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Quarter 3 Reading Goals: Fluency, Stamina & Variety

Weekly Pages Goal: 105 pgs.

Quarterly Pages Goal: 1035 pgs.

Quarter 1-3 Reading Data



books did you read? 4.5

books did you abandon? 1
different authors did you read? 5
different genres did you read? 3
total pages did you read? 1288

Quarter 3 Reflection
What are you noticing about your weekly pages, book list, and reading data? Did you meet your
quarterly goal? Why or why not?
I noticed that I consistently met my goal and on multiple occasions I exceeded my goal. I
always met it though. I think this is because I spent a lot of time in class reading and would
read in a lot of my other classes when we had time to also.
How are you doing on your challenge goals? What are you proud of accomplishing? What are you
hoping to improve?
I think I am doing okay on my goals. I have read a book where the narrator is a different
gender and a collection of poetry. I am working to improve exploring different genres because
I have stayed in the same genres for a while.

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