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Paulina Cataldo
Hernan Montenegro
Expected time: 90 minutes

Date: December 2nd

, 2014

Class: Teaching resources

Topics: Motivation

Function : To talk about how they are motivated

Expected learnings
At the end of this lesson the student should be able to:

Create a personal motivation profile

Warm up ( 10 minutes )
T greets the students and they do the same
T presents the objective of the class
Develop ( 45 minutes)
T shows a short video relation to the topic
Whats motivation? :
T makes a brainstorming activity
S come up with some ideas in relation to the content
T provides the instructions of the last activity where the students must
create a short video using PowToon.
S Create a short presentation in PowToon

Closure (35 minutes)

S show their presentations in front of the class
T gives them feedback
T ends the class going over the content learned

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