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March 19, 2015

Dear Families of Grade 3AH,

From time to time, in international schools, life happens, circumstances change, and
sadly, we sometimes have to say good-bye to students, teachers and colleagues. I know
that you are already aware of the changes that have occurred in your childs class with
the departure of Ms. Marisa Vandenberg. She had been with GWA for many years and
she will be very much missed. We wish her all the best as she settles into her new life in
South Africa to raise her new born, and perhaps her path will cross with GWA again in
the future.

We are very pleased to welcome Arlene Basa into your childs class to help support the
teaching and learning. Ms. Arlene has been a TA at GWA for many years, having worked
successfully in grades 2, 4 and 5 in the past. We asked Arlene to move from her current
classroom to Grade 3 due to her strength and knowledge of the needs of our Grade 3
students. She has had a wonderful transition and were grateful that she made the move
in support of our students. Please say hello if you havent had the opportunity to do so

It has already been a very smooth changeover and we anticipate great rest of the year!
Jeff Hart
Elementary School Assistant Principal
GEMS World Academy - Dubai

PO Box 126260 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971 4 373 6373 Fax: +971 4 323 3176

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