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Algebra Actual CAT Problems 1999-2005 CAT 1999 1. The number of positive integer valued pairs (x, y) satisfying 4x—17y = 1 andx< 1000s a.59 v.87 6.55 4.58 2. Total expenses of a boarding house are partly fixed and partly varying linearly with the number of boarders. The average expense per boarder is Rs. 700 when there are 25 boarders and Rs. 600 When there are 60 boarders. What's the average expense per boarder when there are 100 boarders? a.550 b. 580 ©. 540 0.870 3. tt 6|= 11 and [eq 12 = 6, whatis the minimum possible value of ¢? 2 a oF ot 4. None of ese Directions for questions 4 to 6: Answer the questions based on the following information. ‘A young git! Roopa leaves home with x flowers, goes to the bank of a nearby river. On the bank of the river, there are four places of worship, standing in arow. She dips all the x ‘lowers into the river. The number of flowers doubles. Then she enters the first place of worship, offers y flowers tothe deity. She dips the remaining flowers into the river, and again the number of flowers doubles. She goes to the ssecond place of worship, offer y lowers to the deity. She dips the remaining flowers into the river, and again the number of flowers doubles. She goes tothe third place of worship, offers y flowers tothe deity. ‘She dips the remaining flowers into the river, and again the number of flowers doubles. She goes to the fourth place of worship, offers y flowers to the deity. Now she is left with no flowers in hand, 4. If Roopa leaves home with 30 flowers, the numberof flowers she offers to each deity is a.30 b.31 0.32 4.33 5. The minimum number of flowers that could be offered to each deity is a0 b.15 16 4. Cannot be determined 6. The minimum numberof flowers with which Roopa leaves home is até b.15 0 4. Cannot be determined ‘gabra - Actual CAT Problems 92°05 Bus Page t Directions for questions 7 and 8: Answer the questions based on the following information. There are blue vessels with known volumes Vj, V2... Vi, affangedin ascending order of volume, v, > 0.5 lire, and v,, <1 litre, Each of these is ful of water initially. The water from each of these is emptied into minimum number of empiy white vessels, each having volume 1 lire. The water from a blue vessels not emptied into a white vessel unless the white vessel has enough emply volume to hold all the water of the blue vessel. The number of white vessels required to empty all the blue vessels according to the above rules was n, 7. Among the four values given below, which is the least upper bound on e, where e's the totalempty volume inthe white vessels atthe end ofthe above process? amv, b. m(-v,,) ©. mv. 4. m(t—v,) 8. Lot the number of white vessels needed be 1, for the emptying process described above, ifthe volume of each white vessel is 2 litres. Among the following values, whichis the least upper bound ae bb. Smallest integer greater than or equal to on CAT 2000 8 x 1 23 4 5 6 y 4 B 14 22 32 46 Inthe above table, for suitably chosen constants a, band c, which one of the following best describes the relation between y and x? ay=a+bx by=a+bx+ox cy=er 1. None of these 10. ita, =tanda,,,=2a +5,n=1,2... then a,, is equal to a. (52-6) b. (5x 2" 46) ©. (6 2" 45) d. (6x 2-5) 11, Whatis the value of the following expression? Healt Pago? Nhu ‘Algebra - Actual CAT Problems ‘99-05 12 A truck travelling at 70 km/hr uses 30% more diesel to travel a certain distance than it does when i travels at a speed of 50 kav. If the ruck can travel 19.5 kmiL of diesel al 50 kur, how far can the tuck travel on 10 L of diesel at a speed of 70 kmuhr? a. 190 km b. 140 km 150 km 4.175 km 13, Iix>2andy >—1, then which of the following statements is necessarlly true? axy>-2 bx <2y cry <2 dx > 2y 14, Ifthe equation x* —axé + bx ~ a = O has three real roots, then it must be the case that ab=1 bbet cast dast CAT 2001 18. Itx>S.andy <—1, then which of the following statements is true? ace dy)>t bix>-ty ctx < 5y d. None of these 16. _misthe smallest positive integer such that for any integer n2 m the quantity n—7r* + 11n- is positive. What is the value of m? ad bs 8 d. None of these 17. Every 10 years the indian Government counts ll the people living n the country. Suppose that he director ofthe census has reported the following data on two neighbouring villages Chota Hazri and Mota Hazri Chota Hazri has 4,522 fewer males than Mota Hazr Mota Hazri has 4,020 more females than males. Chota Hazri has twice as many females as males. Chota Hazrihas 2,910 fewer females than Mota Hazn What is the total number of males in Chota Hazri? a. 11,264 b.14a74 ©. 5,632 410,154 18, Three classes X, Y and Z take an algebra test. ‘The average score in class X is 83. ‘The average score in class Yis 76. ‘The average score in class Z is 85. ‘The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79. The average score of all students in classes V and Z together is 81 What is the average forall the three classes? a.8t bes ©. 82 0.845 19. Ata certain fast food restaurant, Brian can buy 3 burgers, 7 shakes, and one order of fries for Rs, 120 exactly, Atthe same place it would cost Rs. 164.5 for 4 burgers, 10 shakes, and one order of fries. How much would it cost for an ordinary meal of one burger, one shake, and one order of fries? a. Rs, 31 b. Rs. 41 ©. Rs. 2 4. Cannot be determined Algebra - Actual GAT Problems 99°05 Bus Page 3 20. ForaFibonacci sequence, from the third term onwards, each term in the sequence is the sum of the previous two terms in thal sequence. Ifthe difference in squares of th and 6th terms of this sequence 1s 517, whats the 10th term of this sequence? a.147 6.76 6.123 d, Cannotbe determined 21. Let x and y be two positive numbers such that x + y = 1 1 1 Then the minimum valueot [x +7} +[y+—] is x ¥ a2 b.20 6.125 4.133 Directions for questions 22 and 23: Answer the questions based on the following infirmation. The batting average (BA) ofa Test batsman is computed from runs scored andinnings played —completed innings and incomplete innings (not out in the folowing manner: ,, s Number of runs scored in completed innings 11, = Number of completed innings Number of runs scored in incomplete innings Number of incomplete innings To better assess a batsman s accomplishments, the | MBA, defined as follows: Is considering two other measures MBA, ard 22. Based on the above information which ofthe following is true? a. MBA, 0, then which ofthe folowing is always true? a. X, is positive if nis even b. X, is positive in is odd . %, Isnegative if nis even 4. None of these Ix, yand.z are real numbers such that x +y +z = § and xy + yz +2x = 3, whatis the largest value thatx can have? 13 8 0.8 8 4. None ofthese ag 3 Let S denotes the infinite sum 2 «5x +9x? + 14x° + 20x* +..., where Ix! <1 and the costficient of 1 yt is pla+3)(=1, 2, ..). Then S equals: a 2X » 22% ¢ 2te 2s —P eg xP ae? It x? + 5y? +2? = 2y(2x + 2} , then which of the following statements is(are) necessarily true? A.x=2y Bx=22 Only A b.Bandc 4.None of these ‘Amol was asked to calculate the arithmetic mean of 10 positive integers, each of which had 2 digits. By mistake, he interchanged the 2 digits, say a and b, in one of these 10 integers. As a result, his answer for the arithmetic mean was 1.8 more than what it should have been. Then b - a equals at b2 3 d. None of these ‘Suppose for any real number x, [x] denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Let L(x, y} [x] +b] + &x + y] and R(x, y) = [2x) + [2y]. Then itis impossible to find any two positive real ‘numbers x and y for which ALY) = ROY) BLO YI # RKY) CLO Y)< RO y) — d. LO y) > ROK y} Algebra - Actual GAT Problems 99°05 Bus Page 5 92. 33. 34. ne The number of real roots of the equation A 1, where A and B are real numbers not equal to zero simultaneously, is a.None bat 2 d.10r2 A piece of string is 40 om long. Itis cut into three pieces. The longest piece is three times as long as the middle-sized and the shortest piece is 23 cm shorter than the longest piece. Find the length of the shortest piece. a7 bs a4 4.9 I par apsatr b CAT 2003 Leaked 35, The number of non-negative real roots of 2*—x—1 = O equals a0 bat a2 43 36. When the curves y = logigx and are drawn in the xy plane, how many times do they Intersect for values x > 1? a.Never b. Once c. Twice d. More than twice 37. Which one of the following conditions must p, q and r satisty so that the following system of linear simultaneous equations has at least one solution, such that p + q+1#0? xt 2y-32=p 2x + 6y 112 x-ayeTz= aSp-2q-r=0 bv. Sp+2q+ ©. 8p +2q 4. 5p-2q+ 38. Aleather factory produces two kinds of bags, standard and deluxe. The protit marginis Rs. 200n a standard bag and Rs. 30 on a deluxe bag. Every bag must be processed on machine A and on Machine B. The processing times per bag on the two machines are as follows: Time required (Hoursbag) Machine Ay Machine @ Srandard Bag 4 é Deluxe Bag) 5 70 ‘The total ime available on machine Ais 700 hours and on machine B is 1250 hours. Among the following production plans, which one meets the machine avallablty constraints and maximizes the profit? a. Standard 75 bags, Deluxe 80 bags b. Standard 100 bags, Deluxe 60 bags c. Standard 50 bags, Deluxe 100 bags. 4d. Standard 60 bags, Deluxe 90 bags Page 6 Nhu ‘Algebra - Actual CAT Problems ‘99-05 39. 40. 4 ‘The sum of 3% and 15" elements of an arithmetic progression is equal to the sum of 6,11" and 13! elements of the same progression. Then which element of the series should necessarly be equal o zero? at bg o. 12" d. None of the above Let g(x) = max(5 — x, x + 2). The smallest possible value of g(x) is a.40 bas 15 None of the above ~2]+|2.5 —x| + [9.6 — xl, where x is areal number, attains a minimum at ax=23 b.x=25 ox=27 d. None of the abave DIRECTIONS for Questions 42 and 43: Each question is followed by two statements, A and B, ‘Answer each question using the following instructions. Choose (a) if the question can be answered by one of the statements alone but not by the other. (Choose (b) i the question can be answered by using either statement alone. Choose (o) i the question can be answered by using both the statements together, but cannot be answered by using either statement alone. Choose (4) i the question cannot be answered even by using both the statements together. 42, What are the unique values of b and c in the equation 4x° + bx +¢ equation is (-1/2)? ‘A. The second root is 1/2 B. The ratio of cand bis 1 (2 (1, is | ae A -3sas3 B. One of the roots of the equation 4x®Ax+1 = is a Ot one of the roots of the DIRECTIONS for Questions 44 to 67: Answer the questions independently of each other. 44, 45. 46, ‘The 288" term of the series .b,b.c.,0,0.0.0,44,4.. is au by aw x Let p and q be the roots of the quadratic equation x? —(q.-2) x—a.-1=0. Whats the minimum possible value of p? + q27 a0 bs a4 48 Lota, b,c, dbe four integers such that avbec+d Which one of the following is ecessarily rue? a. The minimum possible value of a® = b? + c? + d? is 4m?-2m+1 b. The minimum possible value of a® + b? + c? + d? is 4m@s2m+t ¢. The maximum possible value of a® = b? + c? + d?is 4m®ame1 4. The maximum possible value of a + b2 + c? + 6? is 4m@+2ms1 Im+1 where m is a positive integer. Given m, Algebra - Actual GAT Problems 99°05 Bus Pago? 47, ‘There are 8436 stee! balls, each with a radius of 1 centimeter, stacked ina pile, with 1 ball ontop. balls in the second layer, 6 inthe third layer, 10 in the fourth, and so on. The number of horizontal layers in the pile is a3 0.38 6.36 4.32 48, tflogq2, log, (2*—5), log, (2-7/2 ae in arithmetic progression, then the value of xis equal to as bd oe 4.3 49, Given that -1svst,-2sus-08 and -2<25-05 and w-vz/u, then which of the folowing is necessarly ue? a-0Ssws2 bh -acwea c -4ews2 a. -2ews-05 50. There are 6 boxes numbered 1,2. 6. Each boxts tobe filed up either with ared ora green ballin such a way that a least 1 box contains a green ball and the boxes containing green balls are consecutively numbered, The ‘otal number of ways in which this can be done is as b.21 6.33 4.60 51. Consider the following two curvos inthe x plane Bex yore Pexa5 Which of following statements is tue for p< x <2? a. The two curves intersect once. ». The two curves intersect twice. €, The two curves donot intersect 4. The two curves intersect tice, 52. In acertain examination pape, there are n questions. For] = 1.2... there are 2" students who answered or more questions wrongly. the total number of wrong answers is 4095, then the value otnis a2 2.10 4.9 58. _11x,y,z.are distinct postive real numbers the + 2)* ¥*0+2)+ 2°09) woud be ye a.greaterthan 4. b.greaterthanS. _c.greaterthan6——_d. None ofthe above 54. Agraph may be defined as a set of points connected by lines called edges. Every edge connects a pair of poins. Thus a triangle is a graph with 3 edges and 3 points. The degree of a point isthe number of edges connected ot. For example, a triangle is a graph wth three points of degree 2 ach. Consider a graph with 12 points. itis possibe to each any point rom any point through a ‘sequence of edges. The number of edges, e, in the graph must satisfy the condition a. 1150566 b. 105066 c 1150565 a.0sest1 Pages Nhu ‘Algebra - Actual CAT Problems ‘99-05 CAT 2003 Retest 56. 56, 87. 58, 59, 60. 61 62. 63 ‘There are 12 towns grouped into four zones with three towns per zone. Itis intended to connect the towns witha telephone lines such that every two towns are connected with three direct lines if they belong to the same zone, and with only one direct line otherwise. How many direct telephone lines are required? a.72 b.90 6.96 144 Hf both a and b belong to the set (1, 2. 3, 4}, then the number of equations of the form ax’ + bx + 1 = Ohaving real roots is a.10 b.7 6 4.12 og, «log, Vx * 210g, 1, then he possible value of xis gven by - oo d. None of these ato > F00 To00 1 1 og, M+ 810g, N t+ 10g, 6. then 3 ze Ix and y are integers, then the equation 5x + 19y = 64 has, m mm m* trates» maint amt on nl ) Tene I" three positive real numbers x, y and z salisly y—x = z—y and x y z= 4, hen what is the minimum possible value of y? a2" bow cam aoe at 49 4, 258 a bt 256 4 ia 27 a7 The number of roots common between the two equations x’ + 3x‘ + 4x + 5 = 0 and X 4B + 7K43= 08 a0 bt 2 43 Algebra - Actual GAT Problems 99°05 Bus Page 9 64, Areal number x satistying 1-1 < x <3 1, for every positive integer n, is best described by atex 1 and x=-|a/b, then which one of the following is necessarily rue? aaxb<0 b.a-xb 20 ca-xb>0 da—xb <0 Directions for questions 68 to 70: Answer the questions on the basis ofthe tables given below. Two binary operations @ and « are defined over the set fa, ¢, fg, h as per the following tables: e e A a e a e t h t h hta t hr tale A e Thus, according tothe frst table { © g ~ a , while according to the second table g+h= , and'so on. Also, let 1? =t +t, g? =gegeg, and so on. 68, _Whatis the smallest postive integer n such that g° = ©? ad b.5 2 4 69, Upon simplification. [1 «(f@(-+1)}] equals bt ae eg an 70. Upon simpitication, (a'° + (t"° @ g?)} @ e® equals, ae bf og an 71. Let x and y be positive integers such that x is prime and y is composite. Then, a. y~xcannat be an even integer 'b. xy cannot be an even integer XY) cannot be an even integer d. None of these Page 10 Bua ‘gebra - Actual GAT Problems 99°05 CAT 2004 7. 73. 7. 7. 76. 77. 78. 79. If the sum of the fist 11 terms of an arithmetic progression equals that of the first 19 terms, then What is the sum ofthe first 30 terms? a0 bal at d. Notunique lif) = «° -4x-+p, and {0) and (1) are of opposite sings, then which ofthe following is necessarily tue a-l 0, b> 0 . maximized whenever a > 0, b<0 . minimized whenever a> 0, >0 4d, minimized whenever a> 0. b<0 Each family in a locality has at most two adults, and no family has fewer than 3 children. Consider- ing al the families together, there are more adults than boys, more boys than girls, and more girls than families, Then the minimum possible number of families in the locality is ad B.S 2 4.3 The total number of integers pairs (x, y) salisying the equation x + y = xy is ao bt 02 d.None of the abave Algebra - Actual GAT Problems 99°05 Bus Page 11 80. Consider the sequence of numbers a a,, a,,,, .. 10 infinity where a, = 81.33 and a,=—19 and a, = a, —a , for] > 3, What is the sum of the first 6002 terms of this sequence? a.-100.33, b.-30.00 6.62.33, 4.19.33 81, Letu~=(log,x ~ Blog, x + 12 where xis a real number. Then the equation x: = 256, has a, no solution for x ». exactly one solution for x c. exactly tow distinct solutions for x d. exactly three distinct solutions for x Directions for Questions 82 and 83: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. In an examination, there are 100 questions divided into three groups A, 8 and C such that each group contains atleast one question. Each question in group a carries 1 mark, each question in group B carries ‘2 marks and each question in group C carries 3 marks. It's known that the questions in group A together carry atleast 60% of the total marks. 82, If group B contains 23 questions, then how many questions are there in Group C7? at b.2 63 d. Cannot be determines 83. It group C contains 8 questions and group B carries at least 20% of the total marks, which of the following best describes the number of questions in group B? a.ttort2 b. 120r13, ©. 18 0r 14 d. 140115 CAT 2005 84. © O5 1.0 85. Lotnl= 123%... «nforintoger p24, Itp=!+ (2x2!) + (3x3!) +. + (10 101) then p + 2 when divided by 11! Leaves a remainder of ato b.0 e7 at 86. Hay=tandan.; Bay +2 infor every positive integer n, then aq, equals a. 9° 200 b. 34 200 3! _ 209 a. 3° «200 a ype ) easoverte b.-05 co at Pago 12 Shou ‘Algebra - Actual CAT Problems ‘99-05 88. Let x-Ja+J4— a+ Ja—..t0infinity . Then x equals 2) 2 2 a3 a. Vis 89. _Atelecom service provider engages male and female operators for answering 1000 calls per day. A ‘male operator can handle 40 calls per day whereas a female operator can handle 50 calls per day. ‘The male and the female operators get a fixed wage of Ris. 250 and Ris. 300 per day respectively. In addition, a male operator gets Rs. 15 per call he answers and female operator gets Rs. 10 per call she answers. To minimize the total cost, how many male operators should the service provider employ assuming he has to employ more than 7 of the 12 female operators available for the job? ats b.14 ot2 4.10 Algebra - Actual GAT Problems 99°05 Bus Page 18

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