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144 Chapter 3 m Elementary Finld Dynamice—The Bernouli Equation {rom the basement facet and from the faucet on the second floor 3.35 Several holes are (assume each floor i 12 f tll, === Figure P3.31 332 Laboratories containing dangerous materials are often kept at a pressure slightly less than ambient pressure so that containats can be filtered through an exhaust system rather tan leaked through cracks around doors, etc Ifthe pressure in such a room is 01 ia. of water bes Jow that ofthe surounding rooms, with what velocity will i enter tne ‘oom through an opening? Assume viscous effects ae negligtle 43.33 The “supersoaker” water gun shown in Fig. P3.33 can shoot more than 30 ft in the horizontal diveetion. Estimate the ‘minimum pressure, p,, needed in the chamber in ardet to accom Dlish this. List all assumptions and show all calculations 1 Figure P3,33 3.34 @e Streams of water from two tanks impinge upon each other as shown in Fig. P3.34. If viscous effects are negligible and Point A is a stagnation poing, determine the height fi 1m Figure P3.34 punched into a tin can as shown in F P3.35. Which of the figures represents the variation ofthe water locity es it eaves the holes? Jug your choice | a » @ Figure P3.35 3.36 (GE Water flows from a pressurized tank, tough a 6it diameter pipe, exits from 4 2-in-diameter nozee, and rises 20 above the nozzle as shown in Fig. P3:36, Determine the pressure the tank ifthe flow is steady, frictionless, and incompreseit, Figure P3.36 337 (@ An inviscid, incompressibeligud floes seedy fom {he large pressurized tank shown in Fig P3.37, The velocity at ico #840 Fis, Determine the speci gravity of the lg in the ta Qo ior € Mors Figure P3.37 Section 3.6.2 Confined Flows (also see Lab Problems 3ALP and 3.3LP) 3.38 Obiain a photograpivimage ofa situation thet involves a con- fined flow for which the Bernoulli and continuity equations ve ‘important. Print this photo and write a brief paragraph that oe Scribes the situation involved. 3.39 Ait flows steadily through a horizontal 4in-iamete pipe and {2 into the atmosphere through a -in-ditmeter nozzle. The vel, ity atthe nozale exits 150s. Determine the pressure in the pipe viscous effec are negligible. 3.40 For the pipe enlargement shown in Fig. 3.40, the pressuces at sections (1) and (2) are 5633 and $8.2 psi, respectively. Deter. mine the weight flowrate (Ibs) ofthe gasoline i the pipe. : w ey Figure P3.40 3.41 FG A fire hose nozzle has a diameter of 1} in. According i> some te codes, the noes ust be capable of delivesng a ent 250 gal/min Ifthe poz is tached toa in diameter hose, what essre mist be maintained jst opsueam ofthe nozzle wo deliver {hs Nowra? 342 (2 /G% Water flowing fom the 0.75in-dismeter outlet Shown in Video V8.5 and Fig: P3.42 ries 28 in sbove the outlet Determine the fowaie Figure P3.42 3.43 © Pop (with the same properties as water) flows from a ‘4in-diameter pop container that contains three holes as shown in Fig. P3.43 (see Video 3.9). The diameter of each fluid stream is 0.15 in, and che distance between holes is 2 in If viscous effects ae egligible and quast-teady conditions are assumed, determine the time at which the pop stops draining from the 1op hole. Assume the op surface is 2 in above the top hole when ¢ = 0. Compare your results withthe time you measure from the video. Figure P3.43 Problems — 145 3.44 Water flows steadily through the large tanks shown in Fig, P34, Determine the water depth, h. 0.035 damater 0.05, ameter Figure P3.44 34S Water (assumed inviscid and incompressible) flows steadily In the vertical variabiearea pipe shown in Fig. P345, Determine the flowrate if the pressure in each ofthe gages reads 50 kPa. | Figure 3.45 346 Pm ice drawn into a wind tnnel used for teng ato- ‘mobiles as shown in Fig. P3.46, (a) Determine te manometer tea ing, h when the velocity inthe test section is 60 mph. Not that theresa t-n, column of oon the water inthe manometer. (b) De- termine the difference between the stagnation pressure on the font ‘of aomobile and the prssute inthe test section ia aa ea = = Cc wimp | fan "Figure P3.46 3.47 Natural gas (methane) flows from & 3in-diemeter gas main, through 2 |-in-diameer pipe, and into the burner of a furnace a a tate of 100 ft’Mour. Determine the pressure in the gas main ifthe pressure in the I-in, pipe is tobe 6 in of rater greater than atmos- Pheric pressure. Neglect viscous effects 3.48 (E> Small-diameter, high-pressue liquid jets can be used {o cut various materials as shown in Fig. P3.48. If viscous feats ‘are negligible, estimate the pressure needed to produce a0.10-mm- 146 Chapter 9 m Elementary Fluid Dynamies—The Bernoulli Pquation liemeter water jet with a speed of 700 m/s. Determine the flowrate. 1m Figure P3.48 3.49. Water (assumed frictionless and incompressible) flows ‘steely rom a large tank and exits though a vertical, constant i- meter pipe as shown in Fig. P349. The air in the tank is pressut= ined to 50 kN/mn'. Determine (a) the height ht which the water rises, (b) the water velocity inthe pipe, and (€) the presbuce in the horizontal part of the pipe Figure P3.49 350. Waer (assumed inviscid and incompressible) flows steadily with a speed of 10 fis fom the lage tank shown ia Fig 350, Determine the dept 1, of the layer of Tight gud (specific weight = 5016/0) that coves the water in the tank, sp wa pe en ~ 1H Figure P3.50 3.51. Water flows through the pipe contacton shown in Fig, P3.51 For the given 0.2-m difference in manometer level, determine the flowrate asa function of the diameter of the smal pipe, D. Figure P3.51 252. (GD Water flows dough the pipe contraction showa in Fig, P3.52, For the given 0.2m diferee in the manometer level, determine the lowrate a a function ofthe diameter of the smal ie, D. olny eae Figure P3.52 353. (iP A 0.15-m-diameter pipe discharges into a 0.10em- iameter pipe. Deiermire the velocity headin each pipe if ey are camrying 0.12 ms of kerosene. 384. (Gb Carbon tetrachloride flows in a pipe of variable diam- ‘ter with negligible viscous effects. At point Ain the pipe the pres. sure and velocity are 20 psi and 30 fs, respectively. At location B the pressure and velocity are 23 psi and Id fs, Which point i atthe higher elevation and by how much? "63.55 Water flows from a 20-mm.diamete pipe with e flowrate Q as shown in Fig. P3.55, Plt the diameter ofthe water steam, d,s ‘function of distance below the faucet, h, for values of = = 1 mand 0 = Q = 0.004 m's. Discuss the validity of the one-dimen- sional assumption used to calculated = c(h) noting, in particular, the conditions of small hand small . os 200m be Figure P3.55 3.56. Water flows upward through a variable area pipe with acon- Stant flowrate, Q, as shown in Fig. P3.56. If viscous effects are negligible, determine the diameter, (2), in terms of Dif the pres- sure is 1 remain constant throughout the pipe. Tati, p(2) = p. | Co jas te a Figure P9.58 357 he The ciecular stream of water from a faucet is observed to taper from a diameter of 20 ram to 10 mn ina distance of $0 cm. Determine the flowrate 3.58. (GB Water is siphoned from the tank shown in Fig, P3.58. The water barometer indicates a reading of 30.2 ft, Detecmine the maximum value of A allowed withovt cavitation occuring. Note that dhe pressure of the vapor in the closed end of the barometer ‘equals the vapor pressure. lied ene 3 soon Fi | | LL sin tart 5 Figure P3.58 ‘359 Water is siphoned from a tank as shown in Fig. P3.59. Deter. mine the flowate au che pressure at point A, a stagnation point oun dane [ray an t "3 Figure P9.59 3.60 A 50-mm diameter plastic tube is used 0 siphon wate from the layge tank shown in Fig. P3.60. Ihe pressure on the outside ofthe tube ‘smoce than 30 kPa greater than the pressure within the tube, the tube Problems = 147, will colapseand siphon wil stop. viscous ffs ae aelpibl, de ‘ermine the minim valu of fallow tho the siphon Stopping, 1 Figure P3.60 3.61 Water is siphoned from the tank shown in Fig. 3.61. Deter- ‘mine the flowrate from the tank and the pressure at points (1), (2), and (3) if viscous effects are negligible a Figure P3.61 3.62 Redo Problem 3.61 if a I-in-diameter nozzle is placed at the ‘end of the tube 3.63. AA smooth plastic, 10-m-long garden bose with an in- ‘side diameter of 20 rum is used to drain a wading pool as is shown in Fig. P3.63. If viscous effects are neglected, what isthe flowrate {rom the pool? oam Figure P3.63 3.64. (Be Water exits 2 pipe asa free jet and flows to a height labove the exit pane as shown in Fig, P3\64. The flow is steady, in- compressible, and frictionless (a) Determine the height f(b) De~ termine the velocity and pressure at section (1) in. camete en “0 Figure P3.64 Tet let oe FO ge = — = i as Figure P3.74 2, 3.95. Air flows through the device shown in Fig. P3.75. f the flowrate is large enough, the pressure within the constriction will below enough to draw the water up into the tube. Determine the flowrate, Q, and the pressure needed at section (1) to draw the water into section (2). Neglect compressibility and viscous effects 1 Figure 3.75 3.76 (i Water flows steadily from the large open tank shown in Fig. 3.76. If viscous effects are negligible, determine (a) the Aowrate, Q, and (b) the manometer reading, h nm Meus oom = O08 Figure P3.76 3.77 Po Warr from a faucet fills & 16-07 glas (volume = 28.9 in?) in 20s. I the diameter of the jet leaving the faucet is 0.60 in, ‘hat is the diameter of the jet when it strikes the water surface i {he glass which is positioned 14 in, below the faucet? 378 © Air flows steady through a convergng-diverging 00- ‘angular chanel of constant with as shown in Fig. 378 and Video ‘3:10. The height of he channel te ext and the exit velocity an ‘and Yq respectively The channel tobe shaped so tha te tance, that waters drawn pin ube tached to sate presse tags along the chanel wali liner with stance slong the char 461 Thats d= (dgaL) wher isthe chanel length and ds the maximum watt epi athe minim chanel height 1 Determine the height, Ho, 8a fonction of xan he other por: ‘an paraters. Figure P3.78 “3.79 Water flows from a large tank and though 4 pipe of vaviable area as shown in Fig. 3.79. The area ofthe pipe is given by A= afl ~ a(1 ~ a/6)/26}, were Apis the area athe beginning (& — 0) and end (x = €) of the pipe. Plot graphs of the pressure within tne pipe as a funtion of distance along the pipe for water depths of. A= 1,4, 10, and 25 m, Figure P3.79 3.80 iP If viscous effects are neglected and the tank is ‘etermie the owrat from the tank shown in Fig P80. 1 Figure P3.0 381 Water flows steadily downward in the pipe shown in Fig, 3.81 with negligible losses. Determine the flowtate a 150 chapter Elementary Fluid Dynamics—The Bernoulli Equation, open. pisc-07 @ Figure P3.81 ‘3.82 Water flows steadily from a large open tank and discharges into the atmosphere though a 3-in-diameter pipe as shown in Fig. P3.82, Determine the diameter, d, inthe narrowed section of| the pipe at ifthe pressure gages at A and 2 indicate the same pressure 1m Figure P3.82 3.83, (i Wacer flows from a large tank as shown in Fig, P3.83. ‘Aumospheric pressure is 14-5 psi, and the vapor pressure is 1,60 pia. If viscous effects are neglected, at what height, h will cavite tion begin? To avoid cavitation, should the value of D; be increased or decreased? To avoid cavialion, should the value of Dy be in- creased or decreased? Explain Dyerin. P p,=2h iH Figure P3.63 3.84 © (GP Water flows into the sink shown in Fig, P3.84 and Video V5.1 at a rate of 2 galimin. If the drain i close, the water vill eventually flow through the overflow drain holes rather than cover the edge ofthe sink. How many 0.4-in diameter dain holes are needed to ensure that the water does not overflow the sink? Neglect viscous effects 1m Figure P3.84 3.85 (G2 What pressure, p, is needed to produce a flowrate of 10.09 fr from the tank shown in Fig, P3857 0.06 diameter Figure P3.85 ‘3.86 ‘The vent on the tank shown in Fig. P3.86 is closed and the tank pressurized to increase the flowrate. What pressure, p), is needed 1 produce twice the flowrate of that when the ven is open? i Figure P3.86 387 (Gre Water is siphoned from the tank shown in Fig, P3.7. Determine the flowrate fom the tank and the pressures at points (1), ), and (3 if viscous effects are negligible 3101. Water ows though the hoizoatl Ying shown in Fig LDL. Ifthe loerate and pressure in pipe (1) are Qy = 2.3 fs and p; = 50 Ib, determine the pressures p> and ps, in pipes 2) and (3) under the assumption thatthe flowrate divides evenly be- ‘ween pipes (2) and @) 31 0208 oae amet a o2sr f % | Figure P3.101 3.102. Water flows through the branching pipe shown in Fig. 'PB.102. IF viscous effects are negligible, determine the pressure at section (2) and the pressure at section (3). 4y=0035 n? om Bl ootet 0 @ "Figure P3.102 3.103. (E> Water flows through the horizontal branching pipe ‘Shown fn Fig, P3.103 at arate of 10 fs. I viscous effects ae neg ligible, determine the water speed at section (2), the pressure a see- tion G), and the flowrate a section (8), a 153 0.02% ameter | Figure P3.104 3.105 Air, assumed incompressible and inviscid, flows into the ‘outdoor cooking grill through nine holes of 0.40-in, diameter as shown in Fig, P3.105. Ifa flowrate of 40 in. int the grill is ‘quired to maintain the correct cooking conditions, determine the pressure within the grill ner the holes, noes, ‘040i ameter Figure P3.105 3.106. (A An sir cushion vebice fs supparted by forcing at into the chamber created by aki around the periphery ofthe vehicle es shown in Fig. P3.106. The ar escapes throvgh the in. clearance between the lower end ofthe ski and the pound (or water), As- sume the vehicle weighs 10,000 I and is essentially rectangular in Shape, 30 by 65 ft 'The volume ofthe chamber i large enough 50 thatthe Kinetic energy of the air within the chamber neglii- ble, Determine the flowrate, Q, needed to support the vehicle. If the ground clearance were reduced to 2 In, what flowrate Would be needed? I the vehile weight were redid to SO0D Tb and the ‘ground clearance maintained at 3 in, what flowrate would be needed? iy é es rs % w argu Fas00 1 Figure P3.103 3.104. (aie Water flows from a large tank through a large pipe ‘hat spits into two smaller pipes as shown in Fig. P3104. If visoous effects are negligible, determine the flowrate from the tank and the ressure at point (1) 3.107 (Re Water flows from the pipe shown in Fig. P3.107 us a free jet and strikes a circular flat plate, The flow geometry shown, is axisymmetrical. Determine the flowrate and the manometer reading, H. 190 Captor 4 m Fluid Kinematics Hl [= ° x a wo 7 42C Consider the path of «football thrown by Brett Favre. Sup- pose that you ave interested in determining how far the ball ta els. Then you are interested in: 2) neither Lagrangian nor Eulerian views, ') the Buran view of the Feld ) the Lagrangian or particle view of the football 43C The following is trv ofthe system (versus control volume) form of the basic equations (mass, momentum, angulae momentum, and energy) Problems all ® 28) The equations apply toa fixed quantity of mass. +) The equations are formulated in terms of extensive properties, ©) The equations apply to # fixed volume. Additional conceptual questions are available In WileyPLUS at the instructor's discretion. Note: Unless specific values of required fluid propert given in the problem statement, use the values found in the lables on the inside of the front cover. Answers to the even= ‘numbered problems are listed at the end of the bool. The Lab Problems as well as the videos that accompany problems can be accessed in WileyPLUS or the book's web site, www.wiley. com/college/munson. ‘Section 4.1 The Velocity Field 4.1 Obtain a photogrephimege of a situation in which a fluid is flowing, Print this photo and draw in some lines to represent how ‘you think some sireamfines may Took. Write a brief paragraph to ‘eseribe the acceleration of fluid particle as it flows along one of these streamlines. 42 (GB Te veloiy fed of 2 flow is given by ‘V = Gy + 2)i + (@ — 8)j + Sekft/s , where x, y, and z are in fet Determine the fad sped atte origin G29 =2 = O) and ‘on the y axis (x = z = 0). 4.3 ( The velocity field of a flow is given by V = 20d + (aye ~ 1) + Bef ms, whore x any ae im te ed i in ‘elon, Pr fid parce on the ex dremine ie aed sd Sirerton of ow 44 A two-dimensional velocity field is given by w= 1+ y and v=, Determine use equation of the streamline thet passes ‘through the origin. On a graph, plot this streamline 45 (7 The velocity Feld of 2 flow is given by (Se - 3 + (x + 4) + Ayke/s, where x,y, and gare in feet. De- {ermine te ai speed at the eign (e O} end om the t= 20) 446 © (4 sow can be visualized by plating the velocity field as velocity vectors at representative ction Inthe low a shown in Video VA. and Fig. E- Consider te veloity eld fEvenin polercoordinetes by o, = ~10)h andy, ~ 10/e Ths flow pproximates aid swing ino asin shown nF P46, Plt ihe velocity field at cations given by r= I-2,and3 with 0 = 0, 5 60, and 90 Figure P4.6 47 (™ The velocity field of a flow is given by V 2Oy/(e + ¥7)'7E — Ose? + "75 ffs, where x and y are in feet. Determine the hid speed et points slong the x axis; slong the ‘Yaris, What is the angle between th velocity vector and the x axis ‘at points (x,3) = (5,0), 65,5), and (0, 3)? 48 ( The components of a velocity field are given by x+y, 0 = 29° + 16, and w = 0, Determine the location of any stagnation points (¥ = 0) inthe flow field, 4.9 G2 The x and ycomponents of velocity fora two-dimensional flow are u = 6y fs wad v = 3 ft/s, where y is in feet. Determine the equation for dhe steamalines and sketeh representative stream lines inthe upper haf plan, 4.10 (™ The velocity field ofa flow i given by w = —Vayls? + yf)? and v = VoriGe + 4), where Vp isa constant, Where inthe Tow field isthe speed equal to V4? Determine the equation of the streamlines and discuss Une various characteristics ofthis flow. 4.11 A velocity fiel is given by V = xd + a(x 1) + 1) where and vere in f/s and x and y are in feet, Ploc he seaming that passes through x = Oand y = 0. Compare this streamline with the steakline through the origin. 4.12 Fromtime t= Oto = 5 hr radioactive steam is released from. 4 nuclear power plant accent located st x = —T mile and y= ‘3 miles. The following wind condition ae expected: V = 101 — 5} mph for0 <1<3hn, V= 131+ 8}mphfor} <1 < 10h end V-= Simph fort > 10, Draw eo scale the expected sttakline of the steam for #= 3, 10, and 15 hr. 4413 The x and y components of a velocity field are given by = sy and v = ~2y* Determine the equation forthe seamlines ‘ofthis flow and compare it with those in Example 4.2. Is the flow sn this problem the same as that in Example 4.2? Explain. 4.14 In acdition to the customary horizontal velocity components of the sir inthe atmosphere (the “wind") thee often are vertical ar cur. rents (hermals) caused by buoyant effects due to uneven heating ofthe sivas indicated in Fig. P4.14. Assure tha the velocity feld in a certain region is approximated by «= up, = np (1 — yfh) for 0 < y = h, and u = tg. 0 = O for y > h, Plt the shape ofthe stteamline that asses though the origin for values of w/t = 0.5, 1, and 2. Figure P4.14 4.15 © As shown in Video V4.6and Fig. P4.15,a fying egplane produces switling low near the end of its wings. In certain eiteum- Stances this flow, can be approximated by the velocity field = Kyle + y*) and v = Ke/( + y4), whore Kis a constant pending on various parameters associated with te airplane (ie, its weight, speed) and x andy are measured from the center of the Sh Se a fx ths ow he oy inven prop tional tothe distance from the origin. That is, V = K/(e! + y!2, (b) Show chat the steamlines ae circles, Piling Figure 4.15 414.16 For any steady flow the streamlines and steaklines are the Sume. For most unsteady flows this isnot true, However, there are lussteady flows for which the steamlines and steaklines are the Same, Describe a flow field for which this is true, 4.17 A lo-tdiameter dust devil that rotates one revolution per Second travels across the Martian surface (inthe s-itection) with ‘speed ofS fs, Plt the pathline etched on the surface by a fluid par file 10 from the center of the dust devil for time 0 == 3s. "The ‘article position is given by the sum of that fora stationary wil l= 10 cos(2n0, y = 10 sin(2n2)] and that fr a uniform velocity (= 5t.y = constant), where and y are in feet and isin seconds, Problems 1911 4.18, (See Fluids in the News article tiled “Follow those part les," Section 4.1.) Two photographs of four particles in a flow past a sphere are superposed as shown in Fig. 4.18. The time interval between the photos is Ar = 0.002 s. The locations of the particle, 4s determined from the photos, are ‘shown inthe table. (a) Deters ‘mine the fluid veloity for these particles, (b) Plot a raph to com are the results of part (a) with the theoretical velocity which 1 siven by V = Vo(I + alc), where ais the sphere radius and Vg the fluid speed far from the sphere. Particle ‘05 (ft) atl = 0028 (8) 1 =0.500 ~0.480 2 0.250 ~0232 3 0.140 0.128 4 0.120 0.112 ero f= 0.0025 1 Figure Pa.t6 {4.19 Pathlines and streaklines provide ways to visualize flows, Another technique would be to instantly inject a ine of dye across Streamlines and observe how tis line moves as time increases. For ‘example, consider the initially straight dye line injected im front of the citeular cylinder shown in Fig. P19. Discuss how this dye line Would appear at later times. How would you calculate the location of this line as a function of time? Dyeatr=0 Figure Pa.19 Section 4.2 The Acceleration Field 4.20 (Gai A velocity field is given by u = cx" end v = cy?, where is constant, Determine the x and y components ofthe accel. ation. At what poit (points) inthe flow field is the acceleration 421 (2 Determine the acceleration field fora theee-dimensional flow with velocity components u = =) = 4x4 andw =x ~ y. 422 A three-dimensional velocity field is given by u = 2%, v= ~y, and w = z, Determine the ecceleration vector. 423 Water flows through a constant diameter pipe witha uniform velocity given by V = (8 + 5)j mvs, where isin seconds, Deter, rine the acceleration a ime = I, 192 4.24 (> The velocity of air in the diverging pipe shown in Fig. P&.24 is given by V, = 4/6 and V;, = 2110/8, where ris in seconds. (a) Determine the local acceleration at point (1) and (2). (b) Is the average convective aeceleration between these (Wo points negative, zero, or postive? Explain. Chapter 4 m Fluid Kinematics Figure P4.24 4.25 (> Water flows ina pipe so that its velocity tiples every 205. Att = Qithas u = 5s. Thats, V = u(t) = 5 (3) ts. De- termine the acceleration When t = 0,10, and 20, 4.26 (i When a valve is opened, the velocity of water in a cer tain pipe is given by u = 10(1 ~ e~),2 = 0, and w = 0, where u isin ffs and 1s in seconds. Determine the maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of the water. 4.27 (FW The velocity ofthe water in the pipe shown in Fig. P427 is given by Vj = 0.50:m& and Vy= LOrmés, where 1 is in seconds. Determine the local acceleration at poinis (1) and), 1s ‘the average convective acceleration between these two points nega tive, zero, or positive? Explain 1 Figure P4.27 ig 4.28 (@ A shock wave isa very thin ayer (thickness = €) ina high-speed (supersonic) gas flow across which the flow proper. ties (velocity, density, pressure, et.) change from state (1) 10 state (2) as shown in Fig. P4.28. If V; = 1800 fps, V; = 700 fps, and = 10°* in, estimate the average deceleration of the ges 2s it flows across the shock wave, How many g's deceleration does this represent? ce ‘Shook wre 1m Figure P4.28 44.29 Estimate the average acceleration of water as it travels, ‘through the nozzle on your garden hose, List all assumptions and show al calculations, 4.30_A stream of water from the faucet strikes the bottom ofthe sink. Estimate the maximum acceleration experienced by the water panicles. List all assumptions and show calculations. 431 (Gr Asa valve is opened, water flows trough the differ shown in Fig. P31 at an increasing flowrate so tht the velocity along the centerline is given by V=ui=V(1-¢) (12/61, wher uy, and ¢ are constans. Determine the accel cation as a furetion of vand £1f Ve = 10s and = 5 ft, what ‘Value of c other than c = 0)is needed to make the acceleration zero for any xatt = 16? Explain how the accleration can be eo if the flowrate is neeasing with time we mae =Ste, Figure Past 432 The fluid velocity along the x axis shown in Fig. P432 Changes from 6 mis at point 4 t0 18 ms at point B, Its also known, thatthe velocity is linear function of eistance along the streamline. Determine the acceleration at poins A, B, and C. Astume steady flow. bam. Figure P4.32 4.33 (A tid flows slong the x ais with a velocity given by (a/1) i, where x is in feet and 1 in seconds. (a) Plot the speed for0-< x= 104 and t= 3s. () Pot the speed for x= 7 ft and 25144, (€) Determine the local and convective acceleration @ Show thatthe acceleration of any fluid patcle inthe flow is zero. () Expl physically how the velocity of parle inthis tmszady flo remains constant thoughout i otn, 4334 © (Gi A hydraulic jump ia rather sudden change in depth ‘of a liquid layer as it flows in an open channel as shown in Fig. P434 and Video V10.12. In a relatively short distance

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