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Education is a major factor for human development around the

world. According to the UN Secretary-Generals Global Initiative on

Education, it has been stated that Education empowers people with
the knowledge, skills and values they need to build a better world.
The more people use their knowledge to empower the world, the more
the world grows. Education rounds the minds of young people when
they are provided a high quality education. The education system has
been is criticized for the way it has evolved and always up for reform.
The United Nations has made it a priority to change the education
around the world. The three priorities for the UN Secretary-Generals
Global Initiative on Education are to put every child in a school,
improve the quality of learning, and foster global citizenship.
Russias education system is not a typical education system, but
the country has made it a priority to put every child on school. Russia
has a 93% enrollment in its education system, for ages 5-14 years old
(OECD). Though students are enrolled in classes, this does not
guarantee attendance in the classroom, or completion of specific grade
levels. In Russias education system, students are typically in school
from ages 6-15 years old. After they turn 15 years old, they can choose
to further their education until age 17. Primary school in Russia is for
four years and secondary school is an additional six years. Students
may choose to attend a vocational school after turning 15 years old.

According to the United Nations, there are five barriers that hold
back students from enrolling, attending and completing school (United
Nations). The five barriers are as follows:

Unaffordable costs,
Child labor,
Gender discrimination,
Shortage of classrooms, and
Humanitarian emergencies

These barriers are not issue for Russia. After completing primary and
secondary education levels, 88% of students continue to further their
education at universities or vocational schools (OCED). The possibilities
for students to attain a higher education are endless. There are 387
universities and colleges available to students, which are either
financed by the government or ministries (International Colleges and
Universities). Education is important to the population of Russia
because they continue to get every child involved in schools.
The second and third priorities of the United Nations are
improving quality of learning and fostering global citizenship. The
quality of education is an important aspect for any child to be able to
learn in the classroom. Teachers are a large part of creating the quality
educational lessons for students. Russias teachers are trained to
deliver high quality educational programs for specialized ages and
specific subjects. Multi-lingual teaching in Russia is in high demand.
Most schools are taught in English or Russian because both languages
are prominent in the country. A quality education taught in English is in

high demand with many schools now hiring teachers from different
countries to teach the English language. Teachers in Russia play a
large part in preparing their students for the world. Russian schools
heavily emphasize learning in English and other critical skills (Russian
Guide). Globalization is very important to Russia and their schools.
They want their students to be able to speak both English and Russian.
By learning the English language in school it will allow the students to
be able to converse with various countries. This will lead the students
to have a large international presence in their future (EF-English First).
Russia makes it a priority to provide a globalized quality education.
Education is an important topic for many reasons. The United
Nations has made it a priority to change the educational system. They
have made it a goal to reduce poverty and promote gender equality,
which can help change, the education system around the world. Russia
does not have the best education system in the world but it is a better
educational system than other countries. They provide a quality
education for their students with the help of their qualified teachers.
They make it a priority to have almost all of their students enrolled in
schools across the country. Russia helps close the gap by having their
students learn English or multiple languages while attending school.
Education in Russia has been improving for many years and is on its
way to becoming more successful country than it has been in the past.


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