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Government System Of China

Issue 1. Volume 1


China began in 1200 BC among the Shang Dynasty. The Yellow
River and Yangtze River were the two major historical places
that are said to be what found the country China. Qin Shi Huang
was the first individual that was emperor of China. This was the
first start for China that began the civilization in this country.
Under this ruler here was when the communist party became a
form of government amongst the Shang Dynasty. Formally in
1921 the Communist party was in full power and control for the
type of government that China wanted.
China is divided into 22 provinces and 34 divisions.

Vice President
The vice president
of china is Li
Yuanchao. He is
nominated by The
National Peoples
Congress and
within the
constitution that is
found on article

Duties Of VP:

Helps the
and takes
position if
dies or

over the
Assist within
vote and

Under the supreme leader is the

president. The president of China
is Xi Jinping serving for four
years. He was first the vice
president from 2008 to 2013 then
ran and became appointed for
president in 2015. From this year
till the year of 2018 he will not
just serve as president but the
General Secretary Of The
Communist Party and Chairman
Of Central Military Commission.
His responsibility is:
Approving and producing
new laws
To get rid of or approve
government officials
Assess and approve state
and countries national
Announce or withhold
specific orders with
martial laws and wars
Allowing laws to go
through the NPC and

MARCH 2015

The parliament of China is called the national
peoples congress. Here there responsibilities are
to look over the way the communist government
functions. Their main job also is to nominate the
stare officers. This parliamentary congress are
the main figures that make sure as a whole the
government is functioning properly as each
office holder is correctly doing there job. There is
three chairman amongst the congress such are
Zhong Dejiangm, Li Jiangua and Wang Chen.
These three individuals all serve one term, as

Court System
Known as the People Republics Of China, the
branches of power then formed among this
communist government. Such include the
legislative branch, executive branch, judicial
brand and the military branch. The PRC
constitution is what controls the communist
party and the way the court system functions.
Since the government is a form of communism
that means that the social order functions
without the hierchary of individuals, wealth,
state, political and social organization of the
government in control of these factors. Even
though each of these branches of powers
within the court system have there own
responsibilities to carry out powers within the
court they must stay closely associated to the
rules and regulations of obeying the
communism form of government.

MARCH 2015

Vestibulum aliquam quam eget dolor.

Aliquam ipsum. In euismod.
Nunc pulvinar elementum sem. Cras
sed est. Suspendisse sed odio sed tortor
nonummy tempus. Nullam urna.
Quisque dictum condimentum sem.
Cras nec urna blandit enim malesuada
auctor. Nullam ipsum libero, cursus
vitae, egestas eget, eleifend id, velit.
Aenean quis ipsum sit amet purus
sagittis volutpat.
Vivamus ante purus, interdum vitae,
cursus quis, consectetuer sed, massa.
Nulla facilisi. Donec posuere blandit
pede. Nullam adipiscing fermentum
turpis. Quisque nulla mauris, pretium et,
egestas nec, posuere vitae, lacus.

Cleos Biscuits
Etiam tempor nibh quis tellus tempus
placerat.Praesent vehicula nunc
ullamcorper pede.

1 maecenas ut
sed suscipit
1 donec mi
fusce eu nisi
1 suspendisse
aliquam turpis
nunc a enim

Sed metus orci, ultricies eu,

vulputate quis, porttitor ut,
diam. Ut tempus leo quis
diam. Phasellus tempus eros
eu leo. Mauris eget ante.
Aliquam ornare congue
augue. Integer leo.Aliquam
imperdiet elit ac sem. Mauris
dictum, elit in aliquet mattis,

MARCH 2015

Aliquam commodo nisi

Fusce quis lacus
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent
per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.
Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum consequat. In
elementum porta ipsum. Morbi faucibus
augue. Etiam aliquet placerat sapien.
Phasellus gravida urna ac turpis. Curabitur
eget purus a nunc gravida convallis.

Vivamus fringilla
Vivamus dignissim dolor placerat tellus. Sed
purus. Nam molestie, quam facilisis iaculis
viverra, nulla turpis dictum nunc, eu
nonummy lacus felis eu elit. Nunc ultricies,
lorem sed rutrum congue, orci urna porttitor
mauris, sed rhoncus elit diam a massa.
Phasellus nonummy dolor sit amet mi.

Curabitur vitae erat

Nunc viverra, tellus id sagittis accumsan, justo
sapien hendrerit orci, sit amet semper eros
urna a mauris. Aenean felis ante, fringilla
vitae, pretium nec, tincidunt nec, dolor.
Suspendisse id turpis. Maecenas quam lectus,
imperdiet sit amet, volutpat eu, tincidunt
rutrum, turpis.

Curabitur in dolor
Proin tempor, nunc sit amet scelerisque
vulputate, urna leo laoreet nunc, posuere
ultricies ipsum ligula a odio. Nunc convallis
magna eget lacus. Curabitur condimentum,
mauris placerat sagittis ullamcorper, purus
orci rutrum mi, sit amet convallis dolor urna id
tortor. Sed a lectus. Suspendisse potenti.

MARCH 2015

Nunc urna lorem, gravida vel, sollicitudin

in, dignissim in, nunc
Etiam pharetra, elit a aliquam ultrices,
nisl quam viverra felis, non tincidunt
eros leo non sapien. Pellentesque
pretium nunc id nunc. Phasellus eget
felis. Mauris euismod, velit nec facilisis
gravida, tortor justo consectetuer diam,
id venenatis diam orci vel leo.
Suspendisse ut massa et lacus faucibus
imperdiet. Nulla felis orci, iaculis sed,
euismod ac, egestas in, odio.
Suspendisse consequat velit eu enim.
Quisque quis nisl. Cras ac libero varius
dui porta nonummy. Duis tincidunt,
quam vitae cursus aliquet, nisi arcu
consectetuer orci, vitae condimentum
dui nisi quis diam. Aliquam erat
volutpat. Morbi sodales. Cras commodo,
purus et tempor mollis, orci est
venenatis tortor, in rutrum nibh neque
sed purus.
Aenean leo ante, commodo non,
molestie id, fringilla sit amet, dui. Ut a
mi. Nulla nisi nisi, blandit non,
sollicitudin non, faucibus sed, ante.
Nullam vitae libero. Nulla posuere,
augue a gravida molestie, leo tellus
euismod lorem, ut suscipit nisl tortor
interdum arcu. Duis leo nunc, congue in,
aliquet ac, pretium sagittis, elit. Cum
sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis
parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus
mus. Phasellus in sem. Curabitur auctor
fermentum elit. Fusce et dolor. Cras
pretium nonummy justo. Vivamus
pretium, massa et consequat
consectetuer, massa nisi ullamcorper

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