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Brooklyn Autry

Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

The Month
of E...
Brooklyn Autry
Alexandra Ward

It is the month of E, and Evangeline Beckman, or as her mother likes to call her, Eva is
on high alert because she can be chosen in the lottery. There is several different districts in this
place called H-trae. The population have increased so much that they have to decrease it by
having lottery. There once was a peaceful land with a democracy, filled with president, kings,
queens, etc. That place was called Earth, now it is the year of 3014. This peaceful land was taken
down by chaos and corruption caused by, and overconsumption of evil.
H-trae is the new modernized world, its to the point where resources are low, and there's
not enough land for all humans. There is 50 districts. In each district there are only 100 people.
These people each has different jobs depending on where they live. Since resources are low they
have turned to more man made items, such as plastic.

Brooklyn Autry
Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

There was a war that was the most catastrophic war in history. Everyone was aiming at
everyone. People were dying all over. And it all started with one mistake. This war was World
War 3. This war was started by the United States of America trying to launch a missile towards
Isis when it redirected and hit Russia. This happened in 2014. But the aftermath was the worst
part of the war. Russia started to aim for United States, Germany started to aim towards Canada,
Japan started to aim for Russia. United States had so many allies and so many enemies.
The only landmasss remaining are the main ones that start with the letter A. These
include America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. People are now able to live on
Antarctica, because of the growing climate change and global warming. Now instead of
Antarctica around -93.2 C the temperature averages around 75F.
This new world has one ruler that can make a person quiver at the sound of his voice.
This person was the main terrorist of the 19th century. He is the clone of Hitler. He has came
back to send his troopers out to help decrease the population of H-trae.
Now in the modernized world there is a lottery so we can reduce the population of Htrae. Every month has a letter, one with the name of that letter gets chosen to go into a lottery. Its
like picking a curtain weed from a garden. But this weed gets annihilated in an Arena for
entertainment. It is the month of E, and Eva is scared as ever. Even though there is a one out of
fifty chance that the trooper will go to her districts she is still frightened because, her name starts
with the letter E. Troopers go around searching for a districts to pronounce the lottery, Eva lives
in the 28th district.

In the 28th district, their main focus is on education , and family. They are required to
complete 28 years of schooling. As soon as a child turns five in the 28th district they are set up
for school. Unfocused children get beatings while hardworking children get less schooling years.
Evangeline is on her 12th year, and she is 16 years old. She has such a focused learner she got to
skip a year. In the new modern world, no one pays for any schooling anymore. It is all free, if
someone tries to charge someone they go down into a whole.
Instead of having the old jail system. Now if you commit a crime, or go against Hitlers
ruling you get put into his army. This is also how they control the human population. Even the
smallest crime can be acknowledged as a horrific crime that will be punished. No one is safe
anymore, because you can go into the Army at any moment. If you join the Army or are forced to
you dont get paid anything. You always have to be on your best behavior, because if someone

Brooklyn Autry
Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

sees you doing something bad or illegal than they can tell on you to the H-trae police and you
will sent away right then and there.
Hitler doesnt allow certain things in the new world. He doesnt allow music or any
freedom of speech/artistic view. This affected mostly all of the population. The only reason
Hitler did this, was because didnt want anyone to get any ideas that they could overrule him.
The power of the people was taken away when the clone of Hitler came back in the
picture. Now people cant speak to one another with words. The only form of communication
comes from teachers, the H-trae police, and higher ruling. This makes it easier for Hitler and his
powerful army to create a divide between important people and regular H-trae citizens.
People are not allowed to have more than one child per family. This means if you cant
have anymore brothers and sisters or aunts and uncles. If you have more than one child you and
all your family is executed. Hitler doesnt stand for any rebels of any sort. Everyday there is a
role count to make sure that everyone is there and no one escaped into unknown land.
There is no religion there. Everyone is forced to believe that Hitler created everything
and he is the ultimate power. Anything other than this belief can land someone dead. In school
the people learn that Hitler is good, and all the amazing things that he has done. Teachers use a
mind controller in school to teach the kids about the importance of Hitler. For some children it
doesnt work, but in order for them to survive they need to pretend like it had an effect on them.
People dont know why it doesnt work, but they know if they tell the government they will die.

All 50 districts wear different colors but, everybody in the district wears the same color.
In the 28th their color is assigned to be grey, for eternity. They have a giant cafeteria filled with
colored slaves as chef. There food is filled with protein and antioxidants which will help them for
there 28 years of schooling. Other districts are jealous of how great the food is, because they get
the gross and disgusting food that looks like slob.
After your served years of learning in school, you go straight to having a job. Families
that have tough times because of the cruel ruling of the clone of hitler. Many people become
homeless and dont have a job, so they have to join the army. Even though you dont get paid
you get shelter and the basic necessities to survive.

Brooklyn Autry
Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

Shelter for the 28th district citizens is not at its best, hols in the walls, not enough space,
ruined houses without roofs or walls. Families aren't always protected by the dictator. On top of
that they have the have a large chance of them or their family members getting picked for the

This is the life that Eva has to live in.

The only reason I am writing this is because I want people to understand where I'm coming
from when I say my life sucks. And the other reason is because I stole a pencil and paper from
my teacher since we aren't allowed to have a creative mind. Hopefully I don't get caught by their
security cameras the government has set up all over the house.
I woke up on Saturday morning more tired than I was when I fell asleep. All night I was
up thinking to myself what my life would be like if I just ran away. I dont know where I would
go, but where ever it was I would be better than this. Im not allowed to do anything in this
society. I cant even speak to my family. We have to use are own weird hand language, and hope
that their security cameras didnt catch it. The new form of government puts such a humongous
amount of stress on us that we get scared even looking in the mirror, because we are afraid of us
being punished.

I have to run away before the lottery starts if I am really going to do this. Its the month
of E and I have a huge chance of being picked. I dont want to die just for the entertainment of
After I had my 40 minute long thinking process I decided that I am to weak and scrawny
to run away. I can't fight anyone or anything. I can barely even get out of bed without falling on
the floor. So I went downstairs to the cafeteria to get filled up for the lottery today, just invade I
got picked for it I would have lots of food and wouldn't starve as easily as the rest of them. When
I went downstairs I saw my family already eating and I smiled. I then got a very disturbing glare
from the guard near me. In the rules Hitler created he didn't say we couldn't smile. My mom gave
me a signal that was telling me to eat as fast as possible so we could go. I ate my meal quickly so
we could escape and actually hear each other again. It has been so long since I have heard their
voices, I don't remember what they sound like.

Brooklyn Autry
Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

We escapes into the woods out there, there is no cameras trying to conceal our feelings or
push them away. We can be ourselves and not have to be worried if we are going to be punished.
The world was quiet without words or little voices. The main thing I miss about being home is
hearing my mom and dad laughing at something I did funny. I love them so much! I don't know
what I would do without them in my life.
I have a mother and a father. Most people only have a mother or father. My mother and
father both were in love when they were younger, but since they couldn't talk they only liked
each other at first for their looks until the found the woods.
One day they we both trailing along to the cafeteria when they notice a light in the vastly
tall red trees off in the distance. Them being only 16 and 17 both took off after it. They saw it
and thought it was their chance for freedom. No one saw them, but if they did they didn't say
anything to this day. In the woods they saw gigantic trees and birds as tall as you and I. They saw
an opportunity to have freedom from the government, so they took it. They never told anyone
about this secret place. My mother and father we always afraid of being caught for their act of
rebeliance. As far as we know only my family has been there. Once in a while we see a troop of
men , when this happens we have to run and hide under the huge green bushes around the woods.

Whenever we come and visit here we always fill every moment with talking to one
another. We dont like to leave a moment untalked or not filled with noise. I love to hear about
my family and what they did during the war, and how Earth was like. It seems so peaceful
compared to H-Trae. I wished I lived in a world like that.
Today is the day where everyone wishes they could go into hiding, but they cant.
Because no matter how hard you try, you can (as they say) never beat Hitler. I feel that if we all
could come together we can overthrow them and we the people can rule. The lottery is the most
feared thing in H-Trae besides the clone of Hitler.
We are still in the woods and we hear footstep coming. We hide and run as fast as we can.
The footsteps are getting louder and louder. I can hear the constant rhythm in their step. I know
instantly that they are headed for our district. My heart felts like it is beating out of my chest, and
my stomach dropped to my feet.I feel like moving, but I my feet wont let me. I want to bolt out

Brooklyn Autry
Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

of here and never come back, but I cant somehow someway I know they would find me. So I
stay and watch the outcome.
We get back home very quickly and have time to spare to change our clothes and wash
up. We always have to keep this part of our life a secret. We all go outside to find Hitler and his
troops waiting for our arrival. Everyone lines up by family which is 1-3 people per line.
People below the age of 18 years old cant be in the lottery. Boys and girls both get
picked. One at a time, boys go first then girls. When a name gets called you either her complete
and utter silence ( because they have no family) or you hear weeping in the crowd.
When Hitler approaches the stand and starts talking, I hear a faint quiver in his voice.
Like he was scared to talk to the people of his land.
He started off by saying, In Hitler we trust, and everyone else should be ashamed
In Hitler we trust, and everyone else should be ashamed we repeated.
We do this every month to decrease our population of H-trae, and keep everything in order. We
dont like any rebels in our land, so dont try of defye us! We will fight back! he said with a get
Now on to our lottery! Hitler said.
The first boy is named Alex Punter,
We all clap for him, even though this is probably the worst thing to ever happened to him.
Alex Punter, where are you? he said.
Here Alex said with tears running down his face.
Our first competitor. Now onto our next player! said Hitler.
Evangeline Beckman. he said.
My mom broke down to the floor and couldnt believe what she heard.

Brooklyn Autry
Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

WHY? she shouted.

By then the guards came to us and snatched my mom and dad by the arms and carried them to
the top of the staircase. Where everyone knew nothing was going to be the same after this...
I couldnt believe what I was seeing.
I ran towards the step, but it was too late.
They shot and killed her right then.
This is all because she spoke. Because she spoke 2 words.

After this gun shot people stopped looking pale and un-human like. They rose to their
feet and started to charge at Hitler and his troops. These people we fighting against their own
mothers, sons, and fathers because they believed that, that was wrong. Me and the other chosen
person ran for our lives. I told him to follow me and we ran for the woods. I was still shaking
inside knowing that my mom was dead, but I also knew that she would want me to stay safe.
We stopped to take a break, next to the stream of water and humungous trees.
Where are we going? Are you going to kill me? Alex said.
No I wont kill you, unless you try to kill me! I said.
Where are we? he said.
We are in the woods where no one really goes. I have only been to a certain length. I dont
know where this leads, but I hope it is somewhere safe and full of food. I said.

Brooklyn Autry
Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

Do you know how to hunt?

Because I definitely dont he said.
Yes my father taught me briefly, and I have improved every time I go into these woods. I said
while gulping down water from the stream.
I cant im stuck on the tree!
HELP! I said.
There they are! the army trooper said.
You go without me! I said.

He ran as fast as he could. And even though I didnt know him for more than 20 minutes,
I felt empty inside knowing that I would have stayed if I was in that position. They caught me
stuck on the tree. They beat me until I was unconscious to make sure I didnt fight back. I didnt
really care anymore about anything, because my family was dead.
I woke up in a run full of padding and saw someone standing in front of me. It was Hitler.
The most evil person I have ever seen. I tried to get out of this chair and rip his heart out, but I
was chained in by about 5 different locks. I guess they didnt trust me.
I admire what you did out there. Courage only some people have it, but I want it destroyed. I
dont like courage. It makes a spark which everyone tries to ignite, but I shoot it down. Just like
your mother and father. I dont mess around. I kill people without a thought. Like your other
opponent, you told him to run and I had my men find him and kill him. He said.
Just kill me know! I said.
But no no no. Why would I want to do that? I love this spark, but I wont let this turn into a
fire. I will let you keep living your life, because now I know you have no one to live for. So you
will suffer the rest of your life. But I wont let you go back home. You are now apart of my

Brooklyn Autry
Alex Ward
Ms. Zierenberg
Period 2nd

I will just kill myself! I said.
Do as you please! I am going to let you rot here forever!
Please dont I can help you in your Army! I said.
You have to listen to me, and I say you get to stay here for the rest of your life until you die!
he said with a stern voice.
Youre a monster! I said.
Goodbye Eva!

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