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PAPER 4 LISTENING (approximately 40 minutes) Part 1 Paper 4 Listening You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1 You hear a woman talking to a railway official ‘What is the situation? A. She refuses to pay extra, B She hasn't got a ticket. C She wants to leave her luggage. 2 You hear someone being interviewed on the radio. Who is the speaker? A atourist guide B a teacher c awriter 3. Listen to this woman talking on the telephone to a shop assistant about something she has bought. What feeling does she express? A amusement B disbelief © shock 4 Listen to this student talking to her friend. What does she want him to do? A. hand in her homework B do her homework C collect her homework [ im | | 21 i Test 1 1 5 Listen to this man reporting on the radio about a football match. i What was the result of the match? A Liverpool won. B Newcastle won. Cc Itwas a draw. | 6 You overhear two people talking about a film. What does the woman think about it? | A Itis realistic. B_ tis inacourate, C_ Ithas some exciting parts. 10 a group of people. 7. tna hotel, you overhear a woman talking " Who are they? A. tourists B__ staff members journalists witing a friend to go on holiday. 8 Listen to this woman in Where are they going to stay? A. inatent B_ inahotel 8 inacaravan Paper 4 Listening Part 2 You will hear part of a radio programme about a competition students can enter in order to win a visit to the European Space Agency. For questions 9-18, fill in the answers. When does the competition take place? How many winners will there be? What is the environment in the plane compared to? How long will the passengers feel weightless? Who chooses the winners of the competition? How many previous competitions have there been? A ‘What did the students put in the table to stop the pizza moving? What happened to the pizza slices after they had been cut? eS What nationality were the students who did the candle experiment? What shape was the flame of the candle? 23 Test 1 Part 3 You will hear five different people talking about their work, which Is in some WY connected with crime. For questions 18-23, choose from the list A-F who each speaker is, Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. A apoliceman B anovel writer Speaker 2 Cc atlawyer Speaker 3 D ajudge oe | E adoctor speakers [Fa F a reporter » Part 4 Paper 4 Listening You will hear part of a radio programme about an organisation called BUNAC, which helps British students find temporary work in the USA, Canada and Australia. For questions 24-30, decide which of the statements are TRUE and which are FALSE. Write T for TRUE or F for FALSE in the box provided. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 It Is easier to find work abroad with voluntary organisations. Only university students can apply to work in a summer camp. You can only get a free flight if you work with children. You can work in Canada for longer than in the USA. Kathryn worked in an office in Australia for a year before travelling around. Kathryn's experience has made her feel more sure of herself. BUNAC will provide help if you get into difficulties. al Paper 4 Listening PAPER 4 LISTENING (approximately 40 minutes) Part 1 | You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1 You hear a woman talking about something she saw. | Who is the speaker? | A ashop worker B acustomer Cc astore detective 2 You hear a teacher talking to her colleagues. What does she want them to do? A. talk to the school's Head B_ accompany the students Cask parents to help 3. You hear a man talking about a new purchase. What has he just bought? A avan B a motorbike © acar 4. You hear part of a radio play. Where is the soene taking place? A. ahotel B anoffice © ahouse Test 2 5 Outside a theatre, they have just seen. What dit id the man like about it? A the acting B_ the story the stage design 6 You hear part of a radio programme about the media. ‘What is being reviewed? ‘A acomputer program B anew book C avideo cassette 7 Inacollege, you hear a man talking to a group. Who is he talking to? A new students B_ students in the middle of a course © former students 8 Atthe airport, you overhear a conversation. How does the woman feel? A tired B ill nervous you overhear two people talking about the play Paper 4 Listening Part 2 You will hear part of a radio programme about bags for walkers. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences. Rod's shop sells bags and other Pt equipment. ‘A backpack could spoil your holiday if it doesn’t Ee | | A.35-litre bag is good for ‘An upright bag is recommended for people who are going to To protect breakable items choose a bag with a a Abag with inside will allow you to separate your belongings. External pockets can be used to carry tools that are 2] or dirty. Itis important that shoulder straps are | Ahorizontal bar will prevent shoulder straps from Ve Padded parts of the bag should have plenty of [3] so that sweat can escape. 49 Test 2 Part 3 for their success. For questions 19-23, You will hear five journalists giving reasons rmalist gives. Use the letters only once. choose from the list A-F the reason each jour There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. ‘A. | deal with the main news. Speaker 1 B_ | have my own individual style. Speaker 2 Cl express new opinions. cowoers [el D_ I check all my information. Speaker 4 [| E__| express strong feelings. speakers | | F | deal with problems readers may face. i Paper 4 Listening Part 4 You will hear an interview with a man who makes models for films and television. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer, A, B or C. 24. Matt got a job doing holiday relief work because he wanted A. todo part-time work. B_ acareer in photography. | © to work in television. 25 What did Matt find ‘interesting’ about the sixties? | A the fascination with space travel — B_ the increased number of comic books | C the advances in photography 26 Why were Matt's models ‘used on the news? A. They were better than pictures. B Some equipment had been destroyed. [0 The studio was trying new ideas. | 27 Matt thinks he was successful at getting work in television because ‘A he had good experience. \ B_ he knew some of the staff. Che was available at the right time. 28 Matt worked on Bright Star as A part of a team. | Bt eden [Bs C adesign student. | ision to 29° Matt was invited on children’s t A tell stories about his design work. B_ explain the purpose of space research. help children make models themselves. 30 Matt remembers Heart of Darkness because A. itwas his favourite comedy. B_ his work was recognised. C a film was made of it. | 51 PAPER 4 LISTENING (approximately 40 minutes) Part 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B or C, 1 Listen to these students discussing a book. What do the students think of the book? A thas an unsatisfactory ending. B_ There are too many characters in it. C tis better in the original language. 2 Listen to this woman making a telephone call. Why has she phoned? A. toask fora lift B_ to explain her plans © toarrange a meeting 3 You turn on the radio and hear part of a programme. What type of programme is it? A the news B a documentary Cc afilm review 4 You hear part of a radio interview. What do we find out about the woman? A. She is planning a journey, B_ She is doing research. C She is travelling with her family. Test 3 5 You overhear this conversation in a college corridor. What does the man say about the lecture? A. It's important. B_ It's been cancelled. C Itwill be held next week. 6 Listen to this woman talking to her friend. Where has she been? A to the doctor's B_ tothe chemist’s © tothe dentist's 7 You overhear two people talking about a holiday one of them has just had. How did the woman feel? A relaxed B pleased C disappointed 8 Listen to this woman talking to @ group. Who is she talking to? ‘A. people living in rented property B__ agencies that let property © owners of property Paper 4 Listening Part 2 You will hear part of a radio programme about public transport in cities, using rickshaws — carts drawn by a bicycle. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences. Grabner's rickshaws come from The Berlin service runs during the F season. It has expanded from a total of 400 customers in its first year to 400 3] At first, people thought Grabner was rather 2) He sometimes felt that the business might be a | The drivers are a] and other people needing extra income. They charge passengers about $14 for a | journey. Drivers can make up to ten journeys a day if there is Li(‘(aséiCS’ Berlin has cycle lanes and small A similar scheme in Britain was opposed by 2] especially for bikes, 15 Test 3 Part 3 bout their favourite holiday destinations. For questions nat each speaker says about the place. Use the letters ‘which you do not need to use. You will hear five people talking at 19-23, choose from the list A-F wi only once. There is one extra letter ‘A Itis their own property. Speaker 1 B_ They are careful to preserve its environment. Speaker 2 © The journey there is not an easy one. Speaker 3 D_ Ithas always been popular with the British. Speaker 4 Speaker 2 E They would like to live there permanently. F tis easy to make friends with the local inhabitants. | 16 ‘Lyreco, EE To ESCUELA OFICIAL DE IDIOMAS ALZIRA KloLa TyRECORSPARA.SA Ctra. de Hospitalet, 147-149. 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