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African Starvation

By: Cortasha Richardson

Most people under 5 starved to

death before the International
Relief Agency arrived to help
~An entire hillside was covered with graves of
children who had died.
~Woman and kids are forced to depend upon
handouts of food.
~Adults died from AIDS which means fields could
not be worked
~The number of people dying in Africa on daily basis
is staggering

45 C ou n tries in A frica d o n ot
p rod u ce en ou g h food to feed
th eir p op u lation
-O ne in fi
ve children w illnever live to
see their 5th birthday
-South Africa has had droughts,
oods, and confl
ict causing severe
food shortages
-Poverty is a cause of African hunger

It will be too late for the children

when we give up on them. Richard
>As soon as they do that, then they have
little hope for survival
>Many of the children have no where else
to turn for help
>They have so little food, clothing, and
medicine. They need help for everything.
>Without our help there will be no Africa
*Its life and beauty will eventually die
-In so many ways, the
future of Africa is in our

Weather in the
African region has
become more

+Prolonged drought in the Horn of Africa is the

immediate cause of severe food crisis affecting
10 million people in Africa.
+Rains have failed the last two seasons having
strong impact across the East Coast of Africa.
+There are droughts, floods, and severe climate

Child hunger risks South

Africas future.
1. About 2.5 million children go hungry each
year in South Africa
2. Poverty, deprivation and inequality will have
a major effect on the countrys next
3. About of children in Northern Cape,
South Africa go hungry

Famine-Extreme hunger; Starvation
Prolonged-Extend the duration of
Deprivation-Dispossession; Loss
Erratic-Having no certain or definite

Africa is in really bad famine. The children and
adults need help with food, water, and medicine.
Adults die from aids and other diseases which
means fields can not be worked. Children die of
starvation and not enough nutrients making the
population of Africa decrease. Weather is a big
cause of African starvation. There are floods,
droughts, and erratic climate changes causing
severe food shortages. So in a way the life and
beauty in Africa is in our hands.

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