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Government System of The Netherlands


Constitutional Monarchy
The Netherlands has been a

The Netherlands is usually governed by

constitutional monarchy since 1815.

a coalition of different political parties.

Before that the Netherlands was a

The prime minister usually comes from

union of provinces. In 1848 the

the majority party. The council of

Netherlands became a paralimentary

minister leads policy. The Council of

democracy. The Dutch Monarch has

ministers together with the kind form

no real political power but serves as

the crown.

respresentative head of state.

The Paraliment
The paraliment consists of two
chambers. The first chamber is called
the Lower house and consists of 150
members who are elected every 4
years. They approve the budget and
submits ammendments. The second
chamber is called the Senate and
consists of 75 members. The approve
or reject all laws of the Netherlands
without the right of amendment.

The Head of State- The King

The Head of State is King
Willem-Alexander van Oranje-

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