Branches of Government Lesson Plan

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Name: Sarah Roberts

Lesson Plan Format

Based on the Requirements for the Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment
(MoPTA) from Missouri Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills
Missouri and national standards, quality indicators, and skills addressed by
this lesson
Write the standards and their corresponding numbers:
Missouri Grade Level Expectations:
1A, 1B.1, 1C.1, 1D, 2A.1, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4C, 6B.1, 7A.1
Learning Objectives/Goals
The lessons objectives and learning outcomes appropriate for meeting
curricular and student needs.
THINK: It must be measurable and appropriate for the students. For ideas
on writing objectives go here:
The students will
Learn that the United States is a democracy. The students will learn that the
federal government has three branches that share powers. The students will
learn that the branches of government use a system of checks and balances.
Assessment (type[s] of assessment used throughout the lesson)
Assessment(s) before, during, and after the lesson:
Think: It doesnt have to be a test it can be effective questioning,
conferencing, pair share what will you do?
Before: Pre-assessment:
Students will be assessed on background knowledge during questioning at
begging of lesson.
During: check for understanding:
Teacher will check students understanding of the branches of government
by reviewing three- column graphic organizer as a class.
After: exit slip or other assessment
Students will use what they have learned to role play the three branches of

Lesson Structure and Procedures

Sequence of events of the lesson elements.
(The before, during, and after the lesson, e.g., Engagement/Opening,
Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion)
THINK: Madeline Hunter structure of lesson -'s+lesson+plan+format.p
Anticipatory Set, Opening, Engagement:
Students will watch,,
school house rock video to introduce the three branches of government.
Input, Procedures, Lesson:
Today in this lesson we are going to learn about democracy. The United
States is a democracy. Citizens of the United States elect those who run our
government. The Bill of Rights grants freedoms to its citizens. In exchange
for these freedoms, citizens have responsibilities. Can anyone think of
responsibilities we might have as citizens in a democracy such as the United
States? (students will be invited to write these responsibilies on the board)
Students will be asked to open their books to page 296. Teacher will read
introduction and then students will popcorn read to page 300. Teacher will
stop to discuss vocabulary and important concepts throughout reading.
Guided Practice:
Teacher will display graphic organizer on board. Students will each get a
copy of graphic organizer and complete as teacher completes on the board.
Graphic organizer will serve as note-taking guide.
Independent Practice:
Teacher will split the class into three groups, legislative, executive, and
judicial, the class will sit with their groups around the room and role play the
responsibilities each branch serves.
Have students return back to desks. So today we learned that our
government is a democracy. Turn and talk and tell your neighbor what it
means to be a democracy. (allow a minute for discussion) We also learned
that the government has three branches and we learned about the system of
checks and balances. Turn and tell a different neighbor something you
learned about these topics today. (allow a minute for discussion) The topics
we covered today are useful and concepts you will use for the rest of your
lives. It is important you read and review the notes we took today so that
you fully understand what we discussed.
Instructional Strategies
Teacher approach to helping students achieve the learning objectives and
meet their needs. THINK: Marzano, Hattie, Kagan, Gardner, Flexible
Grouping, Conferencing, etc. other best practices
Marzanos Instructional Strategies: (Describe the instructional
strategies used in this lesson and explain how each one is used) Identifying similarities and differences- Students will compare the
branches of government on a graphic organizer

Summarizing and note-taking- Students will take notes in chart

Cooperative learning- Students will have class discussions and role
play with classmates
Cues, questions, and advanced organizers- Students will be asked
questions for understanding and take notes on organizers

Gardners Multiple Intelligences: (Describe the multiple intelligences

used in this lesson and explain how each one is used) Linguistic- Students will learn new vocabulary words
Bodily- kinesthetic- Students will role play with classmates
Interpersonal- Students will have class discussions and role play with
Musical- Students will listen to school house rock introduction video
Learning Modalities: (Describe the learning modalities used in this lesson
and explain how each one is used) Visual- learners will see school house rock video and pictures in
Auditory- learners will hear reading and discussions
Kinesthetic- learners will role play the branches of government
Learning Activities
Opportunities provided for students to develop knowledge and skills of the
learning objectives
THINK: What will the students do? Could be independent or guided
practice, group work, research, read aloud, read to self, etc.
Students will read aloud from the textbook. Students will be guided through
discussions and completion of graphic organizers. Students will work as
groups to role play branches of government.

Resources and Materials

List of materials used in the planning of and during the instruction of the
THINK: What do I need for the lesson? Make sure you include teacher and
student resources and materials.
Graphic organizer worksheets
School house rock video
Dry erase marker
White Board
Textbook Pg. 296-300
Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to
enhance instruction and student learning

THINK: Web2.0 tools, Interactive Whiteboard tools, Productivity tools, etc.

School house rock video
Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural and
language differences, etc.
THINK: SIOP for ELLs, SPED, Gifted, small group/whole group, Blooms
Taxonomy, Depth of Knowledge, etc.
ELL students will create a list of difficult words in the reading. Students
will look up the definition of these words and write the meanings on
notebook paper.
Students will be asked a variety of leveled questions; thick and think
questions from Blooms Taxonomy
Classroom Management
Strategies consistent with the learning needs of the lesson that also meet
student behavior needs to help keep students on task and actively engaged
THINK: transitions, clear concise directions, task specific feedback,
organized delivery, procedures, engagement, developmentally appropriate
and proper level of difficulty
Teacher will make sure all students are following along during reading and
engaged during discussions. Teacher will guide the role playing and make
sure students are on task and being serious about acting out the branches of
Activities for early finishers that extend students understanding of and
thinking about the learning objectives by applying their new knowledge in a
different way
THINK: Blooms taxonomy, project based, inquiry based, small group,
investigations, webquest, long-term projects, menu of choices, etc.
Students who finish early may create ten true or false statements from pg.
296-30. When finished, students will switch with a partner and determine if
their statements are true or false.
Follow-up to Todays Lesson
Quick activity for review or building on todays learning that will deepen
student understanding and interconnect concepts (may be incorporated
tomorrow or throughout the unit)
THINK: How can my students link this to prior learning, make it relevant for
them, AND use it in the future?
It is important students understand that the United States is a democracy
and they are citizens of the United States. The Bill of Rights grants freedoms
to its citizens. In exchange for these freedoms, citizens have responsibilities.
These are important facts that students will use and know for the rest of
their lives.
Additional Information
Any area or lesson component that may not have been covered by this

format that you think is vital to include in this lesson

o THINK: Reflective practice. Next time what will I do the same,
differently? What did I learn from this lesson that will help my
students grow? What did I learn from this lesson that will help
me grow as an educator?

This part will be completed after you teach the



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