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Beam Marks


Purpose and description


Beam Marks adds associative note to 9 possible locations along the length of a
beam. Intended to semi%automate the application of end forces to steel beams.

System requirements

.NET Framework version:



US Imperial, US Metric


To install the application:

Close down Tekla Structures (if running)
Download MSI Installer from Tekla extranet
Install and run MSI Installer
Start up Tekla Structures
Open an existing drawing


Drag and dock the new toolbar


The example below is for adding end forces to steel beams. However, the content in the
associative notes can be whatever the user wishes it to be. To use the application:
1. Enter end force user%defined attributes to the steel beam End Conditions tab in the
model. Properties that will be read are shown below.
2. Set up associative note Content settings that you wish to use. The leader line type
information is ignored here in the settings. Mark information can be template marks
which are commonly used by customers for steel beam marks.

Copyright 2012 Tekla Corporation

August 10, 2012

3. Launch the BeamMarks fromt he toolbar.

Copyright 2012 Tekla Corporation

August 10, 2012

4. Specify the Position on the beam axis where you wish to place the mark.
5. Enter Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset fields. These represent offsets relative to
the beam local axis. Positive horizontal values point towards the middle of the beam.
Positive vertical values point away from the beam axis.
6. Load the desired associative note setting.
7. Load the desired drawing view filter. This filter will be applied in addition to what you
select or not select in the model. For example if you fence select all objects on a
drawing but you also set a selection filter, only the selected objects that pass that
filter will receive the mark.
8. Save attribute file away. It is given a suffix called *.BeamMarks.UI.DiaMain.xml. The
user can place these default settings in their company FIRM folder if they wish.
Create marks by view
1. Open tool.
2. Load and set properties in dialog.
3. Select Create.
4. Pick any point within the view extrema.
Create marks by selection
1. Open tool.
2. Load and set properties in dialog.
3. Select Create.
4. Select beams in view. User can select objects in addition to using a Filter (see step 7
Delete marks
1. Select associative notes and delete like other associative notes.
Updating marks Once a mark is placed on a location of the beam, it must be removed to
replace it at a different location. But if edits need to be done to the mark content, the user
can simply edit the associative note properties.

Copyright 2012 Tekla Corporation

August 10, 2012




1. There is a bug with associative notes where if the note is dragged using the SHIFT
key, then when changes occur in the model, the marks erratically move around. This
behavior occurs because the marks are placed in this same fashion as if they were
moved by dragging them holding the SHIFT key. Contact Tekla to find out the status
of fixing this bug.
2. Sometimes the beam marks do not work when drawing object%level settings are
applied. Users might have to temporarily turn off those settings, apply the marks, then
reapply the object%level settings.
3. Speed on a large floor plan, it may take a few minutes to place all these marks in
the drawing since they must be placed, then moved into place.
4. Though not a limitation, this tool applies a mark at one location at a time. The
purpose of the tool is to provide a simple, low%level applicator of marks that provides
a highly flexible, semi%automatic way to annotate plan drawings.

Copyright 2012 Tekla Corporation

August 10, 2012

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