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How can you enrich

your childs learning?

There is much you can do as a
parent to assist your children with
their learning:
To work in partnership with what
is taught in school, your help at
home is invaluable.
All children are expected to read
every day at home and we ask
that when you listen to your child
read each day, you write a
comment in their reading record
book and sign it. We encourage
children to read material other
than their school reader so if your
child chooses to read e.g a
favourite book, library book or
research information on the
internet please record this.

They will also be given homework to

consolidate learning in class. Their
learning log will be taken home every
Friday and should be brought back to
school the following Wednesday.
Please talk to them about what they are
doing and if necessary help them. A
comment about any help given will be
Please do not hesitate to come in and
see me if you wish to discuss any
Thank you for your co-operation and

Mr Atherton
Mrs Reynolds

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minimeniam, quis erat nostr uexe
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praesent lupta. Tummer delenit
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nonummy nibh magna erat.

Year 5
St Columbas Catholic
Primary School

Spring 2

Useful websites for fun activities include:

Year 3

Spring Term 2 2015

Language Inquiry>>>
During Spring 2, children will be focusing on
Persuasive Writing. This includes persuasive
letter writing and taking part in class
debates about controversial topics. By the
end of the unit children will be expected to
confidently write a balanced argument
based on their own topic of discussion.


Fractions of numbers
Fractions to decimals and percentages
Adding and subtracting fractions
Ordering fractions with different

Physical Education>>>

You could help your child by

reading with them every day
and helping them to learn
their spellings.

Religious Education>>>
Our R.E topic this half term is the Reconciliation.
We will be looking at why we should forgive
others and show forgiveness to those we have
sinned against. This term also coincides with
Holy Week where children will be visiting Church
to reflect on Stations of the Cross.

You could help your child if you

ensured they learned the 2 ,3 ,
4, , 5, 6 ,7,8,9, 10, 11 and 12
times tablse.

The children will be looking at expressing

themselves through dance. They will also be
practicing their ball skills, particularly
dribbling and controlling the ball with their

Pupils will be taught:

What gravity is and how it effects planet

earth and beyond.

Investigating friction and air resistance.

This unit will continue into Summer Term 1.

During Year 5 the children will be introduced to
the French vocabulary looking at numbers,
greetings and classroom phrases. They will
build on their previous knowledge to engage in
basic conversation with their peers.


We Are Architects children will us e the
graphic design program Google Sketch
Up to develop their own building. Adding
design to the exterior and interior.

The children will continue with their
singing lessons this half term and
will carry on practicing for a school

Pre-historic Britain
Children will be taught:
what the term prehistory means and
know the names of the three periods of
how we can find out about the
prehistoric past.
where early humans lived.

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