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Question Bank: Modern Operating Systems.

1. Explain various classes of OS?

2. What is a Linker? Explain with a neat labeled diagram?
3. Define: Translator, Assembler, Complier, Interpreter, Linker?
4. State different operating system services?
5. Describe different system calls?
6. Explain structure of file? What is file management system?
7. What are deadlocks? What are the necessary conditions arised in a deadlock situation?
8. Describe various RAID levels with the help of diagrams.
9. What do you mean by System Boot?
10. Explain : (a) Para-virtualization (b) JVM?
11. What are the differences between layered approach and microkernel approach?
12. Write a short note on Virtual Machines?
13. Describe First-Come, First-Served Scheduling?
14. What is the difference between Multilevel Queue Scheduling and Multilevel Feedback
Queue Scheduling?
15. Describe the architecture of MFQ scheduling with the help of diagrams?
16. Explain :Thread-specific Data, Multithread programming, Parent Process?
17. What is meant by cooperating processes? Explain in detail?
18. State and explain the levels at which a system must be protected.
19. Explain the levels at which system should be protected?
20. Write a short note on port-scanning?
21. What is memory? How binding of instructions & data can be done?
22. What is paging? Explain with neat labeled diagram?
23. Explain Dynamic loading, Dynamic Linking and overlays?
24. Describe segmentation with neat labeled diagram?
25. Explain multiple partition allocation with neat labeled diagram?
26. Explain single partition allocation with neat labeled diagram?
27. Explain Demand paging in detail?
28. What are file allocation methods? Explain any one?
29. Describe various RAID levels with the help of diagrams.
30. Write a short note on Design and implementation of an Operating System?
31. What information is needed to configure an OS?
32. Explain the architecture of: The JAVA Virtual Machine, CLR for the .NET Framework.
33. Explain the concept of swapping with neat labeled diagram?
34. Explain single partition allocation with neat labeled diagram?
35. What is paging? Explain with neat labeled diagram?
36. Design issues for paging systems?
37. What is NFS? What are its protocols?

38. Explain structure of file? What is file management system?

39. State some characteristics of I/O devices?

40. State and explain the levels at which a system must be protected.
41. Explain DOS attack in detail?

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