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Pioneers Baccalaureate school

Material: algebra1 , 8th grade honors

Sunday March 29th 2015

Start sec 8-6
Homework is due sec 8-5
We will solve problems from sec 8-6
Second period

We will start sec 8-7 solving

Solve problems sec 8-7
Homework 1 to 11 page 507

ax 2 bx c 0

Monday march 30th

Quiz sec 8-1 to 8-5 (midterm)

Second period
Homework due sec 8-7 March 30
Start sec 8-8
Homework sec 8-8 due Wednesday April 1st
Please make sure that your kid will learn vocabulary on the
Please make sure you kids follow up with homework on the
Please make sure that Binders and dividers are present with
your kids
Please follow up with your kids notes
Please make sure that your kid have separate note book for
homework only
Please make sure that your kid will learn vocabulary and solve
homework problems on the blog

Wednesday April 1st
We will solve problems from sec 8-8
We will start sec 8-9 solving quadratic equations
Homework will be assigned for next week on the blog

Pioneers Baccalaureate school

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