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Anstil A.

Rodrguez Ruiz
INGL 3104 L-03
Feb. 8, 2015

Different Ways of Singing

There are many ways of expressing yourself, but one of the most fun is singing. Singing
can be done by anyone at any moment. It is a very liberating activity, and there are two ways of
doing it, you can do it in a choir or sing as a soloist. Even though they are a similar way of
expression, they differ. Singing as soloist is more liberating than singing in a choir.
As a singer finding a song that suits your style is very important because you want
something that makes you feel comfortable when you are singing. In a choir, you are limited
since the songs and are chosen for you instead of doing it by yourself; you will want to find
yourself singing something you truly like. As a soloist you have the freedom to choose from an
endless list of songs and different genre. It is enriching knowing that you have the ability to
choose the song that you want and after, sing them at the top of your lungs.
As a singer you will want to find your voice, a style of singing that is unique to you and
only you. In a choir this is very restricted, given the fact that you have to fallow the directors
instructions. The choir has sections of voices, there are the sopranos, altos, tenor and so on, and
every person in every section acts like one. Being a soloist gives you the advantage to find your

own voice. As a soloist you have the chance to play with your voice and give it your own style.
Singing is also about the freedom to express yourself as you see fit.
Feeling free to sing what is in your heart is key to finding your own voice. In a choir
there are a set of rules, that must never be broken unless the director gives the command. A choir
is very rigid, and even though some of the songs are beautiful it might not be what you want. As
a soloist you do not have problems like following a set of rules. You simply sing what comes to
mind. When you are in the spotlight, you make people listen to what is truly in your heart,
something that in a choir is restricted
Singing is one of the many ways of expressing yourself. You can practically do it
anywhere, it should not be limited. There should not be rules when it comes to singing what you
really want and what really makes you comfortable. Finding your own voice and making people
listen to that voice is a great feeling. As a soloist you have that chance of singing how you wish.

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