Sciencefair 7 Thgrade

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Alex Ward & Brooklyn Autry

Per 6

Section 1: Abstract

A world problem that we are experiencing right now is that to

many people are losing their legs or had a birth defect and have
to live with their loss for the rest of their lives. Roughly 1
million Americans have lost a leg or part of one due to injury
or disease. Well, recent studies at the Rehabilitation Institute of
Chicago have made a robotic leg that is control by the persons
mind. This leg is a representation of the human leg, but with
wires and other cables connected to the brain and other nerves
across the body.

This new technology describes advances across a wide range of subjects. Those include
brain science, nerve surgery, bone study and using certain software to make prosthetics. The
robotic leg requires less movements and less motion than a prosthetic leg. The bionic leg that is
programmed to follow the persons commands reduced the errors of unnatural movements like
pain and falls by 44% maximum.

The leg ways just about 10 pounds. It has multiple engines that stimulate the movement
in the ankle and knee. And it has many of sensors that are able to detect and measure movement
all over. This project wouldnt have been possible if it wasnt for the army funding which was $8

Alex Ward & Brooklyn Autry

Per 6

In order for this robotic leg to be able to use for others Vawter will have to complete stages and
they will determine whether this is a smart and reliable idea for others to use.

Section 2: About us
Both of us Hello, This is Brooklyn and this is Alex.

Alex Our project in based off a robotic leg that is not like any other prosthetic leg. The robotic leg
can be controlled so that you dont have to even think about it. We will be explaining how the
medical world, and the world of technology, can be more efficient with the robotic leg.

Brooklyn The medical and technological world today has made astonishing advantages over years past.
For example the robotic leg. The robotic leg is connected to the body by multiple nerves that go
up your leg. The nerves go all the way up the testers body to the brain. Now with the robotic leg,
you dont have to think about moving the leg it just moves with your commands.

Alex Our question for this topic was, Does the robotic leg help the economy?


Alex Ward & Brooklyn Autry

Per 6

In todays economy people are going fast and they want to get ahead in life. But they cant do
that if they are falling down all the time because of the prosthetic legs. The robotic leg helps the
economy, because it is better and more helpful than the regular prosthetic leg. Although the
robotic leg may require more surgery time, in the end it would help out the economy be more

Brooklyn In conclusion, the future of the robotic leg can be expand to fit all of a persons needs towards
living an amazing live. The robotic leg has helped improve major categories for life such as brain
science, nerve surgery, bone study

Section 3: Question/Proposal
Does the robotic leg help the economy?

In todays economy people are going fast and they want to get ahead in life. But they
cant do that if they are falling down all the time because of the prosthetic legs. The robotic leg
helps the economy, because it is better and more helpful than the regular prosthetic leg. Although
the robotic leg may require more surgery time, in the end it would help out the economy be more

Alex Ward & Brooklyn Autry

Per 6

Section 4: Research
The robotic leg is an artificial leg that connect to someones brain. Roughly 1 million
Americans have lost a leg or part of one due to injury or disease. Well, recent studies at the
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago have made a robotic leg that is control by the persons mind.
This leg is a representation of the human leg, but with wires and other cables connected to the
brain and other nerves across the body.

This new technology describes advances across a wide range of subjects. Those include
brain science, nerve surgery, bone study and using certain software to make prosthetics. The
robotic leg requires less movements and less motion than a prosthetic leg. The bionic leg that is
programmed to follow the persons commands reduced the errors of unnatural movements like
pain and falls by 44% maximum.

The leg ways just about 10 pounds. It has multiple engines that stimulate the movement
in the ankle and knee. And it has many of sensors that are able to detect and measure movement
all over. This project wouldnt have been possible if it wasnt for the army funding which was $8

With this leg, it just flows, said the 32-year-old software engineer. The control system
is very intuitive. There isnt anything special I have to do to make it work right. This quote is
saying the leg is so technologically advanced that it just glides like a regular leg.

Alex Ward & Brooklyn Autry

Per 6

Michael Goldfarb ( H. Fort Flowers Professor of Mechanical Engineering), and his

colleagues at Vanderbilt Universitys created the first robotic leg (prosthesis) with knee and ankle
joints. This design became the the first leg controlled by a human mind.

Robotic legs have the power to move with the users controls, unlike the prosthetic leg. A
research team in Brazil, led by a neuroscientist (Miguel Nicolelis) has created a robotic suit that
helps disabled people move and walk again. This is a larger scale of the robotic leg. They plan to
show off this invention at the World Cup 2014.

Understanding the persons commands require connection to other parts of their body
(nervous system). Recently, scientists have found several different ways to convey this
experiment. The easiest way (method) uses physical sensors that portrays the users intent from
their body language.

The most difficult technique involve putting electrodes straight into a patients nerves or
directly into their brain. The doctors still dont know which option works best. Approaches that
entail a greater degree of invasiveness must obviously justify the invasiveness with substantial
functional advantage, the article states.

Before people within the U.S.A can approach to buy this invention, it must be approved
by the U.S Food and Drug Administration.

Section 5: Method/Testing

Alex Ward & Brooklyn Autry

Per 6

The future of the robotic leg could end up people being able to have double robotic legs, and
also arms. In addition, the leg could lead to people having a full body suit, sorta like iron man.
The robotic leg could help animals with deformities also, because if they were born without a leg
they could make a miniature robotic leg that can help them adapt to their environment.

Section 6: Results
Does the robotic leg benefit or help the economy?

Yes, the robotic leg does help the economy. The robotic leg helps the economy, because the
people that made the robotic leg got paid to do it, and if you got payed at your job you have to
pay taxes. The taxes would be higher depending on how much you got paid. Also the people of
America that has an injury or disability would benefit from the leg, and they could go back to
work which would get there family more money.

Section 7: Conclusion
In todays economy people are going fast and they want to get ahead in life. But they
cant do that if they are falling down all the time because of the prosthetic legs. The robotic leg

Alex Ward & Brooklyn Autry

Per 6

helps the economy, because it is better and more helpful than the regular prosthetic leg. Although
the robotic leg may require more surgery time, in the end it would help out the economy be more

Section 8: Work CIted

"- ." .. N.p., n.d. Web. 20
Feb. 2014.

"Robotic Advances Promise Artificial Legs That Emulate Healthy Limbs | Research
News @ Vanderbilt | Vanderbilt University." Vanderbilt Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb.

"Newsela | A Robotic Leg Gets Wired to Communicate Directly with the Brain."Newsela
| A Robotic Leg Gets Wired to Communicate Directly with the Brain. N.p., n.d. Web. 20
Feb. 2014.

Alex Ward & Brooklyn Autry

Per 6

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