determine the meaning of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the
impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds (e.g., alliteration) on a specific verse
or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.10 - By the end of the year, read and comprehend
literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity
band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Student will discuss how rhyme scheme and other forms contribute to a poems overall
meaning in groups and as a class to show how they can create / strengthen meaning in their
own poetry by using these forms.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.5- Analyze how a drama or poem's form or structure
(e.g., soliloquy, sonnet) contributes to its meaning

Students will participate in individually researching, summarizing poets who use different
poetry terms. They will also create figurative language and imagery examples and reviewing
them with partners and groups for accuracy / effectiveness.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.3.D - Use precise words and phrases, relevant
descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey
experiences and events.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.7 - Conduct short research projects to answer a
question, drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused
questions for further research and investigation.

Students will participate as both and editor and a writer in the revising/editing process using
both partners and group workshops to share and then review and edit each others writing to
help produce better writing. I will also be a guide in this process as we conference and
contribute to class discussions.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.4 - Produce clear and coherent writing in which the
development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.5 - With some guidance and support from peers and
adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing,
rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have
been addressed.

Students will engage in research writing individually at home. They will also reflect and
revise in groups and have time to write their own poetry during class time.
o CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.7.10 - Write routinely over extended time frames (time
for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day
or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

Course Objectives:
*Several concepts are integrated from Beth Nemans Teaching Students to Write and Nancie Atwells Lessons That
Change Writers.

Students will research and discuss several topics that poets write about and determine
what they could write about in 7th grade (Neman Chapter Two, Atwell Section 1)
Students will evaluate the essential details and patterns of different poetry using
handouts and create their own poetry individually.
Students will examine and evaluate each others work using the standards discussed
as a class and review their work in groups, as well as individually, in the process of
revising and editing.
Students will select, analyze, and support how different poets use key poetry terms in
their writing and discuss these as a class.
Students will demonstrate their ability to understand and utilize key poetry forms and
terms in their own writing.
Students will create and then further develop a selection of their own poetry over the
course of the unit to be published in their own books and displayed in the school.
Students will build confidence in their writing by sharing with classmates and
working in a continual editing and revising process (Neman Chapter One).

Classroom Diagram:

My classroom would be set up in a way that allows for more collaboration between peers and student with teachers. Instead of traditional
tables, I would have tall tables (3.5 4.5 feet) with stools to promote interest as well as sitting up at tables (reduces students leaning back in chairs).
This would also enable me to interact and collaborate with students easier than stooping down to a desk. I would also incorporate a reading rug with
pillows to sit on for reading together and to promote comfort for the students to be more encouraged to share with others. This comfortable
environment creates less stress for students and motivates them to share.

Assignment #1 Unit Plan: Free-Write Fridays

For Students:
Today we have reviewed Acrostic and Concrete Poems. Now were going to have our first Free-Write
Friday! With the next 15 minutes, you have time to free-write using your favorite of the two forms we discussed
this week. Remember, when we free-write we are only brainstorming and writing, not talking to your neighbor
or wandering around the classroom. After our 15 minute free-write, we will move on to group workshop. You
will meet with your table group and switch your writing. Each person will read someone elses writing out loud
and the group will fill out the PQP sheet that will be handed out. After discussing each persons poetry, return it
to them so they can take it home and make changes. Remember:
P: Praise What are the good things you noticed?
Q: Question What confused you or wasnt fully answered?
P: Polish What can they do to make a more polished version?

For Teachers: This class goes from 9:00 to 9:45, here is an approximate schedule of how the class period
should go with instructions.
9:00 9:10 Attendance, Review Acrostic and Concrete poems with the students (If you need help with
this, there are handouts on my desk).
9:10-9:15 Transition into Free-writing by reading the handout after passing it out to students. DO NOT
hand out the PQP sheet until after free-writing.
9:15 9:30 Students should be free-writing during this time. They know that they should only be
brainstorming or writing. If they are stuck they can ask you for ideas or revisit their list we made earlier in the
9:30- 9:45 Instruct students to finish up their thought. While they are doing this, pass out the PQP
handouts and quickly go over them. Give students the rest of the hour to work in their table groups. Monitor
their interactions to make sure they are on task. With the last few minutes, remind them that their homework is
to make any changes that they need to.

Assignment #2 Homework Assignment: Research a Poet

For Students:
Now that we have been introduced to some poetry, we are going to learn a little more about Poets. For
homework tonight, you are going to research one famous poet (that we have not already talked about in class).
After choosing a poet, find a reliable source (you may start with Wikipedia but should not use it as your primary
source) and gather some information on the poet. Some example questions you might find the answer to are:
What style did they typically use? What time period did they write in? Where were they born? Were
they from a rich or poor family? Were they famous in their own time or only after they died? What is their most
famous poem?
When you are done researching, create a one page summary of their life and the poetry they wrote. The
ideal set up of your paper would be one introduction paragraph, one body paragraph and one conclusion
paragraph. Tomorrow, we will share our poets in our table groups and then choose a few to share as a class.

For Teachers:
Please leave 5-7 minutes at the end of the class period to go over the homework assignment. Read over
the attached instruction sheet to the students after you hand it out for homework.
Explain that the assignment is to be no shorter than one page and no longer than two pages. They also
must use a reliable source and they will be checked for plagiarism (remind them what this is and how to avoid
it!). Also explain that the best way to set up (which is also on their sheet).
Answer any questions that the students have about the assignment. Also re-state after the questions that
this will be due in class tomorrow.
Remind students before the bell rings that there is no right or wrong answer for this assignment the
only wrong answer would be to not try! They also should be reminded that this will be a final copy so they
should read through and edit their paper for any grammatical errors and formatting issues.

Assignment #3 In-Class Assignment: 5 Senses for Figurative Language

For Students:
Today in class we are going to work on developing our own figurative language by using our five
senses. I am going to give each of you a blind fold. It is not a toy and is only to be used when I tell you to put it
on. I will give you each a sheet of paper with Sight, Smell, Sound, Taste, and Touch written on it with space to
write your own sentence next to each one. We will go through the senses one at a time and after each one you
will write a sentence describing it using figurative language. Remember, dont describe what the object is but
describe how it feels, tastes, etc. At the end, we will share our sentences in our table groups and choose the best
ones to share as a class. Now, set your pen down and be ready to fully experience each sense.

For Teachers: This class goes from 9:00 to 9:45, here is an approximate schedule of how the class
period should go with instructions.
9:00 9:10 Explain the activity using the handout. Also hand out the 5 senses worksheet. The materials for each sense will
be ready for you in a bag beneath the desk so that students do not see them before you do them. Make sure to do each sense in the
order described below. After reading the instructions, have students place the blindfold over their eyes.
9:10 9:15 Pass around the bean bags. There should be enough for each table to have one and pass it to each other. Remind
them that they should be thinking about how to describe how the object feels. After the students each have a chance to feel it, have
them take off the blindfold and use figurative language to write a sentence in the Touch box. Collect the bean bags.
9:15 9:20 Have students replace their blindfold then pass around the bubble gum for each student and have them taste it.
Remind them that they need to think about how to explain how the gum tastes. All allergies have been accounted for (there are none
with any ingredients in the bubblegum). After the students have had a couple minutes to chew it, have them take off the blind fold and
use figurative language to write a sentence in the Taste box.
9:20- 9:25 Have students throw out their gum and replace their blindfolds. Use the tape recorder to play the sound of waves
crashing on the beach. Remind students that they should be thinking about how to describe the sound. After a couple minutes, stop the
sound and have students remove the blindfold to write their sentence in the Sound box.
9:25 9:30 Have students replace their blindfolds this is the last time they will need them. Tell the students there will be
a strong smell in the air (although I have purposely selected a lighter scent). Go to different spots in the room and spray the perfume.
Remind students that they need to describe the smell as best they can using figurative language. Have them remove their blindfolds
and write their sentence in the Smell box.
9:30 9:35 Place an apple in the center of each table. Remind students that they are not to touch the apple, and that they
need to describe how the apple looks. Give them a few minutes to write their sentence in the Sight box.

9:35 9:45 Students can now pass in their blindfolds and begin sharing their sentences with the group. After that, they
should each choose two sentences per group to share. Once the students have shared, remind them that their homework is to review
their writing so far for errors.

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