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Abraham Lincoln

By Jordan Furner

Personal details
Abraham Lincoln was born in a log
cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky to
Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks
Lincoln. Thomas was a strong and
determined pioneer who found a
moderate level of prosperity and was
well respected in the community.

Personal details
The couple had two other children:
Abraham's older sister Sarah and
younger brother Thomas, who died in
infancy. Due to a land dispute, the
Lincolns were forced to move from
Kentucky to Perry County, Indiana in
1817, where the family "squatted" on
public land to scrap out a living in a
crude shelter, hunting game and
farming a small plot. Thomas was

movements in which they


The ascension of the 1850s Republican Party remains one of

the most remarkable and significant developments in
American political history. Never before or since has a third
party displaced a preexisting major party, and never before or
since has the success of any party resulted in the almost
instantaneous and near-fatal trauma that beset the American
nation in 1860

Pains/hardships they faced

The life of a soldier during the civil
war wasn't easy. Not only did soldiers
face the possibility of getting killed in
battle, their daily lives were full of
hardships. They had to deal with
hunger, bad weather, poor clothing,
and even boredom between battles.

The qualities that you like in

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.
- Abraham Lincoln
Zen teaches that the potential to achieve enlightenment is inherent in everyone but lies dormant
because of ignorance. It is best awakened not by the study of scripture or the practice of good deeds,
but by breaking through the boundaries of mundane logical thought. The Lincoln leadership qualities
certainly break through these boundaries. This blog will explain why this is true.

Who is the leader you admire most? There would be many we like and studied. But our favorite would
be Abraham Lincoln. He worked to achieve mastery in law and politics. He gave his toughest rivals
power and autonomy. In fact, he surrounded himself with rivals who excelled in areas where he was
not strong. And despite his many failures, his life was an immense success. And the Lincoln leadership
qualities certainly illustrate this point well.

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