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Deconstructing an Ad

Student name:


Exam Date: Wednesday, March 18th, 11:50 13:15 pm

Subject & Grade:

Language Acquisition (English, Phase 4), GRADE 8

Key Concept:Perspective
Global Context: Globalization and sustainability
Your Task:
i.Examine 2 ads created by WWF, then read the article about what makes a good ad to answer the
following questions. Support your answers by identifying stated and implied information, main ideas
and supporting details from the ads and the article.
ii. Read a persuasive essay written by a student. Interpret basic conventions and authors purpose for
writing the essay.
iii. Base your response on your personal experiences and opinions.

Details & Conditions:

You have 90 minutes to complete this task.
You will be assessed on the following MYP criteria:
Criterion B: Comprehendingwrittenandvisualtext

Language Acquisition MYP Grade Boundaries











You have not reached a standard described by any of the descriptors given below.
The student:



i. has difficulty constructing meaning by identifying stated information or main ideas

and supporting details; is not able to draw conclusions
ii. has difficulty interpreting basic conventions including aspects of format and style,
and authors purpose for writing
iii. engages minimally with the written and visual text by identifying few ideas,
opinions and attitudes; has difficulty making a response to the text based on personal
experiences and opinions.
The student shows limited understanding of the content, context and concepts of the
text as a whole.







i. constructs some meaning from stated and some implied information, main ideas and
supporting details; draws some conclusions
ii. interprets some basic conventions including aspects of format and style, and authors
purpose for writing
iii. engages adequately with the written and visual text by identifying some ideas,
opinions and attitudes and by making some response to the text based on personal
experiences and opinions.
The student shows some understanding of the content, context and concepts of the
text as a whole.
i. constructs considerable meaning by identifying stated and implied information, main
ideas and supporting details, and draws conclusions
ii. interprets most basic conventions including aspects of format and style, and
authors purpose for writing
iii. engages considerably with the written and visual text by identifying most ideas,
opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal
experiences and opinions.
The student shows considerable understanding of the content, context and concepts
of the text as a whole.
i. constructs extensive meaning by identifying stated and implied information, main
ideas and supporting details, and draws conclusions
ii. interprets basic conventions including aspects of format and style, and authors
purpose for writing
iii. engages thoroughly with the written and visual text by identifying ideas, opinions
and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences and
The student shows thorough understanding of the content, context and concepts of the
text as a whole.

i.Examine 2 ads created by WWF, then read the article about what makes a good ad to answer the following
questions. Support your answers by identifying stated and implied information, main ideas and supporting
details from the ads and the article.
ii. Read a persuasive essay written by a student. Interpret basic conventions and authors purpose for writing the
iii. Base your response on your personal experiences and opinions.



1. Examine 2 ads created by WWF, then read the article about what makes a good ad.
Answer the questions and support your answers by identifying stated and implied
information, main ideas and supporting details from the ads and the article.

"The first signs of global warming are now

clearly visible. We urgently need to limit
greenhouse gas emissions." ~ WWF

WWF,the worlds leading conservation

organization, has created a number of impactful,
thought-provoking ads to put environmental
issues into perspective.



What Makes a Good Ad?

Contrary to what many think, it is not hard to create a good ad. There are many great ads
that may appear very different on the surface, but ultimately all follow a simple rule: less is
In any advertisement, the timeframe you have to make an impression on your audience is
limited to seconds. For billboard and print ads, this may be as little as 3-5 seconds; for radio
and television, 30 seconds is usually standard. This limited time and space may encourage
the notion that the ad or commercial must be full to the brim with information. This is
misleading, and merely creates a cluttered, schizophrenic ad that becomes lost among
similar amateur efforts. It is far more effective to develop a concise, coherent ad that
appeals well to its audience.
A good ad:

Connects with its audience

Is memorable and easily recalled

Provides information quickly and succinctly

Doesnt confuse the viewer or make them hunt for the pertinent information

Calls the viewer to action

Its okay to have white spaces, pauses, slow pans, or other elements that some might call a
waste of space. Effective advertising does not lambaste the viewer with information; it
allows room for the message to get the audiences attention and connect.
What makes a good print ad? A good print ad is composed of four elements:

A provocative image

A strong headline

A paragraph or two of tight, well-written copy

A logo and/or contact information

What makes a good outdoor ad? A good outdoor ad has the following:

A single, easy to recognize image

Only 3 to 5 words any more and theyll be missed

A clear logo or branding


a. How do the WWF ads support the idea from the article that less is more? (50-100
words) (5 points)
Less is more means that is it more important to have less minute or second on ads but have
more important information in it. It said any advertisement, the timeframe you have to
make an impression on your audience is limited to seconds. It does support WWF ads on
the article that less is more and it said 30 second is the standard.

b. The article defines a good ad. Look at the list of criteria that define a good ad
and decide if the WWF ads are good. Why? (50-100 words) (5 points)


c. What message are WWF ads sending to the audience? Do you think they succeeded
in sending their message? Why? (50-100 words) (5 points)
The message of WWF trying to send to the audience is that global warming is killing the earth. It
shows earth is dying because theres a cone and an ice cream of earth milting. On the right poster it
shows that we need to keep rubbish away from nature and keep it clean so that nature wont
destroy because theres a deer with rubbish on it so that mean rubbish is destroying animals and
nature. It was success when they trying to send the message because of the picture and slogan
were connecting to what theyre trying to persuade people.

2. Read a persuasive essay written by a student. Interpret basic conventions and

authors purpose for writing the essay.

Summer: 15 Days or 2 1/2 Months?

The final bell rings. Its the last day of school, and summer has finally come! Students dont
have to think about school for at least another 2 1/2 months. That is the way it should
always be. Schools should continue using the traditional calendar and not a year-round

schedule. There are numerous downsides to year-round schooling. It has no positive effects
on education, it adds to costs, and it disrupts the long-awaited summer vacation.
Contrary to the well-accepted belief, year-round schooling has no constructive impact on
education. Most year-round schedules use the 45-15 method: 45 days of school followed by
15 days off. Because of this, there are many first and last days of school. All those
transitions disrupt the learning process. Also, there is no evidence of higher test scores.
Due to that, many schools that change to year-round schedules end up switching back. For
example, since 1980, 95 percent of schools that tried the year-round schedule changed
back to a traditional calendar. It is obvious that changing to year-round schooling does not
help students; therefore, why is the change necessary?
Like any other facility, keeping a school open requires a great deal of money. When a school
changes to a year-round schedule, the costs skyrocket. Keeping school open in the middle
of summer requires air conditioning, and that adds significantly to the schools expenses.
The usual utility bills grow because of the additional open-school time. Finally, teachers
must be paid for all the weeks they are working. With all these factors, the cost of keeping
schools open becomes immensely high. For example, a high school in Arizona had a cost
increase of $157,000 when they switched to year-round schooling. Some schools may not
be able to handle such increases, and other schools that can handle these expenses could
be doing better things with the money. Is year-round school really where the money should
An important part of a childs life is summertime. With year-round schedules, students
would hardly have any time to relax. During the 15-day breaks, they would be thinking
about their quick return to school. It would also be difficult to coordinate family vacations
with parents work schedules. Similarly, children would not be able to go to most summer
camps. One expert, Dr. Peter Scales, says, The biggest plus of camp is that camps help
young people discover and explore their talents, interests, and values. Most schools dont
satisfy all these needs. Kids who have these kinds of [camp] experiences end up being
healthier and have fewer problems. Obviously, the summer is crucial to a childs learning
and development. Why should this invaluable part of a young persons life be taken away?
It is evident that year-round schooling is not the best option for the school calendar. There
is absolutely nothing wrong with the traditional school year. Why change something that
works so well? The final bell rings. Lets make sure this bell means that the real summer
vacation has come.

a. Summarize the essay in 100 or less words. What is her purpose for writing this
persuasive essay? Include all the important points made by the student. (50-100
words 5 points)


b. How were LOGOS, ETHOS, and PATHOS used in the essay? Support your response
with specific examples from the reading. (80-100 words, 5 points)
The essay use PATHOS when they were trying to imagine how student would be really
stress having 15 days on summertime. The LOGOS they use is when the Dr. Peter
Scales, says, The biggest plus of camp is that camps help young people discover
and explore their talents, interests, and values.
3. Base the response to the following question on your own opinions and experiences.
a. Write a short paragraph giving your own reason why schools should have longer
summer holidays. (80-100 words, 5 points)


b. Think of an ad that you think is very memorable and powerful. What makes it so

effective? (80-100 words, 2 points)

This ad telling people to
stop smoking. And its telling us that if you smoke How long can you live? It is so
effective. The picture show a secret and a measure of life so that would really
persuade people to stop smoking and if they smoke they will not live long.

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