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LOW COST EQUIPMENT for science and technology education ED-86/WS/TI0 LOW COST EQUIPMENT for science and technology education VOLUME II This second resource document on low-cost equipment contains designs of equipment for sctenos ‘and technology education using inexpensive materials. In this issue the designs are presented in ‘two perts; Pert 1 follows the pattern of the first issue end contains 46 {tems suiteble for ‘construction in a school. Pert Il conteins 20 designs which are more suttable for construction by an Equipment Production Unit or school with @ well-equipped workshop and trained technical teachers. The designs have been submitted by the following institutions: The Pedagogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. The Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebel Province, China. National Educational Equipment Centre, Wehdat Colony, Lehore 16, Pekisten. The Kyoto Municipal Science Centre for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japen. The mater el hes been compiled end edited by Mr. N. K LOWE. From this second resource document on low-cost equipment we should like to recetve your essistance end suggestions. Please inform us of any difficulties you may have exper ienced in constructing and using the designs. Also let us know if you have found them useful and how you used them in the learning environment. In the event of en accident occurring through the use of eny of the items, neither Unesco nor the ‘editor or the submitting institutions can accept eny responsibility. ‘Should you have @ design which may be sulteble for publicetion in future issues of this document or elsewhere, plesse send it, preferebly in the format used in Pert | of this document to: Division of Science, Technical end Environmental Education, Unesco, Place de Fontenoy,, 75700 Paris. France. ANTRODUCTION ‘The apparatus designs in this collection may be familiar to some, and new to other readers. ‘The designs in Part | are not necessarily unique to the institutions who have submitted them, but they ere ecoredited to them since ft fs believed that the designs heve been found useful in the countries in which the institutions are located. The designs in Pert I! are all from one Institution and, to the best of our knowledge, are unique to that institution. For the purpose of this document the designs have been edited, where necessary, to provide either a clearer drawing cr text. The designs in Pert | have been prepared in such o manner that they can easily be ‘removed and photocopied/reproduced for use in tesching- leerning activities. In most cases the apparatus in Pert | can elther be prepared by the teacher or constructed by the pupils es part of @ construct-and-use programme of learning. Very little initial prectical skill {s required to meke the items; in fect, basic skills in woodworking, metalworking, etc., could be developed from the construction of the {tems es part of e moduler science and technology programme of learning. The apparatus designs in Pert II are more ‘appropriate for construction in an Equipment Production Unit, both from the viewpoint of ‘technical know-how and also in relation to availability of materiel, tools, etc. No sttempt has been made to standardise the drawings sccording to Grephicel ‘Communication presentation. The sketches have been prepared (where possible es received) to provide maximum presentation within a limited space, and also to provide a ‘picture’ of the {tem It would be possible to utilise the sketches in 0 formal Grephical Communications learning situstion whereby the puptls use the designs end re-prepere them as if for use in en equipment production workshop. Terms Used. Generally, technical terms have been kept to @ minimum in fevour of eesily reed end understood descriptions, The following may help to clarify eny posstble non-femiltarity with ‘some of the terms used:— Diameter shown es dia, Dia. or Redius shown @s red, Red. or R. Dimensions usually in millimetres (mm) or centimetres (cm) OHP. Overhead Projector. Loupe Mognifying Glass. Vinyl ‘see ‘Notes on Plastics’ below. ‘Styrofoam Acommercial term for expanded polystyrene es found in packing cases. ‘containing sensitive equipment, or 8s ceiling tiles. Sometimes referred to as Polystyrene. atl met Pecking meter tel for fragile items, ‘made from plestic sheet with smell pockets of trapped ir. Alligator Clip ‘Also known es @ Crocodile Clip. Duralumin ‘Aluminium Alloy. 18~8 Stoinless Steel Wire A particular type of stainless steel with low corrosive properties. Heat Resistent Material Asbestes was the common material, but, due to toxic properties, is no Tonger used. Sindenyo ~ @ hard mixture of minerals, including Asbestes, 1s suitable. Piezo-electric element ‘Some cigarette lighters operate on the piezo-electric effect - certain crystals develop a potential difference ecross their feces when subjected to ‘a mechanical strain. ANote on Pisstics The word ‘plastic’ 1s commonly used to refer to synthetic or semi-synthetic substances derived largely from petroleum, coal, salts, air end water. They ere besically two groups of Plestics, namely, Thermoplestic and Thermosatting. Thermoplastic materials are those which soften with heat end harden with cooling - a cycle which can be repeated meny times. Examples are: Acrylics, Polyvinyl Chloride (PYC), Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polystyrene, Cellulose Acetate, Nylon, etc. Thermosetting materials are those heat hardening plastics which soften when first heated but irreversibly herden on heating process, Examples ere: Phenolic Resins, ‘Urea-Formaldehyde Resin, Epoxy-Resin, Polyurethane, etc. (The term ‘resin’ 1s often applied to synthetic plastic materials before they are’moulded to shape. It should not be confused with naturally occurring resins which have @ different moleculer structure). Of particular interest to Part 1! of this document are Acrylics, P.V.C, and Epoxy Resin. Acrylies Depending upon the menufecturer they are marketed under such trede nemes ‘8s: Perspex; Orogles; Plexiglass; etc. ‘ABurn Test can be used to identify eorylics ~ when heated in 8 fleme it will ignite end burn readily with blue flame. Burning ceases ( without smouldering) when the flame 1s removed. Vepours have @ strong sweet oxour. Polyviny! Chloride (P.V.C) The popular name for P.V.C. is ‘Vinyls’. P.Y.C. is marketed under @ variety of trede names such es Darvic, Nylex, Breon, Carvie, ale. A Burn Test can be used to identify P.V.C. - when heated in flame it is slow to ignite and burns with a yellow flame. It gives off white smoke and has an ecrid odour. When removed from the flame {1 ceases to burn. Epoxy Resin Acrylics Vinyls Epoxy Resins Cyenoecrylate Adhesives ‘These resins have a catelyst edded to them which brings about en irreversible chemical change. During ‘this change heat {s given off and the Viguid resin gradually chenges to @ solid. Although used for many purposes thetr function as @ multi-purpose adhesive is of perticuler importence, Sultable adhesives are Solvents, such es chloroform, ethylene dichloride, trictorethylene end glectel ‘ecatic acid. Coat both surfeces with the solvent and apply pressure until bonded. The surfaces must be cleen, ‘smooth, end fit together without eps. Special Acrvlic Cements are evatlable commercially and usually contain ecrylic materials dissolved in solvents. A suitable cement can be made by dissolving small pieces of ecrylic in chloroform. Leave for about ‘one Week in en airtight Jor before use to sllow complete dissolving of the ecrylic, Epoxy resins ere also suftable adhesives. Suitable adhesives are: Specis) ‘Coments (P.V.C. dissolved in chlorinated solvent); some Rubber ‘Solutions which have chtor nated ‘solvents; snd Welding using # hot gas ‘welding gun and P.V.C. filler rods. This latter is the most common means of foining rigid P.V.C. materiel. (P.V.0. sheeting fs usually joined by an electrically heated sealing tool similar toh etn of slr ng iron). ‘Awidely evatleble adhesive of this type {s marketed under the trede neme of ‘Araldite’. In this particular type, ‘equal quentities of resin and hardener ere mixed togsther. Both surfeces to be glued are coated end the joint held under pressure until set. Other types may require different proportions for mixing. These ere @ recently developed renge of ‘instant’ edhesives. Care should be ‘exercised in thetr use. ‘Solvent-besed Adhesives Implement all safety procedures applicable to the use of solvents such ‘88 good ventilation, no neked flames, avoid inhalation of fumes, avoid skin contect. Epoxy Resins ‘Avold skin contact. Cyenoecryiete Adhesives Extreme cautfon {s needed In using end handling elphecyenoecrylets echesives sinoe they are instenteneous end can bond skin to skin. Strict contro! of these “Instant” adhesives should be implemented. Use gloves end eve protectfon (to avoid eccidental ‘touching/wiping of the eyes) end seek ‘medical attention if edheston of perts of the body occurs. ‘Electrical All items in Part 1 requiring an electrical supply for their operetion are for use on dry cell botteries. They must not be connected to a low-voltegs power peck or the electrical mains supply. Certain items in Part 1! require connections to e Power Pack. The user should ensure thet all ‘tems are electrically safe to use before switching on the power supply. PART 1 @enanuaun 10. Wn 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17, 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 2. 26. 27. 28. Air Flow Apparatus. Air Pressure Apparatus. Simple Balance. (1) Simple Balance. (11) ‘Simple Balance. (111) Buoyancy Apparatus. Density of Liquids Apparatus. Bolling Point and Pressure Apparatus. ‘Simple Hydraulics Apparatus. Heat Convection Apparatus Heat Absorption Apparatus. Heat Radiation Apparatus. Expansion Apparatus. (1) Expansion Apparatus. (11) A Condenser. Fuel Comparison Apparatus. Electrolysis of Salt Water Apparatus. Sun, Moon, and Earth Apparatus. Law of Reflection Apparatus. Refraction of Light Apparatus. A Convex Water Lens. (1) A Convex Water Lens, (11) Electrical Conductance Apparatus. An Electroscope. Magnetic Interaction Apparatus. Fishing Game. Dancing Dolls. A Compass. (i) ‘A Compass. (11) 30. 31 32. 33. 34, 35, 36. 37. 38. BaRARBASES AClepsydra, (Water Clock) A Timing Device. A Pendulum, A Windmill. A Centrifugal Machine. A Paddle Boat. ASteam-Jet Float. A Steam Turbine. ‘AModel Water Wheel. AModel Submarine. AModel Rocket. A Simple Fire Extinguisher. Explosion Apparatus, Capillary Action Apparatus. A Water Filter. Newton's Disc Apparatus. A Piagetian Instrument. PART LU Baas 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Magnetic Stirrer. Magnetic Field Apparatus. Force on a Conductor Apparatus. Electrical Resistance Apparatus. Principles of Mechanics Apparatus. Composition of Forces Apparatus. Micro-organism Measuring Scales. Smoke Cell. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64, 65, 66. AMicrobalance. Tullgren and Bearmann Apparatus. Respiration Apparatus. Gas Generator Type A. Gas Generator Type B. Dew Point Apparatus. AEudiometer. Oxidation and Reduction Apparatus. Air Column Resonance. Air Moisture Apparatus. Electrolysis of Water. Polarizer. PART | E FLOW APPARATUS. i — fe ren | AIR FLOW APPARATUS. /2- PURPOSE ‘To demonstrate that there is ¢ relationship between pressure and the flow of air. [3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, China iP Ca '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE @ SO FIG. A. I5~ MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Disc. 1 Stiff peper. to sult dia. of spool | 2. Spoot 1 Catton ret as oveiebe 1 Pin. large) Tools: Scissors (Poge 172) 6° CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Cut a dise of approximately 30mm dia, from 8 piece of stiff paper. Push ¢ tong ain through the Fig. 1. centre of the disc (@ pin used in opticel Cc ly experiments would be suitable). Fig.2. Arrange the epparatus as shown in Fig. 7- METHOD OF USE Blow vertically down through the hole in the spool and et the same time lift the spool upwerds. The peper disc will be seen to rise up with the spool. Stop blowing and the peper disc will fall down, 8- COMMENTS Ensure thet the paper disc ts lerger in diameter than the dlemeter of the bottom face of the spoai 1 ITEM ; 1 AIR PRESSURE APPARATUS. [2- PURPOSE ‘To demonstrate that air exists end to show the effect of eir pressure. |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE. FIG.A, 5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty ‘Materials Required Dimensions 1. Air container. 1. Glass tumbler. as available. 2. Water container. 1 Gloss trough, es availble. Peper. }6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7- METHOD OF USE Place a wed of screwed up peper in the bottom of the glass tumbler. Fill the glass trough with water. Turn the tumbler upside down and push it into the water. Due to the air trapped in the glass the woter will not wet the paper but will remetin below it. 8- COMMENTS Engure thet there is enough water tn the trough £0 cover the glass tumbler. insert the tumbler into the water { in an almost vertical position to ensure that the meximum amount of air is trepped in the glass, — fie ien Berece oatance 3 SIMPLE BALANCE. (1) [2- PURPOSE To demonstrete that air has weight. [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY ~ Bel{ing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chin. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A fi MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1. ‘Wood. 150mm x150mm x 10mm j 2. Column 1 Wood. 300mm x 20mm x 20mm. 3. Beam, 1 Wood, ‘300mm x 20mm x 10mm. | 4, Mass. 1 Bottle (conteining send) 5. Air conteiner. 1, Infleteble bait 6. Net. 1 Net for bell. tron wire. ‘Thread, Tools: Wood sew; hammer; chisel; pliers; wood glue, |6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig. 2 4 Paome Fig. 3. Zo fi Le? = L/S From a 10mm thick sheet of plywood cut out 6 base of 150mm x 150mm. in the centre of the base cut out a hote of size 20mm x 20m es shown in Fig. 1 For @ column prepere @ piece of wood to size 20mm x 20mm x 300mm long. Glue this column into the base. (Fig. 2). For the beam prepare a piece of wood to size 20mm x 10mm x 300mm tong. Drill e hole tor a nail in the centre of the beam #s shown in Fig, 3. From @ piece of iron wire construct two hooks to fit eround the beam as shown in Fig. 4 Assemble the belance as shown in Fig. A. 7- METHOD OF USE weight. Hang the bell in its net from the bem. Hang a bottle containing send on the opposite side of the beam and bolonce the beem by moving the bottle of sand. (Add or remove send as necessery). When the beam is belanced ellow efr to slowly drain out of the bell end the beam will go out of belance indicating that air hes 8- COMMENTS Page 2/2 — [rin | SIMPLE BALANCE. (ii) BERPLEERUANCET 7 |2- PURPOSE To construct a simple balance and to show the principle of belance 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebel Province, Chine, '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A _— _ |5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Support. Beam. Pointer. Beam Support. Pans. Pivot. Materials Required Gless Bottle Chopstick (or dowel rod) Iron Wire, Iron Wire, Plastic Lids. Rezor Blade. Cork. Sond. Thin metal sheet. Thread. Tools: Tin snips, knife, pliers (long nose) Dimensions as aveilable, as available. approx. 1mm. dia approx. 1.5mm dle. [6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig.1 Fig. 2. -, : S ot. Fig. 4 Fig. 5. 8 Db. Saat ¢ To construct the beam use 6 chopstick (or length of wood of spproximetely Bram aie). Cut a 60° groove et the centre af the beam as shown in Fig. 1 From a piece of thin metal sheet construct ¢ 60° angle support es shown in Fig. 2. Fix this support into the groove cut into the vesm. Select 6 cork to suit the size of bottle available. insert a razor blade into the cork 2s shown in Fig. 3 Fill bottle with sand and insert the cork From a length of mm dis. iran wire wing two small coils, as shown in Fig. 4, and place them on each end of the beam. Using two plastic lids end some thresd construct the pans and tie them to e@ch end of the beam, Place the beer on the razor blade pivot. Using 0 length of 1mm dia. iron wire construct 8 pointer (Fig. Se) and fix it to the beam. From a piece of thin sheet metal construct 2 scele (Fig. Sb) and fix it to the bottle From a piece of 1.5mm dis iron wire construct 4 beam support (Fig, Sc) and fix it firmly around the neck of the bottle, 7- METHOD OF USE end of the beam. Assemble the epperatus es shown in Fig. A. Adjust the beam for belance using the two coils (riders) at each 8- COMMENTS Masses can be made using clay; bottles containing sand etc but should be checked against known masses. (Page 2/2) 1- ITEM ‘ASIMPLE BALANCE. (iti) /2- PURPOSE For investigoting the apparent loss of weight of » body ino liquid (Archimedes Principle) [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Acedemy, Nicoste, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE I5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required 1. Base, 1. Wood. 2. Piller. 1. Wood. 3. Beem, 1. Wood. 4 Pon, 2. Plastic Bowls. 5, Object. 1. Bag containing send. 6. Water Container. 1, Large glass Becker. ‘Washing up Bow! Nails. Threed Small hooks. Tools: Woodsew; hammer; scissors; drill and drill bit; Dimensions 400mm x120mm x1omm, 300mm x 30mm x 30mm. 300mm x 30mm x 20mm, as aveileble ‘2s available, 6~ CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig. 1 From @ sheet of 10mm wood construct the bese as shown in Fig. 1. Using the drill and chisel cut out the hole for the pillar. From piece of wood 50mm x 20mm construct the beam. Drill 8 hole at the centre point of the beem es shown in Fig. 2. Fig.3. A piece of wood of size 20mm x 20mm is used ‘to make the pitlar os shown in Fig. 3. Glue ond ——\ nil the pitler into the hte tn the bese. Fix the beam to the piller using ¢ 2mm die neil 0 @ pivot. Place @ smell wesher between the beam end the pillar so thet the beem cen 300 mn swing freely. Suspend the pans from each end of the beam, using small hooks screwed at the underside of the beer, et sn equal distance ‘rom the pivot. Adjust the besm so that it settles horizontally by inserting smell nails sont Ld ‘nto the lighter side of the tesm. Le ‘7- METHOD OF USE Suspend the bag with the sand inside from the left hend pan. Place suitable messes into the right hand pen Until balance is restored. Fill the glass with weter end stend it in the bowl. Carefully plece the bow! under ‘the bag of sand end lower the bag into the water. The water overflows into the tow! and the beam goes out of balance, The beam can be brought back into belance by pouring the water, which overflowed inte the bowl, into the pen above the sand bag (Ieaving the sand bag immersed in the water in the glass). This demonstrates Archimede’s Principle which indicates thet the epperent loss in weight is equal to the weight of water displaced 8- COMMENTS [BUOVANCY APPARATUS. 1- ITEM BUOYANCY APPARATUS. |2- PURPOSE To demonstrate the effect of changing atmospheric pressure on buoyancy |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Netionel Educetionel Equipment Centre, Lahore 16, Pekisten, |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE t———_® FIG. j~ MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1, Container. 1. Glass Jer. 2, Liquid Water. 3. Membrane 1 Rubber Sheet. (from a balloon). 4, Floating object. 1. Vacetne injection bottle with ir-tight rubber lid Page 1/2 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Helf fill the glass jer with clean water. Ensure thet the small vaccine (medicine) bottle is clean and that the rubber lid is air-tight. Put the bottle into the jar and it should float in the water. From the rubber balloon cut out @ flat piece of rubber to go over the neck af the jer. Plece the rubber over the jar mouth and stretch it tight, Fix itn place using a rubber band, as shown in Fig. A., to form 8 taut diaphragm 7- METHOD OF USE Using your hand epply pressure to the rubber Giaphragm. The sir pressure inside the jer will increase (as ‘lso will that in the small bottle). The bottle will be seen to sink lower in the weter. ‘8- COMMENTS It may be necessary to ‘weight’ the small bottle so that it is partielly submerged, using lead shot. Ensure that the Tid is air-tight after adding the weights. ‘en DENSITY OF LIQUIDS APPARATUS. [2- PURPOSE To demonstrate that objects can sink in some liquids end float in others. I~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Notionsl Educetional Equipment Centre, Lehore 16, Pekisten, |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE IS- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 1. Container. 1. Glass Bottle 2. Kerosene 3. Water. 4. Carbon tetrachioride 5, Mercury. 6. Neil 7. Ebonite Block 8 ox Block. ‘9. Cork Stopper. 10, Rubber Stopper. Components Qty ‘Materials Required FIG. A, Dimensions Page 1/2 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig. Ensure that the glass bottig is clean end dry. Pour into the bottle an amount of mercury (See Fig. 1¢). Lower a nail into the bottle such that itrests on the surface of the mercury, Using @ stirring rod (or similar rad) slowly introduce the carbon tetrachloride onto the top of the mercury as shown in Fig. 1. Lower a piece of Ebonite onto the surface of the cerbon tetrachloride. Using the seme procedure slowly pour some water up to level c. end then lower a ‘Wax block to float on the surface of the water. Again, using the rod, stowly pour some kerosene onto the surface of the water end lower a cork which will float on the water. Finelly insert a stopper into the bottle. ‘7 METHOD OF USE By corefully preparing this epperatus it can be used to introduce the idee of liquids having different densities/ relative densities, as well as introducing the idea of densities of solids. 8- COMMENTS Ensure that the wax used will float on the water end not on the Kerosene as well. This demonstration epparatus could be made using other liquids. [Buicins Pam NO PRESSURE APPAR BOILING POINT AND PRESSURE APPARATUS. 1- ITE 2- PURPOSE To study the relationship between the boiling point of water end pressure, [3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. i- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Container. 1 Electric Light Bulb. as available 2. Connecting tube 1 Rubber tube small bore. approx. 350mm 3. Pressure edjustor. 1 ‘Syringe, as available 4. Heater. 1 Spirit Burner. 5, Stend 1 Tripod Tools: Long-nosed pliers, small file 16- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Guns Furnnenr Lenos. Sena Fig. Gently heat the base of an old buts over a spirit burner. Gently twist the bulb whilst heating end gradully pull the tase off from ‘the bulb, Toke care nat to breek the sir exhaust tube when removing the cep. with s pair of long nosed pliers gently remove the glass seal from the end of the air exhaust tube. (Fig. 1) Using @ syringe, inject water into the bulb vie the air exhoust tube. Connect ¢ length of rubber tube to the air exhaust tube, Stend the bulb on ¢ tripod over & spirit tame, Remove the needle from the syringe and connect the syringe to the rubber tube. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Remove the syringe from the rubber tube. Light the burner to heal the water. Adjust the syringe plunger to the half wey position. The Higher the Pressure the Higher the Boiling Point. When the water is boiling attach the syringe to the rubber tube, Push the plunger forward @ little to give a higher pressure within the bulb tnd the water will be seen to stop boiling. After continued heating (higher tempereture) the water will ‘agsin bot! This procedure could be repeated. The Lower the Pressure the Lower the Bolling Point. when the’ water is boiling remove the burner and wait until the water stops batting. Attach the syringe to tne ruoder {ube and pull beck the plunger ¢ little to give ¢ lower pressure in the bulb. The weter will be seen to be boiling egain (lower temperature); This procedure could be repeated. | 8- COMMENTS Weor eye protectors when working with glass SIMPLE HYDRAULICS APPARATUS. 1- ITEM SIMPLE HYDRAULICS APPARATUS. /2- PURPOSE To demonstrate the principle of hydraulics. 3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine, 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE \S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required 1. Stand, 2 Plywood, 2. Basebosrd. 1. Plywood. 3. Piston. 1. Syringe. 4, Masses. 2, tron{or other suitable meterial) 5. Piston. 1, Syringe 6. Clamps. 4 Ironwire. 7. Connecting tube 1. Glass tube, Rubber tubing. Tools: Woodsaw, hammer, nails, pliers, drill end drill bit, chisel, ‘wood glue Dimensions 140mm x 20mm x 10mm. 300mm x 150mm x1 0mm size. 50m One of 1009 One of 50g Size: 10m! approx. 2mm dia. x 25cm Tong ‘approx. 4mm id. x 30cm long Page 1/2 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 300 mm———_——» Fig. 1 LS 10 men $162 Fig. 4 From @ 10mm sheet of plywood cut out the baseboerd os shown in Fig. 1. Using e drill end chisel cut out the syringe end glass tubing support slots. Also drill the holes for the stiff wire syringe clemnps. (The size of the slots will ‘depend upon the diameters of the two syringes) From a piece of 10mm wood construct two ‘stands for the baseboard as shown in Fig. 2. Noil ond glue the two uprights so thet they make 8 firm but sliding fit for the baseboard From a suiteble piece of wood cut the supports to the required sizes, es shown in Fig. 3. The dotted lines indicate the extra 10mm required for gluing the supports into the slots. Fig. 4. indicates a suitable form of wire clamp for the syringes. The loose ends of the wire ere bend outwards at the back of the baseboard ‘7- METHOD OF USE Having assembled the epperatus fill the syringes with water to spproximately the half wey position, Hold the plunger of the SOm! syringe end place @ 50g, weight on the 10ml. syringe. Then place o 1009. weight on the Soml. syringe which witl be seen to rise when you remove your hend from holding the plunger 8- COMMENTS FEAT CONVECTION APPARAT 10, liad HEAT CONVECTION APPARATUS. |2- PURPOSE To investigate convection currents in sir. [5- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedegogicel Academy, Nicoste, Cyprus. 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE [S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Container 1. Cerdboerd Box 300mm x 150mm x 100mm 2 Chimneys. 2, Glass tubes (or cardboort), 3. Window. 1. Glass or cleer plastic sheet. 4 Heat source. 1, Small cendle Plesticine. Sellotepe, Tools: Scissors. Page 172 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. Fig 1. Obtain large cerdbosrd box and cut out 6 ‘window es shown in Fig. 1. Cover this window with @ sheat of glass or transparent plastic, using sellotape to hold it in place. In the lid of the box cut two holes to suit the diemeter of the tube aveileble. | Insert the tubes into the holes and fix them in place using plasticine. ‘7 METHOD OF USE Remove the lid of the box and place & small candle under one of the two tudes. Fix it in place using plasticine. Light the candle and replace the lid on the box. Hold e smoldering taper over the top of the tube, ‘Opposite to the one above the candle, Observe the smoke in the box. Due to the convection currents in the sir, brought about by the hest of the candle, the smoke will be seen to pass down one tube snd go up through ‘the other (which is ebove the cendle). 8- COMMENTS 1- ITEM HEAT ABSORPTION APPARATUS. [2- PURPOSE To investigate the ebsorption of heat from the Sun by two different surfaces. |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Acedemy, Nicosia, Cyprus 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A, '5~ MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Stand. 1 Wood (or stiff cardboard). 600mm x 320mm x 3mm 2. Disc. 2 Wood. 300mm dia. 3. Guides. 4 Wood. 150mm x 6mm x 10mm, 4. Sphere. 2 Solid plastic ball approx. 10mm dia, 5. Jelly. Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) White Peper. Black paper. Tools: Woodsew; hemmer; small nails; scissors; echesive. Page 1/2 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig. 1. Construct the stand from 6 piece of stiff cordboord 8s shown in Fig. 1. (olternstively wat 3mm plywood could be used). t hao Zam Fig 2. Construct four wooden guides each 150mm x om tomm x 6mm thick. 150mm Construct two wooden discs of approx. 300mm. die, Glue a piece of white paper to one of the discs and @ piece of bleck peper to the other. L Fix two guides to each of the discs as shown in Fig. A. The distance between the {wo guides should be such that the ball can roll between them, Using petroleum jelly stick the two balls to the dises. 7- METHOD OF USE Place the two discs on the stand and place the apparatus outside to face the Sun. Observe which of the two balls runs down between the guides first. This will demonstrate that, due to the black surfece absorbing the hest radtated from the Sun at @ greater rate then the white surface, the petroleum jelly melts first end releeses the bell 8- COMMENTS 1- ITEM HEAT RADIATION APPARATUS. }2- PURPOSE ‘To demonstrate the radiation and absorption of heat by two dif erent surfaces. [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, China |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Fig.A Components |. Base, 2. Support Rods, 3. Clamps. 4, Heat Source. 5. Vessels. [5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Qty Materials Required Plywood, ‘wood Dowelling etal Strip. 100 watt bulb and bulb holder. Electric light bulbs (used). Corks. Glass tube. Connecting cable and plug. Black Ink. Tools: Wood sow, pliers, tin snips, cork borer, drill & drill bit, wood glue, Dimensions 300mm x 170mm x 10mm 150mm x 10mm dia, as available. To suit bulbs. approx: Smm 0.4. Page 1/3 J6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Sng Fig 1 Fig. 4 Gently heet the base of an old Tight pula over a spirit temp. Gently twist the bulb whilst heating, and greduetly pull the base off from the butb, With a pair of long nosed pliers breek off the air exhaust tube Using the fine flame of @ blowtorch heat the end of the bulb and emove the filament unit. At the same time the entry hole can be widened Using 0 pair of lorge tweezers, Select 0 stopper to fit the nec: of the bult and bore @ Smm dis hole, 9s shown in Fig. | Peint one bulb black From a sheet of 10mm thick plywood construct the base es shown in Fig. 2. From length of 10mm dis dovrelling prepare two support rods of 150mm length (Fig. 3). Glue these rods into the holes in the bose Construct two clamps, as shown in Fig 4, from a strip of thin metal sheet (pecking case banding would be ‘suiteble). The diometer of the closed loop should fit the support rod whilst that of the open loop should fit the neck of the bulb. Page 2/3 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Fig.5. From a length of Smm dia glass tubing : construct two right engled bends as d shown in Fig. 5, aie g Assemble the epporotus es shown in Fig. A. and screw a bulb holder equi-distent between the two supports. Insert a 100 watt bulb. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Pour water, mixed with red ink, into each of the two vessels. Switch on the 100 watt bulb (neater), and ofter a short period of time the water in the blackened bulb will be seen to be rising at e faster rate than thot in the non peinted bulb. This will show that radiated heet is absorbed quicker by a bleckened surface. 8- COMMENTS: Weer eye protectors when working with glass. If @ blowtorch is not available it mey be possible to remove the whole of the cap end of the bulb by scoring @ groove eraund the bulb, below the cap, with an old file. [EXPANSION APPARATUS__() 3 1- ITEM EXPANSION APPARATUS. (1) 2- PURPOSE To demonstrate thet 6 metel solid expands when heoted [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine. '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A. IS- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1, Baseboard. 1 Wood. 15Gmen x 100mm x1 Orne 2. Disc 1. Copper sheet. 20mm x 20mm x 6.3mm. 3, Spacers. 2 Nails. approx. 1Smm Tong. Iron wire enprox, 2mm dia. Spirit lemp Tools: Woodsaw, hammer, tin snips, pliers Page 1/ [6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 20m f ten B. ao} Fig.2 Fig. 3 * From a piece of stiff tron wire construct a hook Construct basebosrd as shown in Fig. %. Insert two nails, with e distance between them of 20mm. From 8 piece of copper sheet, of thickness 3mm, construct « washer of 20mm die. 8, shown in Figure 2. ‘When the baseboard ts reised the washer should just pass between the two nails ‘or holding the copper washer whilst It 1s being ected ‘7- METHOD OF USE show that it will pass between the nails. First demonstrate thet the washer will pass through the gop between the nails. Then heat the washer over ‘8 spirit lamp end demonstrate that it will not poss between the nails. Allow the washer to cool and agein 8- COMMENTS EXPANSION APPARATUS. \ 1- ITEM EXPANSION APPARATUS. (11) /2- PURPOSE To demonstrate thot air expands when heeted [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedogogical Academy, Nicosto, Cyprus. }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Tools: Woodsew; hammer; nsils; scissors. FIG.A IS- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1 Wood. 200mm x 150mm x 10mm, 2. Conteiner. 1 Gloss Jor, wide mouthed 3. Membrane. 1 ‘Thin Rubber (from @ beltoon). 4, Indicator Board. 1 Wood. -200min x1 00mm x tom, 5. Indicator. 1 Strew. Rubber band. Adhesive Page 1/2 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 200mm. ——"\ Fig. 1. Construct the base trom @ piece of 10mm a plywood es shown in Fig. 1 Fig.2. Construct the indicator bosrd as shown in Fig. 2, Nail and glue the boerd centrally to one edge of the bese. Glue the sheet of white paper to the face of the indicstor board. Fig.3. Stretch the rubber across the mouth of the bottle end hold in place using @ rubber bend. Fletien one end of 6 straw and glue the straw to the rubber, as shown in Fig 3. ‘7- METHOD OF USE ‘Adjust the bottle on the base so thet the indicator is close to the indicator board. Mark the position of the lop of the indicator on the paper. Carefully place the epperatus in direct sunlight and observe the movernent of the indicator. The air trepped in the jer expends end pushes the rubber membrane upwerds as can be seen by the movernent of the indicstor. 8- COMMENTS ‘The indicator bord could consist of o piece of stiff cardboard if e simple arrangement was all that wes required. > [1 ITEM ‘A CONDENSER, 2- PURPOSE For condensing vapour to 8 liquid [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, China |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Tools: Glass cutter (or old file), cork borers. FIG. A. [S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Outer tube 1. Flourescent Lemp Glass Tube approx. 400mm. 2. Inner tubs 1. Gless Tube, mn 0. x 500mm, 3. Stoppers. 2, Rubber stoppers. to suit outer tube 4 Cooling weter tubes 2 Glass tube. ‘Smm 0.4. x 100mm. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig.1 Fig. 2. ‘Omm —oy ‘90" as 3 i = From a useless flourescent lemp of ‘approximately 4omm die, cut @ 400mm tength of tube, Carefully remove the sharp edges nd then clean the inside of the tube Obtein 6 length of Emm outside diameter glass tubing and cut ito 6 length of 500mm, Remove the sherp edges. Toke two rubber stoppers suitable in dismeter for the fluorescent tube. Through the centre of each stopper bore an 6mm dia. hole. At 8 suitable distence from this hole bore 8 second hole of Smm dia es shown in Fig, 1. Obtain a length of Smm outside diameter glass tubing and cut two lengths of 100mm. Bend both tubes into 6 right engle os shovin in Fig. 2. Assemble the epperatus 6s shown in Fig. A teking extreme care when inserting the stoppers into the fragile outer glass tube. Seel the stoppers to the glass with a suiteble adhesive or sestant ‘7- METHOD OF USE Use in the seme manner as @ commercistly menufactured condenser. 8- COMMENTS Wear eye protection when working with gless. Hendle the old fluorescent tube carefully since the glass is fragile end con breek essily, Very old fluorescent lamps contained a toxic costing on the interior. Wash twfay all residue when cleaning the interior of the tube. 1- ITEM FUEL COMPARISON APPARATUS, '2- PURPOSE '3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY To compare the rate of burning of two different fuels. Pedagogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE. 4, Indicator Board, FIG. A, S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1 ‘Wood. 300mm x 150mm x 10mm. 2. Conteiners. 2 Gloss tube with caps. ‘opprox. 10mm dis x ‘SOmm. 3. Wick. 2 Twisted cotton. Wood Plasticine. White squared paper. Tools: hemmer; nails: woodsew. 100Rnm x 150mm x Sram, Page 172 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS i Fig. 1. Froma piece of 10mm wood sheet cut out the base as indicated in Fig. 1 From a piece of Smm wood sheet, cut out the indicator board end fix it to the base es shown using neil. Fig. 2. Obtain two glass tubes with metal screw caps. Pierce a hole to take the wick in each of the two caps, Heke two wicks from twisted cotton (or string) and feed the wicks through the holes in i the lids es shown in Fig. 2 50mm ‘Assemble the opperatus by placing the tubes on to the base end f1x in place using plasticine. me Fix a piece of graph paper to the indicator board ‘8 shown inFig. A ‘7- METHOD OF USE Pour equal quantities of the two fuels to be compared into the two tubes, insert the wicks, end screw down the lids. Allow the wicks to become saturated. Light both wicks simulteneously end observe the level of ‘the fuel tn eech tube at one minute intervals. Merk on the paper how many mm of fuel ere burnt for ech period of observation. 8- COMMENTS i- ITEM ELECTROLYSIS OF SALT WATER APPARATUS, }2- PURPOSE To produce NaOH using en egg shell os o membrane. [3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chin }4~ LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A, [5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1, Container. 1 Glass Bottle, wide mouthed. as available. 2, Membrane. 1. Egg shelt 3. Coil 1. Iron wire, 25mm die x 300mm 4 Lid 1. Plywood as eveileble 5. Connecting Leads. 2. Copper wire (stiff) approx. 2rnma dia. x 150mm 6. Carton rod, 1 Carbon rod from old battery. 7. Eggshell stene. 1 ink bottle tid 8. Stopper. 1 Rubber stopper. 9, Stang 1. Tripod Peroffin Wax. Nails. Tools: Glass cutter, knife, pliers, soldering iron, ‘woodsaw, hammer. Page 1/2! [6 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig.1 Ome IX Py Fig 3. Obtain a wide mouthed bottle and cut the bottom off et approximstely 70mm from the neck es shown in Fig. | Obtain e stopper to fit the mouth of the bottle and make @ small hole to teke the iron wire, as shown in Fig. 2. Pass the wire through the hole and meke 6 coil of three turns, The diameter of the coil should be just larger than the dia. of the egg, Obtain an ink bottle Tid (ta act as en “egg cup") and fix it to the stoaper with pareffin wex. Fit the stopper into the bottle Make a hole of approximately 'Smm diameter ‘none end of the egg. Empty out the egg and ‘wosh the inside clean. Stand the emply egg shell on the cup with the hole uppermost. Construct a lid for the bottte as shown in Fig. 3. The ectuel dimensions will depen upon the size of the bottle being used Solder a length of iron wire to the metal cap of a cerbon rad obtained fromm an old dry cell (torch battery). Fix the iron wire to the lid in such e way thet the cerbon rac is suspended through the centre hole in the 1id and cen protrude down into the egg shell. The rod should not be able to touch the shell. Having connected the iron wire to the Hid using nails ‘attach a length of copper connecting lead to a nail; also connect a length to the iron wire protruding out from underneath the stopper. Finelly stend tha apparatus on a tripod as showin in Fig. A 7- METHOD OF USE Pour some salt water into the eggshell ond into the bottle. Connect the leads to a 6 volt electrical supply end switch on. After some minutes gas bubbles will appear on the cerbon rod and on the fron wire coil. After several minutes leave a piece of KI-amylum test paper over the small hole in the lid, and another piece over the hole in the eggshell top. The piece over the eggshell will change colour from white to blue whilst thet over the small hole will be unchanged. Switch off the power and introduce a few crops of phenolpnthelein solution into both the eggshell and the bottle. The solution in the bottle will change its colour to red but the solution in the eggshell will not change colour. If the students know the properties of the Ki-amylum test paper and the phenolphthalein solution they can deduce what has occurred during the experiment. 8- COMMENTS Page 2/2 }- ITEM a SUN, MOON, AND EARTH APPARATUS. 2- PURPOSE To demonstrate the Earth revolving around the Sun end the Moon revolving around the Earth, | 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Acsdemy, Nicosie, Cyprus. /4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Fig. A. IS- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Bose. 1. Wood 000mm x200mm x 10mm. 2. Movable Arm (1). 1 Wood. 400mm x 100mm x 10min. 3. Support Rod 1. Wood 350mm x 20mm dia 4, Sun, 1. Bulb end bulb holder end white globe (150mm dia). 5, Earth 1. Wooden Bal! epprox. SOmm dis 6. Moon 1, Wooden Bel approx. 20mm dia 7. Support Rods. 2, Wood(and iran wire). 250mm x 10mm dia, 8. Movable Arm (2). 1 ‘Wood. 150mm x 6Omm x 10mm. Adhesive. Electric cable. approx. 1 metre Stitt metel wire, Tools: Woodsew; drill end drill bits; long nosed pliers. Page 1/3 [6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ono Fig 2 Fig 3 po 50nn a otf =? ~ Fig 4 250mm a —) Fig. 1. From 9 sheet of 10mm thick plywood construct the base as shown in Fig. | The support rod should be a tight fit in the 20mm dis. hole. From the 10mm plywood sheet cut the movable arm as shown in Fig. 2 The support rod should be en easy fit {nto the 20mm die. hole. The support rod for the eerth should be 6 tight fit in the 10mm dia hole From the 10mm plywood sheet cut the smaller movable arm as showin in Fig. 3, The earth support rod should be en easy fit in one of the 10mm dia. holes. ‘The ‘moon support rod should be e tight fit in the other. Construct the support rod for the Sun es shown in Fig. 4. Use a screw to fix the tise to the rod es indicated Connect a length of electrical cable to the lamp holder ready for final essembly. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) 250mm lone A, Fig 5. From a piece of 10mm dia wooden doweling cut two pieces each 250mm, Jong, Drill « smal! hote in the end for inserting metal wire available. Drill ‘two small holes dagone!ly opposite each other in the two wooden balls to be used as the Earth ond the Moon. Bend a suitable length of wire as in Fig. 5. to ‘ct as the axis and support for the balls Heke one for each bell Take ¢ straight Jength of stift wire and bend one end over the ball support es in the sketch Crimp this loop tightly over the suppart using long nose pliers, (this joint could | be soldered if steel or copper wire is used). Leave the length of straight wire uncut until finel assembly, Assernble the opparatus by gluing the support for ‘he Sun in the hole in the base. Slide ‘moveble erm (i) over the support and ensure that it will rotete. Screw lamp support disc to the top of the column ‘nd then fix the temp holder to this dise Glue Earth support rod into the 10mm hole in the moveable arm (1). Slide moveable arm (2) over this column ang censure that it will rotete. Glue support rod for Moon in second hole, Finally ‘insert Earth end toon assemblies into respective supports. (Ensure that the centres of the Sun, Eerth end Moon ere all in the same horizontal plane) ‘7- METHOD OF USE Switch on the lamp end demonstrate the rotetion of the Eerth eround the Sun; the Moon eround the Earth; or the Earth around its own axis. ‘8- COMMENTS: Page 3/3 1- ITEM LAW OF REFLECTION APPARATUS. 2- PURPOSE ‘To investigote the relationship between the engles of incidence and reflection, |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. p- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1 ‘Wood. 400mm x 100mm x 10mm. 2. Cover. 1. Cardboard approx. 650mm long 3. Beck Plate. 1 Cordboerd. ‘approx. 400mm dia. 4. Mirror. 1 Mirror. ‘approx. 100mm x 60mm. Drewing pins. Adhesive. Tools: Woodsew; scissors. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig. 1. Construct the base from e piece of 10mm plywood. Glue @ small mirror to the centre of the base as shown in Fig, 1 40000 > Mirror 200mm Raut, Fig. 2. From a sheet of stiff cardboad cut out 6 semi-circular beck plate as shown in Fig. 2. Mark Tines on the back plate at 15° intervels either side of the vertical Le 40.00 Fig.3. From a sheet of stiff cardboard cut out the cover 6s shown in Fig.3. Using dravting pins, fix the cover to the ends of the base; this will form ¢ semi-circle to match the perimeter of = the back plate. Pierce holes in the cover to co-incide with the lines on the back plate. 7- METHOD OF USE Place light source (candle or temp) at one of the holes end view through a hole opposite to the one with the lamp to see if the light is being reflected via the mirror. Measure the angles of the lines drawn on the back plate to see if the Law of Reflection is epplicable (Angle of Incidence is equal to the Angle of Reflection) 8- COMMENTS An elternative mathod would be to leave the back plate unmarked and pierce holes in the cover at regular intervals. Using 6 light source et one’hole find the opposite hole where the light is reflected end then drew lines on the back plate. The engles could then be measured. ec OF LIGHT APPARATUS, 4 1 ITEM REFRACTION OF LIGHT APPARATUS. 2- PURPOSE To demonstrate refraction of light in water. [S- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine }4~ LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A |S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Bottle 1 Glass Bottle. ‘as avatlable. Black paint (or ink). 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Using an empty, clear bottle paint half of the outside of the bottle with bleck paint, leaving & gap of approximately 1 to 2 mm as shown in Figure 1 Fig. Conmeresy Buacezn Tee ‘Swaoen Aaa. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Fill the bottle with water to helf Way up the black painted erea, Observe the gap in the black painted eres which will eppeer displeced when looking into the water. This clearly demonstrates light refrection in water. 8- COMMENTS ‘When viewing from the frant ensure thet the brightest light intensity is behind the black painted surfece. If necessary use a shield to reduce stray light. Fs CONVEX WATER LENS (i) 2 1- ITEM ‘A CONVEX WATER LENS (i) 2- PURPOSE ‘To construct a convex water lens for simple optical experiments |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Contre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, China, |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Fig.A I5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components. Qty Hateriats Required Dimensions 1. Aperture Cylinder. 1. Cerdboard. epprox, 25cm x 1Sem, 2. Water Contsiner. 1 Electrical light bulb. 8s availeble. 3. Contralising Ring 1. Cardboard to suite dia. of bulb. 1. Cordboard. ‘approx. 20cm x 20cm Adhesive. Tools: Scissors, long-nosed pliers, spirit burner. e Page 1/3, [6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS d. Give Fig 1 Fig 2. Fig. 3. Gently heot the base of an old bulb over espirit lamp. Gently twist the bulb Whilst heating and gradually pull the bese off from the bulb. With a pair of long nose pliers bresk off the air exhaust tube. Using the fine flame of & blow torch heet the end of the bulb and remove the filament unit. At the same ‘ime the entry hole can be widened using 8 pair of lerge tweezers. Let D = diemeter of bulb. d= diameter of bulb neck See Fig. From piece of cardboard cut out o centralising ring of outer diameter O. and inner diameter d. 8s in Fig. 2. On 4 piece of cardboard mark out the shape shown in Fig. 3. Allow 8 little over 60°, for gluing purposes. Cut out ‘and glue the shape to form a truncated cone stend for the bulb. Page 2/3 ‘6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Cy, piu f | \ 1 (ad L— 25D. —4 }-£3520. Fig. 4. On 8 piece of cardboard mark out @ rectangle D long snd 2.50 wide (Allow a little extra on the length for gluing purposes). Merk out two holes eech of 1/3 D in diemeter, according to the dimensions given in Fig. 4. Cut out the holes and the rectangle. Bend snd glue the rectongle to form the eperture cylinder. ‘Assemble the eppsratus by placing the stand on the desk end the bulb on the stand. Then place the aperture cylinder cover the bulb with one hole facing an object (e.g. the window). Place the centralising ring over the neck of the bulb to hold it steady. Finally fill the bulb with weter. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Set the apperatus on the desk with an unpainted face towards the window. Fill the bulb with water. Using ‘notebook es a screen adjust the distance of the notebook from the lens until ¢ cleer upside down image of ‘the window can be seen (objects outside the window may elso be eble to be focussed onto the screen). 8 COMMENTS Wear eye protectors when working with gless. If @ blow torch is not availeble it may be possible to remove the whole of the cep end of the bulb by scoring groove around the bulb, below the cep, with an old file. — yee A CONVEX WATER LENS. (1). 2- PURPOSE To construct a convex water lens for simple opticel experiments. [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Contre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A \S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Water container. 1, Electric Light Bulb. as available. 2. Stand, i {ron Wire. 2mm dia. x 500mm Black Peint. Tools: Long-nosed pliers, spirit burner. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig! Brace Pan. Dg Fig.2 Leone Gently heat the base of an ol6 bulb over 8 spirit bummer. Gently twist the bulb whilst heating ‘and gradus!ly pull the bese off from the bulb. With a pair of long nose pliers break off the sir exhaust tube. Using the fine flame of 6 blow lamp heat the end of the bulb ond gradually remove the filament unit. At the same time the entry hole cen be widened using o pair of large tweezers, Paint the bulb black leaving two "windows" which should be diemetricelly opposite each other. The diameter of the “windows” should be approximately 1/2 the diemeter of the bulb. (Fig, 0 From a Yength of stiff iron wire construct @ stand for the bulb es shown in Fig. 2. Bend the freme so that the legs merked “e" meet to form @ tripod. 7- METHOD OF USE Set the epparatus on the desk with en unpainted face towards the window. Fill the bulb with weter. Using e notebook as screen adjust the distence of the notebook from the lens until » clear upside down image of the window can be seen (objects outside the window may also be able to be focussed onto the screen). 8- COMMENTS Wear eye protectors when working with gless. If e blowlamp is not available it may be possible to remove the whole of the cap end of the bulb by scoring @ groove around the bulb, below the cap, with on old file. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE APPARATUS. - ITEM | i ELECTRICAL CONDUCTANCE APPARATUS. | [2- PURPOSE To investigate which solid materials are good conductors of electricity, and which ere {good insulators. [3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY | Pedagogical Academy, Nicosie, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A | \S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty ‘Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1 Wood. 200mm x 150mm x 10mm, 2. Indicator. 1 6 volt bulb end bulb holder. 3. Switch 1 Sheet metal strip. 1mm wide x 1 rem thick, 4, Power Supply. 1 6 volt bettery, | 5, Terminals 2 Screws. nprox. 26mm long ! Insulated copper wire, approx. 1 metre. | Assorted screws, Tools: screwdriver; wire cutters; tin snips. Page 172) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig 1. Construct the bese from a piece of 10mm thick wood. Insert two wood screws to act os terminals as shown in Fig. 1 Using 6 piece of steel strip epprox. 70mm x 10mm x tmm thick, construct the switch os shown in Fig. 2. Use ® drawing pin or small screw as the other contact when assembling the opperatus. z Fig. 3. Construct the apparatus as shown in Fig. A. The battery can be held in place using a thin metal strip or rubber bend as shown in Fig. 3. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Connect between the two terminals the materials being investigated. Close the switch end observe the lamp. If the lamp lights the meterial is @ conductor of electricity, 8- COMMENTS [AN ELECTROSCOPE. 1- ITEM AN ELECTROSCOPE, /2- PURPOSE To demonstrete the existence of electrical cherges ond to test for positive and negative charges. [3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedegogicel Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A [5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Conteiner 1. Glass Jar (wide mouthed), 2. Leaves. 7 Aluminium Foil. ‘SOmm x 10mm x 0.1mm. 3. Lid 1. Wood (or plastic) To suit or dia. 4. Conductor. 1. Copper Wire (stiff) 3. Conductor Support 1. Plasticine. Tools: Scissors; pliers; woodsaw; ‘drill and dritt it, Ga 172) Sg COAST RUE TGRIDETAILS Fig. 1. From thin sheet of wood construct 6 lid for the jor es shown in Fig. 1. Drill hole through the centre as indicated Fig.2. Frome piece of thin aluminium foil cut out two leaves of approx. SOmm x 10mm (the actual size will depend upon the size of jer oveilable). Using the stiff copper wire construct the conductor by twisting the wire as indicated in Fig. 2. Pass the conductor through the hale in the lid. Clip the two pieces of foil in place by squeezing the two open ends of the twisted wire Assemble the epparatus as shown in Fig. A. Use plasticine to fix the conductor in place. ‘7- METHOD OF USE ‘when the loop is touched by a polythene rod, which has been charged by rubbing it with e soft cloth, the negative charge pesses to the foils. Since like charges repel the leaves diverge. If an unknown cherge X is brought near to the Toop en increased divergence will indicate that the charge of is negative, A positive charge would cause the leaves to collapse ‘B- COMMENTS MAGNETIC INTERACT 1- ITEM MAGNETIC INTERACTION APPARATUS, '2- PURPOSE | To demonstrate the interaction between two magnetic poles, 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIS.A I5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty ‘Materials Required Dimensions 1. Stand 1 Ink Bottle. as available. 2. Support Rod. 1 Copper (or Brass) Wire. ‘approx, Zmrn dia. 3. Magnets. 2. Steel Sewing Needles. Send. Cotton or Thread Magnet, Tools: Hammer, neil, scissors 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 1 T Fig | Fig.2 Obtain 6n empty ink bottle and 1111 it with send. Make @ hole in the centre of the lid of the bottle of approximately 2inm dia Using plece of 2mm. dis. copper or brass wire bend It to the shape indicated in Figure 1 Insert this stend through the hole in the bottle id Magnetise two steel sewing needles by stroking them slowly across one pole af & magnet. Move the needle in one direction only es indicated in Fig. 2 About 30 strokes may be suffictent to magnetise the needle Tie each needle to the ends of @ length of thread ‘and suspend them over the hook of the stend. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Having magnetised both needles in the same manner they will have the sere polarity as esch otner. When suspended from the hook they wil try Lo repel one another showing tnat Tike poles repel. 8- COMMENTS There will be a tendency for the pointed end of one needle to be attracted to the eye end of the other one, when they ore freely suspended. This tendency can be reduced by winding the thread twice around the hook Page 2/2 1- ITEM A FISHING GAME, 2- PURPOSE ‘To demonstrate the properties of magnets. [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Acedemy, Nicosie, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A [5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components, Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Container. 1. Bowl 2. Magnets. 2, Small Megnets. 8s available, 3. Rods(Fishing) 2 Drinking Straws. 4, Fishes. 4 Expanding Polystyrene. 2s availeble. 4 Steel drawing pins, Thresd Tools: Knife; Scissors. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS From 6 thin sheet of expanded polystyrene (or stiff cardboerd) cut out 8 number of “fishes”, Insert a small steel drawing pin into each fish as an “eye”. Suspend small magnets from the straws using thresd. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Fill a blue-coloured bow! with water end float the fishes on the water. Using the straws with the magnets suspended as fishing rads catch some fish 8+ COMMENTS As 8 variation to this game some of the fishes can have bress drawing pins instead of steel ones. Two (or more) children attempt to catch as many fish as they cen within @ given period, “Why are there some left swimming?" leads to the idee of magnetic and non-megnetic materials. 1- TEM DANCING DOLLS. /2- PURPOSE To demonstrate the properties of mognets 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedegogicel Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. |5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Moterials Required Dimensions 1. Stege, 1. Cardboard Box. 0s availsble 2. Support for Dancer. 1 Cork and toothpick. a8 available. 3. Dancer. 1 Eggshell (egg box) end smstl pith ba 4, Magnet, 1, Magnet (smelt). 1s available 1, Steet drawing pin. Adhesive. Tools: Small knife; paint and smal! paint brush. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS cA " OO ™ Fig.3. fi b. { ( To make the stege remove one side from cerdboard box, @s shown in Fig. 1 Using o suitable adhesive attach & small wooden handle to one side of the magnet ss shown in Fig 2 To.construct the dencer first insert & wooden toothpick into o cork. Also insert ¢ steel drawing pin into the underside of the cork. At a suitable distance from the top of the toothpick put 0 collar of plasticine os shown in Fig. 3 ‘Take half of an empty eggshell and make @ sriel! hole in the top. Gently place the eggshell over the top of the toothpick end push the eggshell down onto the plasticine. Finlly push a pith ball (or other light sphere) onto the tip of the toothpick to form the heed, as shown in Fig. 3. Decorate as appropriate 7- METHOD OF USE fy moving the magnet under the stage the dancer will elso move due to magnetic attraction between the magnet end the steel pin. Usually more than one dancer is used. 8- COMMENTS ‘An elternative to an eggshell is the egg holder in e plastic egg certon oro small tennis ball Page 272 ITEM ne ACOMPASS. (i) '2- PURPOSE ‘To construct simple compass. 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Acedemy, Nicos, Cyprus. 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A. \5~ MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1 Wood. 200mm x 150mm x rim, 2. Support. 1 Wood. 400mm x 20mm x 20mm, 3. Magnet. 1 Megnet. 1s ovailoble. 4, Disc. 1 ood. 100mm Gia. x mm, White Peper. Threed. Adhesive Tools: Woodsaw; hemmer; nails; scissors; drill end drill bits; srnatl chisel Poge 1/2 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, 200-7 Fig. From 6 sheet of approx. 6mm wood construct the base as shown inFig. 1. Using drill and chisel cut out the hole for the support. Cut two lengths from the 20mm x 20mm square wood according te the sizes shown in Fig. 2. From a piece of Simm thick plywood cut {wo gusset plates 50mm x Somm as shawn. Using these two plates fix the cross member to the Upright by gluing and nailing them in rece. Glue and nail the upright into the hole in the bose. Suspend the magnet fromn the cross member through the small hole dritled at the end. From a piece of 3mm thick plywood cut out + disc of 100mm diameter. From a sheet of white paper mark out the points of the compass 6s shown in Fig. 3, Glue the paper dist to the ‘wooden disc. ond drill & small hole ot the centre. | Place 8 BRASS washer under the disc, and using | 8 BRASS nail or pin, locate the disc centrelly under the suspended magnet. ‘7 METHOD OF USE Allow the magnet to come to rest which will be in North-South direction. Rotate the disc until the North-South line is in line with the North-South Vine of the megnet. Other directions can then be located 8- COMMENTS COMPASS. (ii) 294 ~ F 4 tren AcOMPASS, (11) 2- PURPOSE To construct 4 simple compess and demonstrate that the earth has ¢ magnetic field [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE | | FIG. A. _— _[5- MATERIALS FoR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Bow! 1. Glass or Chins Bowl as available 2, Flost. 1. Sorghum stalk (or piece of to suit needle bvemboo, oF cork) 3. Composs needle 1, Steel Darning needle. (or lerge ss available. sewing needle). Magnet Page 1/2) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS C => N S Fig. 1 To magnetise the needle stroke one end (the eye end) epproximetely 30 times across the North pole end of @ permanent magnet. Move the needle in one direction only 6s shown in Fig. 1 Test that the needle is magnetised against a steel nail or similer object. Using 8 sharp knife obtain a clean cut section of sorghum stelk Insert the magnetised needie through the stalk. 7+ METHOD OF USE South direction) Fill @ bow! with water end lower the needle unit onto the water; the complete arrangement is a compass. Woit for approximately helf @ minute before taking @ reading (the eye end of the needle will indicate the 8- COMMENTS cut section. Cut several sections and use the best one. Since the cuticle of sorghum stalk is quite brittle and the duramen is very soft, it is not easy to get a clean Page 2/2 1 Ten ACLEPSYDRA, (Water Clock), /2- PURPOSE To construct « water clock for measuring time. 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedegagical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A, [S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty ‘Materials Required Dimensions 1. Bottles 2 Glass bottles. as available. 2. Stoppers. 2 Rubber Bungs with one hole, 3. Gloss Tube, 1 Gless Tubing 3mm i.d. x 60mm, Waterproof Tepe (Gellotape) Page 1/2) 16- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig. 1. Fig. 1. indicates the arrengerment of the two stoppers on the piece of glass tubing 50mm ‘7- METHOD OF USE Pour a quantity of water into one bottle. insert the stopper arrangement and then attach the empty bottle. If necessary seal the stoppers using the waterproof tepe. Turn the bottles upside down. When the water has dripped into the empty lower bottle the procedure can be repeated. The time given to empty one bottle can be messured using e clock. Similarly tt would be possible to ‘colibrete’ the epperstus in time intervals e.g. the time taken to quarter empty the bottle, helt empty the bottle and so on. The epperstus could be then used as a timing device 8- COMMENTS 1- ITEM A TIMING DEVICE '2- PURPOSE ‘To measure intervals of time [3~ INFORMATION SUBHITTED BY Pedagogicel Academy, Nicosie, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Fig. A |5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty NMaterials Required 1. Stond 1, Wood. 4 Wood. 2, Scale Board, 1. Wood. 3. Lever end floet mechanism. 1 Wood. 4, Float, 1 Cork, 5. Container. 2 Plastic (or glass), Nails. Adhesive. Nuts ond bolts, Tools: Woodsew; hammer; scissors Dimensions 650mm x 300mm x 10mm, 30mm x 30mm x 200mm, 300mm x 100mm x 3mm, | 1200mm x 15mm xSmm. | 150mm x SOmm x 20mm, ‘approx. 150mm dis x 100mm, (Page 1/3) [6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 1, nm Fig.3. Zone oe 150mm Fig 4 Construct the stand ss indicted in Fig. I. Ahole, to allow the water flow,will heed to be mede ot 8 suiteble location ‘once the epparatus hes been assembled. From a sheet of 3mm plywood cut out the scele board es shown in Fig. 2. Glue bese to the rear of the board to enable it to be free standing Prepare the lever mechanism support as shown in Fig. 3 Construct the lever pivot support es shown in Fig. 40. Construct the lever as shown in Fig. 4 b. Use a thin nail with the head cut off 1 the pointer. Glue the cork float to the bose of the float lever, as shown in Fig. 4.c. (6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Sram Smezes, Figs Assemble the lever mechanism es shown in Fig. 5. above. The distences between the pivots should be adjusted such thet the float lever is slightly heavier then the pointer lever, but at the seme time the float should rest on ‘the surface of the weter. Assemble the epperetus as shown in Fig.A. When the containers heve been satisfactorily located drill 8 hole in the base of the upper container (approx ‘2mm die.) end 6 10mm dia hole én the ‘tend below it, ‘7- METHOD OF USE Clip ¢ piece of white paper onto the scale board. Fill the one container with water whilst blocking the hole inthe bottorn, As the water rises the float rises with it and the pointer moves downwards over the scale board. When the container is full the pointer will register zero which should be marked on the scale board. Unblock the hole. As the weter slowly runs into the lower conteiner the pointer will move upwards. Celibretion cen take place by marking off the position of the pointer in terms of intervals of time 8- COMMENTS 1- ITEM ‘A PENDULUM. 2~ PURPOSE To examine the verietion of length egeinst the period or frequency of @ pendulum, |3~ INFORMATION SUBHITTED BY Pedagogical Acedemy, Nicosia, Cyprus, |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Tools: Woodsew; hsmmer; neils; ‘adhesive; drill end drill bits; scissors, FIG. A. IS- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1, Base. 1. Wood. 200mm x 150mm «10min. 2, Upright. 1. Wood 500mm x 20mm x 20mm, 3, Crossmember. 1 Wood. 300mm x 20mm x 20mm 4 Moss. 3. Solid Rubber (or metal). approx. 20mm dis 5, Threed Thread. epprox. 2 metre, 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS —_- Fig 1. From piece of 10mm thick wood cut out the bose es shown in Fig. 1. Using 6 drill end chisel cout out the rectenguler hole for the upright. 200m From 8 length of 20mm square wood cut a length of 500mm for the upright. Cut another length of 300mm for the crossmember . From 8 sheet of approx. Smmn thick wood cut out two gusset plates as shovn in Fig, 2. Using nefls end adhesive fix the crossmember to the upright end secure in place using two gusset plates. Drill six small holes in the crossmember equidistant part os shovin in Fig. 2. Insert the upright into the bose and fix in place using nails and schesive. Fig. 3. Drill_a smell hole in each of the three masses to teke the thread, Cut a length of threed es required, double it over end feed it through the hole and tie @ knot at the bottom as shown in Fig. 3. Suspend the masses from the crossmember 8s shown in Fig. A 7- METHOD OF USE Using one pendulum at 8 time allovr it to oscillate at smell engles, for epproximately 10 swings. Observe the time taken for these swings. Determine the time teken (period) for one swing. Repest for the other two pendulum and observe the relationship between the length end the period, It will be seen that the longer the pendulum the longer the period for a constant mass. 8- COMMENTS fa WINDMILL. 33, oe ‘A WINOMIL. 2 PURPOSE To show the conversion of wind energy into mechenicel (Kinetic) energy |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedsgogicel Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus /4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. IS- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty ‘Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. Cardboard Box. ‘as available. 2. Supports. Cardboard Tubes. ‘approx. 250mm Long. 3. Wind Vones. Cordboard. ‘as available. 4. Axis, Pencil (or other round rod). Sellotepe. Adhesive, Tools: Scissors; knife. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig.1 To construct the rotor obtain two large corks ‘nd bore @ hole in each one to take # pencil. Cut slots (6) longitudinally in the cork es shown in Fig. 1. Push the two corks onto é pencil with the slot in Tine Measure the length between the two outer faces. of the corks, Using this dimension cut out eight vanes from e sheet of stiff cerdboard (or thin ‘sluminium sheet). Insert these vanes into the slots using @ sufteble adhesive to f1x them in place. Obtein 6 lerge cerdboerd box and two cardboerd tubes of approx. 250mm ong and 40mm dia, Using the dimension of the length of the vanes cut holes in the box end insert the two tubes Before gluing the tubes in place insert the rotor, after making holes for the axis at suitable height in each tube. Use sellotape or glue to fix the tubes in place. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Place the epperatus out in the eir end observe the rotation. ‘B- COMMENTS 1- ITEM ‘A CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE. /2- PURPOSE ‘To observe the circular motion of a mass on pivated erm at varying speeds (Centripetal Force). 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. 4 LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE — Tools: Woodsew; drill end dri bits; scissors, Fig.A [5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1. Wood. 200mm x150mm x1Omm. 2. Support. 1. Wood. 20mm dia. x 300mm long 3. Disc. 1. Wood, 80mm dia x 3mm, 4, Vones. 1. Cardboard, 160mm x SOmom x Imm, 5. Suspension. 8 Thread. 2metres. 6. Tube & Straws. 7. Mess, & Heavy Buttons, es available. 2. Metal Washers. Nails, Adhesive. (Page 1/3) J6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 300mm Fig 1 From a sheet of 10mm thick plywood construct the base as shown in Fig. | The 20mm dis. hole should be ¢ tight fit for 8 piece of 20mm dia, dowelling From @ sheet of 3mm thick plywood cut out e disc of epprox. BOmm diemeter. Drill ahole in the centre, the diemeter of which should be slightly larger than the diemeter of an avatleble wood screw. On acircle of 70mm dia. drill & symmetrically placed smal! holes ‘through which thread can be passed, as indicated in Fig, 20, From a piece of 20mm dia wood dowelling construct the support as shown in Fig. 2b. Drill 6 small hole in ‘one end to provide an initial stert for the screw, Glue the support into the hole in the base. Attach the disc to the support, so that it is fre to rotete, using the two washers end 8 screw, os shown in Fig 2 From 8 piece of stiff cardbosrd cut out ‘two vanes as shown in Fig. 3. The Simm extra piece shown for gluing to the disc should be as shown on one vene, end on the upper edge on the second vane. Assemble the two and giue them to the top of the disc, cutting where necessary to allow for the head of the screw, Page 2/3 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Fig. 4 Prepare 6 messes by suspending heavy buttons (all the same) on lengths of threed of spprox. 250mm long. Slide 9 long strew over esch piece of thread. Finally feed each piece of thread through one of the holes in the disc es shown in Fig. A ‘7- METHOD OF USE buttons, end the greater their circumference of rotation, Blow air against the vanes ond observe the position of each button. The fester the spin the higher the 68- COMMENTS 1- ITEM ‘A PADDLE BOAT. 2- PURPOSE To demonstrate the change of energy from one form (Oynamic) into enother (Kinetic) [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedegogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus, 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE 3. Power Supply FIG. A, S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Bost. 1 Wood. 200mm x 100mm x Smm 2. Paddle. 1 Wood. Sm x 30mm x Sem, 1 Rubber Bond. Tools: Woodsew; chisel Page 1/: i 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS From a sheet of Smm plywood cut out the boot 8s indicated in Fig. 1 Fig. 2. From the piece of wood cut out from the rear of the boat make the paddle, 20mm Soom San att Using @ rubber bend es the power source essemble the boat esshown in Fig. A To secure the paddle, pin or staple the rubber band to the paddle. 7- METHOD OF USE Wind up the paddle by rotting it. Place the boat onto the surface of a tank filled with water. Release the paddle and observe the movement of the boat. 8- COMMENTS [A STEAM-JET FLOAT. i 1- ITEM ‘A STEAN-JET FLOAT. [2- PURPOSE [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. To demonstrate Newton's Third Law of. ation (oction/reaction) and to demonstrate the exchange of Heat to Kinetic Energy. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. |6- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions |. Float Base. 1 Wood. 200mm x 80mm x Smm. 2, Boiler Tube 1. Aluminium Ciger Contsiner approx. 160mm x 20mm (or test tube) | 3. Tube Supports. 2 Neils 4, Rudder: 1. Plastic Sheet. approx. 38mmn x 25mm, ‘5. Heat Source. 1 ‘Smell Cendle. | Copper or tron Wire. | Plasticine Tools: Woodsaw; herimer; long nosed pliers. } nee eee rae Fig. 1. From piece of Smm wood cut out the flost shape as indicated in Fig. 1. Insert two nsils to ‘act as tube supports approximately 100mm X ‘pert, end just off from the centre line such aa thet the centre of the tube would be over the centre line of the float. take a small hole at Sn the rear of the float to take the rudder support. 15 One: a 200 mm From a thin piace of plastic sheet cut out the Fig 2. rudder, es shown in Fig. 2. Make two smell holes in the side of the rudder end feed through BSnn 8 length of wire 8s indicated, end shape the rudder support. Fig. 3. In the end cop of the aluminium tube pierce o ‘small hole from which the steam will be able to escape, Using a length of copper or iron wire fix the Houe’as Ca. tube to the tube supports allowing enough space underneath the tube for the cendle. ‘Assemble the float es shown in Fig. A 7- METHOD OF USE Pour a small quantity of water into the aluminium tube and replace the id. Light the cendle end then gently place the float onto the surface of a tenk of water. As steam is emitted from the hole in the tube the float will be seen to move, The direction of the movement can be verted using the rudder. 8- COMMENTS Alternative materials such as expanded polystyrene cen be used for the flot, and a test tube cen be used for the tube using # suitable stopper. [a STEAM TURBINE, 37. 1- ITEM A STEAM TURBINE [2- PURPOSE ‘To demonstrate the conversion of heat energy into mechonicel (Kinetic) energy 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG.A I5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Contatner, 1. Used Off Can 1s available, 2, Nozzle 1, Sheet meta approx, SOmm x 15mm x 0.5mm. 3. Rotor. 1 ‘Typewriter ribbon spo) 8. Vanes of sheet metal epprox, 40mm x 1Smm x Ime 4, Rotor Support 2 Sheet Meta. 200mm x 20mm x 2mm. Epoxy resin adhesive. | Metal knitting needle | (or similar rod). Tools: Tin snips; hacksow; long nosed pliers; soldering tron ond solder. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig. Fig.2. "20, Fig.3 To construct the rotor obtain 6 used typewriter ribbon spool, as shown in Fig. 1.8. Using a strip of sheet metel approx. Irmtn. thick, cut out eight | vanes in the shape shown in Fig. 1. Fix the blades into the spool using solder or an epoxy resin adhesive as indicated in Fig. 1.a From a piece of OSmm sheet metal construct @ nozzle 6s indicated in Fig, 2. Punch or drill hole in the can and attach the nozzle using solder or an epoxy resin adhesive Construct two rotor supports from 2mm thick sheet metel, es indicated in Fig. 3. Drill e hole for the rotor spindle in each support. Attech the supports to the cen either by soldering or by using on epoxy resin. 7- METHOD OF USE Pour water into the can until it is epproximately two-thirds full. Plece the cen on a tripod over a heat source, Steam will issue from the nazzle causing the rotor to rotete. 8- COMMENTS 1 iTeN AMODEL WATER WHEEL. [2- PURPOSE To demonstrate the transfer of energy as applied to a water whee! [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Bel}ing Teaching Aids Centre. Hengshui Prefecture. Hebei Province, China }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. J5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Wheel 1 Wood. 100mm dia, x 10mm, 2. Support 1 Iron Wire, Senin dis. 8 400mm 3. Cups. 8. Table tennis balls. 4, Cantainer. 1 Bow! 8. Thumb tacks. Tools: Woodsew, compass, pliers, knife, drill and drill bit. ‘6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 100mm Fig. 1 mC a Fig.2 Fig.3 Distance To Cutan Taave Tenane Bmuss. Som nes From @ 10mm thick piece of wood cut out a disc of 100mm diameter. In the centre of the dise Grill 8 4mm diameter hole, 6: shown in Figure 1 Take 4 teble tennis bells and carefully cut them in half to form 6 cups. Mark out the disc into & equal sections and, using smell tacks, fit the ‘cups to the rim of the disc, as shown in Fig, 2 From e length of stiff iron wire construct the support as indicted in Figure 3. The width and length of the ‘U' piece must clear the overall Tength (dis) and width of the cups on the disc. To ensure that the wheel rotates freely it may be necessery to place spacers either side of the isc. Finally, twist the ends of the wire together to form a handle 7- METHOD OF USE ‘Assemble the apparatus as shown in Figure A. Allow water from a tap or other suitable s ‘the cups and cause the wheel to rotate. irce to flow into 8- COMMENTS fA MODEL SUBMARINE 3 ~ ITEM 7 A MODEL SUBMARINE. /2- PURPOSE ‘To demonstrate the floating end sinking condition of a body [3 INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, China '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. [5~ MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Submarine. 1 Glass eye-crop bottles as available. (or phials) - 2 2. Container: 1. Glass tenk. os ovaileble | 3. Air inlet tube 1 Rubber tube, Wn id. x 400mm Adhesive woteproof plaster. Page i Cee Connect two eye-crop bottles head to teed using waterproof adhesive tepe. Ensure thet the seal is airtight ae Fig.1. Connect a short length of the rubber tubing te * Pusawe Touma — one end of the “submarine” and the longer length of tubing to the other end, Ruseer Tuam. ‘7- METHOD OF USE Pour water into the glass tank and lower the “submarine” onto the water where it should just flost. Allow water to enter by sucking eir out through the long tube, end the “submerine” will sink to the bottom. Force water out, by blowing down through the rubber tube, and the “submerine” will rise to the surface. 8- COMMENTS age 2/2 1- ITEM 2- PURPOSE A MODEL ROCKET. To demonstrate the principle of ection end reaction end its application to rockets. |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Contre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. [5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base and support 1. Wood (dises end rad). as available 2, Rotor Arm, 1, Copper or iron wire approx: tmm dia x 20min 3. Rocket. 2, Glass eyedrop bottles (with rubber caps). Metel sheet Cotton Balls Glue. Tools: Woodsew, pliers, tin snips (or scissors),drill end drill bit. as available. approx: 0.3mm thick age 1/2) eee eee From a piece of 1Smm thick timber construct 8 Fig. 1. base 0s shown in Fig. 1. Drill 8 12mm diameter hole through the centre. Using 8 piece of 12mm diameter wood dowelling make 8 support rod és shown in Fig. 2. Form the spigot at one end by reducing the diameter to ‘mm. From 8 length of stiff copper or iron wire construct @ rotor arm as shown in Fig. 3. The diameter of the loops at each end should provide ‘firm grip on the eye drop bottles (rockets). The coil at the centre between the {wo loops should be able to freely rotete on the spigot of the support rod. Obtain two discarded eye drop bottles (with rrabber and caps). Make & very stnall hale in the centre of each end cep. Frotae length of capper or iran wire attach @ burner support as shown in Fig, 4 Using D = dtameter of end cep end W = width of end cap (Fig. 4) mark out the fins for the rocket (es shown in Fig. 5) on @ thin «A piece of metal sheet (foil). To construct the | Fig.S. fins fold at the centre end glue ‘8’ together I a end’b. together. When firmly glued slide the Lnwot | Laos centre portion over the cap. Assemble the epparatus 65 shown in Fig. A 7- METHOD OF USE Pour en emount of hot weter into the bottles ond place some cotton wool on the burner support. Pour some ‘alcohol into the cotton ond ignite it. As the water bolls steom will be emitted from the small hole tn the end ‘caps of the bottles and the rockets will rotate. ‘8- COMMENTS 1- ITEM A SIMPLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER, 2- PURPOSE To demonstrate how 6 chemical reection produces foam which will extinguish 6 fire [3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teeching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chine, '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. IS MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Container 1. Glass Battle (wide mouth) approx. 1 litre 2, Test tubes. 2, Glass test tubes. ‘6mm x 160mm. 3. Tube stays. 2 Blass rods amen die. x 220mm, 4, Sprey nozzle 1, Glass tube Tre, 0.x 6Ommn 2, Rubber ceps for rads ‘Weshing powder. approx. 15g. NoHCOs approx. 30g KAI (S04) 2 approx. 109 Page 1/2) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS oe a Fig ta Fig.2. Bend the glass tube to the shepe and size shown inFig. 1.2, Draw out the shorter arm to give a bore size of 3mm, diameter. Drill s 7mm dismeter hole in the lid of the battle (Fig. 1b) insert the glass tube end seal it into the tig using on epoxy resin adhesive (or other suiteble seslant). Put 30g of NeHCOs end 159 of washing powder into the bottle and pour in water to. 1/3rd capacity, to make the solution. Put Sg KAI(S04)2 into each test tube and pour in woler up to 4/Sths capscity, to make the solutions. On the end of each of the two glass rods place & rubber bumper. Place the rods, bumper end ‘down, in each of the test tubes. Carefully lower each of the test tubes with rods into the bottle taking care not to spill the solutions. Place the lid (with nozzle atteched) onto the bottle, 7- METHOD OF USE Obtain e metal box and place some paper end cotton waste in the box. Set light to this waste material, ‘Turn the bottle upside down end point the spray head et the fire. Foam, produced by the chemicel reaction in the bottle, will be emitted from the nozzle end extinguish the fire. (Fig. 2) 8- COMMENTS EXPLOSION APPARATUS, 1- ITEM EXPLOSION APPARATUS, /2- PURPOSE To demonstrate the explosive nature of fine powder. |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, China }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE | Fig.A \S- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components. Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1. Plywood (1 piece) 200mm x200mm x 10mm Plywood (2 pieces). 200mm x 70mm x 1Omen 2, Stopper. 1. Rubber or Cork Stopper. to suit bottle 3. Funnel 1. Stiff Peper or Cordboard. 60mm x 40mm 4. Conteiner. 1. Bottle, large with wide mouth 8s availsble 5. Container Lid 1. Plywood. 3mm thick ] 6, Candle 1. Wex Candle, ‘approx: Sem long. | 1. Glass tube. 6mm o.d. x 35mm long | 1. Rubber tube, ‘6mm 6.x tm, tong. 1. Clay Ball 6mm dia 3 Neils, smelt Tools: Woodsaw, hammer, nails, scissors, cork borer, drill and drill bits. (Page 1/3) [6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 2000 $x From @ sheet of 10mm plywood cut out ‘piece for the base of 200mm x 200mm, and two pieces 200mm x 70mm. Construct the base s shown in Fig. 1. In the centre of the base drill o hole to take the neck of the bottle, (Diameter d in Fig. 2). The bottle should be a tight fit in the hole. Cerefully cut the bottom from a wide mouthed bottle at a distance of ‘approximately 150mm from the mouth, as indicated in Fig. 2. Fit the bottle neck into the base, Select cork stopper to suit the diameter of the mouth of the bottle and Grill 8 6mm hole through the stopper es shown in Fig. 3. Insert three small nails to ect es 8 holder for e cendle. From a piece of stiff paper (or thin cardboard) cut a semi-circle as shown in Fig. 4a allowing alittle extre for gluing, Cut five radial cuts from the centre for 6 distence of 61mm at 30° to one another. Fold and glue the semi-circle to form a cone. Insert, ‘through the inside of the cone, 8 piece ‘of glass tubing of 6mm dia, Glue the radial cut pieces to the end of the gless tube so as to form a funnel. (Fig. 4b.) Insert the funnel into the hole in the stopper end insert the stopper into the bottle, from the inside of the bo:tle. age 2/3 (0- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) | | Complete the assembly of the apparatus by inserting 8 candle end fixing it in position by the nails; and elso crop 0 mm die ciay belt into the funnel to act es evelve. Finally, connect a length of rubber tubing to the end of the funnel ‘nd cover the bottle with 9 thin wooden cover slightly larger than dismeter D (Fig. 22. 7- METHOD OF USE Use fine, dry, flour for the purposes of the explosion demonstration. Remove the cover end add a little flour ‘nto the funnel, Light the condle ond replace the cover. Through the length of rubber tube give 6 short puff of air to blow the flour out of the funnel. An explosion will then toke place. 8- COMMENTS For sofety purposes this demonstration should be carried out behind e safety screen. Do not fix the lid to the bottle since it must be eble to fly off if the explosion is too great. Page 3/3 — fie tren CAPILLARY ACTION APPARATUS. [2- PURPOSE To demonstrate copiliery action. |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Beijing Teaching Aids Centre, Hengshui Prefecture, Hebei Province, Chino, /4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. ___ {5 MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty —Haterials Required Dimensions 1. Dish 1. Shallow dish or bow! approx. 20cm. dia, 2. Glass Plates. 2. Glass plate. ‘approx, 20em x 25em. 3, Separator. 1. Wooden Rod. Tess then Smm dia 2, Rubber bends (large) Page 1/2) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ] ow 25cm Fig.2. Serasaron Cut two pieces of plate glass to the same size. | Remove the sherp edges except for the two edges which will be in contact. Insert the separator 8s shown in Fig. 2. and clomp the arrangement together using two rubber bands. Note: If there is no cepillerity when first used replace the separator with a thinner one so as to ‘reduce the angle between the {wo glass plates, ‘7- METHOD OF USE their diameter. Ploce @ small emount of water in the dish. Stand the unit in the water ond observe the result of the capillary ection. This can be explained as equating to 8 series of thin tubes differing from one to the next by 8- COMMENTS photographic plates. ‘The size indicated is suitable for demonstration purposes. Student-use sets could be made using old gless fa WATER FILTER. 1- ITEM ‘A WATER FILTER [2- PURPOSE To filter water. '3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Podegogicsl Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE IS- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1. Base. 1 Wood 200mm x 150mm x1Omm 2. Filter Vessel. 1 Glass Bottle. 3. Support. 1 Wood 300mm x 20mm x 20mm. 4, Filler Media. Small stones 5. Filter Medi. Charcos! 6. Filler Medi. Send 7. Filter Media Fine Send 8. Filter Medio. Cotton Woot 9. Stopper. 1 Rubber Bung To suit dia. of bottle 10, Tube. 1 Glass Tube approx 3mm i.6, x Sem. 11, Conteiner. 1 Glass trough as available. tron Wire. 6 aveilable, Tools: Woodsew; cork borer gless cutter (or old file)pliers; hammer; nails; drill and drill bits, small chisel _ Page 1/2) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig 3. at Fig1 Toke the bottle and, using a glass cutter or old file, score a line sround the bottle near the bese. As neetly es possible break off the base (¢ red hot tip of metal placed on the score line mey do this) and remove the sherp edges (using the old file or by rubbing on concrete) Construct a base os shown inFig. 1. Using the Grill and ¢ small chisel cut out the hole for the ‘support. Prepare the support using a piece of 20mm x 20mm wood. The length will depend upon the size of the bottle used. Using glue end nails firmly fx the support into the hole in the base Bore e hole in the rubber bung and insert a smatl length of glass tubing. Fit the bung into the bottle, Fill the bottle with the filter materials and wire it to the support as shown in Fig. A. 7- METHOD OF USE Pour impure water into the open top of the bottle end, after short time, cleer water will be seen to be dripping into the contsiner. 8- COMMENTS Wear eye goggles when cutting glass. A plastic bottle can also be used for this apparatus, EE I 1- ITEM NEWTON'S DISC APPARATUS. 2- PURPOSE ‘To observe that the colour “White” is made up from e mixture of seven colours. I3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Fig. A I5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components Qty Materisls Required Dimensions 1. Bose. 1. Wood. 250mm x 150mm x 10mm 2. Spindle. 1. Wood. Smm die; 3. Dis. 1. Cardboard approx. 100mm di 4 Motor. 1. 6 volt electric motor. 5. Power supply 1. 6 volt Battery 6. Switch 1. Sheet metal strip 40mm wide x tmm thick. Insulated copper wire Drawing pin. Rubber bend. White paper. Colours. Adhesive. Tools: Woodsew; pliers; tin ‘snips; drill end drill bits; [6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig! 250 m0 mS ae “t Hout San 9 Dise 100mm d, fig? Collar [Sum Spindle. Fam of From 8 sheet of 10mm thick Wood construct 8 base of size 250mm x 150mm, Drill @ Smmn die. hole for the spindle as indicated in Fig. 1 Use @ Smm die, piece of round wood (Gowel) as 8 spindle, Cut the length es required. Moke 0 Simm dia. hole in the base, in. sultable position, snd glue the spindle into the hole From a {Stim die. piece of wood cut off ‘length of 10mm and drill 6 Smm dia, hale through this disc to mske @ colfer At @ suiteble height (depending upon the height of the pulley on the motor). Fix the coller to the spindle, Plece 6 mete! washer onto the collar so that the pulley will rotete freely. Obtain (or make) a pulley of approx. 30mm dismeter. The hole in the centre should be large enough for the pulley to rotate freely on the spindle. From a piece of stiff cardboard cut outa disc. of approx. 100mm dis. Glue 8 100mm dia. piece of white paper to the cerdbosrd disc. Drill e suitable hole in the disc and glue the disc to the pulley. (See ‘Comments’ below regarding colouring of the disc). The complete errengement is shown in Fig. 2. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Fig. 3 Fig. 4 From a 10mm x Imm thick piece of strip steel construct & switch es shown in Fig, 3. Use & drawing pin 6s the second contact From a similar piece of strip steel construct @ clemp for holding the battery, as shown in Fig. 4 From an, old cassette tepe recorder remove the motor end its pulley and fix it to the base in 6 suitable position. Assemble the apparatus as shown in Fig. A 7- METHOD OF USE Having essembled the apparatus close the switch end the disc will rotate. The colours gradually blur as the ‘speed builds up until the disc appears to be 8 grey-white colour. (Pure white cennot be obteined due to the impurities in the colours used end the proportions of each coloured segment on the disc). 8- COMMENTS ‘To make Newton's Coloured Disc divide the disc into 7 segments. Colour the first segment red, the second orange, the third yellow; end so on eround in @ clockwise direction. The seven colours being red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo end viclet. }A PIAGETIAN INSTRUMENT, 8 1 ITEM ‘A PIAGETIAN INSTRUMENT. '2- PURPOSE To investigate o child's perception about the states in 6 trensformation at the pre-operationel stage of development. [S- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Pedagogical Academy, Nicosia, Cyprus. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE FIG. A. [5- MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Components, Qty Materials Required Dimensions 1, Base 1. Wood. 200mm x 150mm x 10mm. 2. Support 2 Wood. 120mm x 60mm x 10mm. 3. Rods. 5. Wood. ‘mm dia. x 100m 4, Lever. 1. Wood, 120mm x 20mm x 6mm. 5. Hinge. 1. Rubber Band 2. Nails. Adhesive. Tools: Woodsaw; hemmer; drill ‘and drill bits; smell chisel; Page 172 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Fig. Construct the bese board from a sheet of tom | thick plywood. Using drill and smell chisel cut| out two slots es indicated in Fig. 1. Insert two nails into the bosrd to ect 6s the hinge supports for the lever. Prepare two supports from 8 sheet of 1 Omnm plywood as shown in Fig. 2. Drill tive Smm die. holes in esch of the supports to take the rods. These holes should be drilled ‘in @ curve such that the lever would be able to rest on each rod, Cut the five rads to 8 length of 100mm each, Insert them into the holes in the two supports end glue them in place Insert the supports into the slots in the base ‘and glue in place. Fig.3. Construct the lever from e piece of 6mm S plywood. Slightly curve the ends which will ao ay rest on the rods “85 Assemble the spparetus as shown in Fig, 1, Use @ rubber bend es 8 hinge for the lever 7- METHOD OF USE ‘The lever cen be moved to rest on each of the rods. If @ pre-operational stage child is shown the experiment, ‘after having been informed he will be asked to draw a diegram of it, the child's drawing is likely to indicate ‘only positions “e"and ‘e’. At this stage of development it is unlikely that the child will observe and record the intermediate transformations end only be concernied with the first and final positions of the lever 8- COMMENTS PART Il [RAGNETIC STIRRER, a 1- ITEM MAGNETIC STIRRER '2- PURPOSE A simple mognetic stirrer for the observation of heet of solutions and titration [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japan, |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE magnetic rotator: _,. attracted by ferrite magnet ferrite magnet Plastic flat gear miniature motor Plywood. 120nmx120nmx10-12am FIG. A ‘5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roots) Double -Edged Saw Netal Pipe Electric Hand Drill Iron Rod. Drill Bit (die, 3mm) Electric Soldering tron Tin Snips Sorew Driver (MATERIALS) Multi-Strand Insulated Electrical Wire (20cm in length) Grass Plate (10mm x 100mm x 0.5mm) Plywood (120mm x 120mm x 10mm) Minieture Motor with Holder. Dry Cell (1.5¥) with Holder. Toggle Switch... Miniature Bulb. (1.5¥). Minioture Socket... Polyethylene Beaker (500m!) Ferrite Magn... : 1 Flat Geer of Plastic (dia. 151mm). 1 Stirring Magnet. cnn 1 1 Bolt end Nut (dia, 3mm). vs “ Screw (10mm in length) ss 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Details on page 3. Page 2/5 (0- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Cuntinued) (DETAILS) (1) As shown in Fig 1, fix the flat plastic gear on to the axis of the miniature motor (which is | sel onte its neler vertically), end secure the ferrite magnet disc onto it, Use such 9 magnet | where the S pate shares half the disc end N pale shares the othar hall. ferrite magnet glue with double sided = adhesive tape plastic flat gear miniature motor i motor fitting metal Fig. | (2) Connect the mintature motor to its support as shown in Fig, 1 Page 3/5 (0- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (3) Complete the unit as shown in Fig. 2.

Sy (Osdm thick taluminum U shape channel FIBA | 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (TOOLS) Electric Hend Dritl Adjustable Spanner Drill Bit (die. 2.7mm) Diagonel Cutting Nippers: Drill Bit (cia. 30mm) Long-nosed Pliers Drill Bit (die. 4.0mm) Hemmer Drill it (Ola, 70mm) Doubled-Edged Sw Sorew Driver (MATERIALS) Coiled Nichrome Wire (300W) Heat Resistonce Tube (die. 3.2mm. 28cm in length) U-Shape Aluminum Chennel (Inside width, Stam; 1Sem tn Yength) Phosphor Bronze (45min x Onn x 0.4mm) Heat-resistent Sheet (160mm x 60mm x Smm) Plywood (160mm x 60mm x !Omm) Plywood (60mm x 17mm x 17mm) Plywood (30mm x 15Stam x Smm) Bicycle Tyre-Spoke (for 26-inches bicycle)... Bicycle Tyre-Spoke (for mator cycle). Bolt (Gia. 4mm, 20mm in length). Nut (die. 4m)... = Washer (dia. 4mm). se Tep> Screw (dis. 3mm., 6mm in length)... Wood Screw (20mm in length)... RhWW woo 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (See page 3) (Page 2/6 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (OUTLINE) This equipment is composed of a resistence coil of nichrome wire, « sliding grip made in part of phosphor bronze, end plywood table covered with heat resistence material, as shown tn Fig. 1 Fig. 1 bicycle tire spoke terminal 8 2 Tom plywood 4X 100m Page 3/6_} ‘6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (DETAILS OF SLIDING GRIP) The sliding grip which hes @ contect meker is composed of @ 1Srim sluminiuin U-sheped channel, & shosphor bronze plate, end an insuleted hendle. (See Fig. 2). The insulated grip con move along the ‘tyre-spoke guide rods. Because the contact maker completes the circuit by being pressed between the coil end 8 guiding spoke, the end of the guide spoke D becomes one of the electrical terminals Pee sera samt {, Phosphor bronze plate tL WoenX tiem 0.4mm thick Fig.2 (1) Cut the phosphor bronze plate to 6 10mm x 45mm strip. (2) Fold both ends of the strip and make two hates for the screws. (3) Cut the aluminium U-shape chennel to 1Smm length, and make three holes as shown in Fig. 2. (4) Cut the plywood to a Smm x 15mm x 30mm block, and meke @ hale for the spoke 5) Assemble parts (1)-(4) es shown in Fig. . and complete the sliding grip 6s shown in Fig, 1 (DETAILS OF RESISTANCE COIL) As shown in Fig. 3. stretch the middle part of @ 300W nichrome coil and meke two bends at both ‘ends of the stretched pert. Then the resistance velue of one branch is ebout 15 ohms, make a circle for Fig. 3. the terminal screw make wire straight here 6 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Each halt of @ bicycle tyre-spoke is covered with @ heat resistent tube (500°C heatproof), being inserted into ech branch of the coil. When assembled both ends of each helved spoke ore firmly fixed by the holders, thus the brenches don’t move or stretch. (See Fig. 5). (1) Hake 0 straight position of 3cm tong at the middle of coiled nichrome wire (2) Make e circle around the bolt of the terminal 6, as shown in Fig. 3 (3) Incert the bicycle tyre-spoke into the heet-resisting tube (4) Insert the tyre spoke covered with the hebt-resistant tube into the coiled nichrome wire 6s shown in Fig. 4 —s ee 24 inch bicycle tire spoke 2mm wow coiled nichrome wire Fig.4 heat-resisting tobe (1) Prepare the two plywood holders according to the sizes shown in Fig. 1. (2) Prepare the base boord using plywood covered with o heot-resistent material. (See Fig. 1) (3) Assemble the epperetus es showin in Fig. 5 bottom board nichrome wire asbestos plate fig. 5. S4en washer ote nut Page 5/6 7- METHOD OF USE (1) This equipment can be used for Ohm's law experiments and also as a rheostat. (2) Fig. 6-a shows the way to use 6 single resistence wire (3) Fig. 6-b shows the wey to make 6 series circuit with two resistance wires. (4) Fig. 6-c shows the way to meke a parallel circuit with two resistance wires. (5) Fig. 6-d shows the woy to use 6s 8 0 to 30 ohm rheostet by connecting the terminals A and C. (6) Fig. 6-e shows the way to use &s 6 0 to 15 ohtn rheostet by connecting the terminals A and D. (2) Fig, 6-f and g show other useful connections. Use as a rheostat Experiment for Ohn's lav. > env 8 gg 8 ac o emer a a~c 0~m0 = © shows ] 2 4 O—whew 8 Se AWC. wa connected Nod ° . aga Lterninals ny $ shows hop "oor 4-8 sn: [the position of| ¢ o sliding grip B-D 75-00 pS 3s => Ai ae c Ni ant 7150 Awe 78 sliding grip ts fixed sliding grip moves right to left (ese 676 PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICS APPARATUS. 5 1 trTeH PRINCIPLES OF MECHANICS APPARATUS. /2- PURPOSE To investigate some of the principles of mechenics os epplied to e windmill, water mill ‘and seesaw. I3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japan. 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE vinyl fin + Imm thick 35mm film case rubber tube FIG. A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roots) Drill Bit (Gia. 2mm) Drill Bit (die. Smm) Pliers Eyelet Punch Cutter for Plastics Cork Borer Electric Soldering Iron Coble Joint Pliers (MATERIALS) Galvanized Iron Wire (No. 12, 60cm in length) Coke Box (100MM x SSOMIMoesinnsnnennnnnnnnninnnnnne 1 Vinyl Board (40mm x 140mm). 4 Vinyl Bosrd (40mm x 7Omm). 1 Eyelet. é Solderless Termine eoenonnnn |) Empty Film Case (35mm). ne 1 Rubber Stopper (Size 9). se 1 Bicycle Tyre SpOKE. unnnnennnnn . : Bicycle Rim Screw.. on 2 Rubber Tube 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (OUTLINE) The fins, made of vinyl sheet, ere attached to the plastic 35mm photographic film case es shown in Fig. 1. A bicycle tyre spoke acts as en axle, and it is supported by an appropriate frame made of pieces of wire. Page 2/6 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) | vinyl_fins Imm thick ‘36m film case rubber_tube Fig. Galvanized iron wire bicycle tire spoke y (1) DETAILS OF FINS (1) Cut vinyl board to 40 x 140mm sheet. (2) Make hole of dia. Smm et the edge of the board. (3) Fixe terminal to the bosrd with eyelet (see Fig. 2). | | fi vinyl board : Imm thick beeen sex hole : eyelet io solderless terminal gL Fig.2. x e& vT "° big size fin a F 4 i (O- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (2) DETAILS OF AXLE (9) Make a hole using 6 drill bit, in the rubber stopper for the shef'. (See Fig. 3.) 2g drill Fig.3. Rubber stopper make a shaft hole (b) Drill out a centre core for use as 0 thread winder. (See Fig. 4) core dril] :# 10 Fig. thread winder (c) Make holes in film case, and its cap, for 8 shaft. aril] out a center core (d) Insert the rubber stopper in the film case. (e) Put the sheft parts together. (See Fig. 5) cap shaft hole Putting the shaft parts together Fig. 5, 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (e) Make holes by drill bit for inserting fins. (See Fig. 6). Fig 6. Drill holes for inserting fins (g) Assemble the parts into e complete unit end cut the unnecessary bicycle tyre spoke, (See Fig. 7) two bicycle bicycle tire spoke rim screws a BA ° BA The way to make the axle Fig. cut the unnecessary tip off (3) DETAILS OF FRAME Using 6 60cm length of 12 geuge galvanised iron wire construct @ freme es shown in Fig 1. The cross-member should be soldered for added rigidity. The soldertess electricel terminels should be ‘tightly crimped onto the ends of the frame. Page 5/6 [7- METHOD OF USE This equipment is designed to be used es 8 windmill, @ Water Wheel, or 6 seesW es showin in the diegram below, with the intention of helping students understand the common principles behind the vorious systems’ movements through seeing it demonstrated end used many times in various ways, A Use it as a windmill B Use it as a water wheel C Use it in flowing water lt ES Page 6/6 [COMPOSITION OF FORCES APPARATU 1- ITEM COMPOSITION OF FORCES APPARATUS. /2- PURPOSE To investigate the composition, direction, end equilibrium of forces. I3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto tMunicipel Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japen, |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE rubber stopper leg, size 2 siction cap ‘clear acrylic plate, 270nmx340nn ‘coil spring FIG.A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (Toots) Cutter for plastics Pencil sherpener Diagonal Cutting Nippers Screw Driver (MATERIALS) ‘Wooden Rod (die. 6mm. 18cm in length) Metal Tube (pipe) (sluminium, die. 1mm, 7mm in length) Strong thread (1m in length) Acrylic sheet (270mm x 340mm x 3mm). Coil Spring (ia. 1mm, SOrm in Tength, expension émm/ 10g) Suction Cup (dia. 20mm). mmm ~ Rubber Stopper (Size 2). os 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (OUTLINE) end as shown in Fig. 1. This instrument is composed of metered boord on which is drawn degrees of O° ~ 180° end concentric circles et equal intervals. Three coll springs have suction caps at one end and a holding sleeve et the other (Page 2/ 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) rubber stopper legs si Botton view | Fig. 1 Inside the coil springs ere wooden rods which cen move back and forth freely. One end of each rod is likewise tied with the spring to the suction cap. ‘The metered bosrd is made of transparent acrylic resin so thet the teacher cen show this experiment on an overheed projector. This apparatus can also be used by students. (1) DETAILS OF METERED BOARD (1) Cut the Acrylic Board to 270mm x 340mm rectangle (2) Draw concentric circles at 8mm intervals. (3) Mark 180° degrees with an indelible marker. (See Fig 2) mark 180 degrees with Top View SS an indelible macker Fig.2 silk screen printing 2, is convenient when making many at a time tran concentric circles aa at 8nm intervals (the case when you use the spring which stretch 4mm per 10g) (2) DETAILS OF SPRING UNIT {. Use @ coil spring which stretches 4mm per 109 ‘i, Cut the wooden rod, dis. 8mm, Emm in length. (See A in Fig. 3) ‘ii, Shorpen one end of the wooden rod with 9 pencil shorpener (See B in Fig. 3), iv, Uncoil one end end stretch it out straight 20mm. (See C in Fig. 3) \. Trim other end for tie rod end end suction cap. (See D in Fig. 3) vi. Meke 6 hole end run 8 threed through. Pull the other end of thresd through into the coil spring, (See E in Fig. 3). vii. Bend the spring wire uncoiled along the tip of the rod. (See F in Fig. 3). Viti, Tie the spring end the rod together to the suction cap. (See G in Fig. 3) ix, Moke three coil spring units in the seme wey x. Assemble the three coil spring units. (See Fig. 4) Page 3/5, 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) tie the spring and the rod together to the sacker lg 1 ( je wooden rod aA pencit sharpener W trim other end into this shape G41 bend the wire along Strong thread J the tip of the rod” E sharpén one end of rod 8 make a hole and run a thread through ct t pull through WEA Ae — a ——4 uncoil one end and stretch it out straight 20mm Fig. 3. smal] aluminum pipe with 2nm diameter: holding spring tips together ‘bend ‘arrange.the tips as close as possible | If the tips of these then slip the aluminum sleeve over three rods come the ends together, the diagram in Fig. 5 will be draw more accurately. 7 METHOD OF USE First, place the suction cups et the point where the ends of the pointed rods come closest to their Jinking point and the springs are free from tension ‘When the suction cups are moved ewey from the center of the bosrd, the elongation of the springs will be epproximately equal to the distence between the linking point and the tips of each rod Draw errows from the board's center to the pointed tips of each rod, then show the direction and distance of the three belenced forces, Moving the positions of two of the three suction ceps end potnting out the same spring lengths end Gistances, will meke @ very graphic demonstration for the students linking point should be in the center \ turn over “oN o> hed length Put one sucker on point 0° draw arrows from the center to the tips of the rods Poge 5/: ITEM MICRO-ORGANISM MEASURING SCALES. '2- PURPOSE To determine the number end size of micro-orgonisms when viewed under 0 microscope. I3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japen, A ( \ |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE as ie STE 50 magnification son ae” a 200 magnification 50 magnification 50 magnification Imm squares ruled on clear plastics sheet holes of copper mesh for electron microscopy scores wade by piled razor blades on clear plastics sheet holes made by a computor tape puncher FIG. A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (ToaLs) Rezor Blades Scissors Cutter for Plastics Electric Hand Drill Orin Bit (dia. 10mm) Punch for Computer Tape. (MATERIALS) TP Sheet (poly trimethyl-pentene: 1mm sections printed on) Rubber Bond Copper Mesh (for electron microscopy. 1/6 in. no. 150) Label Tape Vinyl Sheet (1mm thick) Instant Adhesive (cyenoscrylate based) Gless Slide 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS |. TRANSPARENT SHEET RULED IN IMM SQUARES Cut out the vinyl sheet of 25 x 70mm (seme size as a glass slide), ond make round window of dia. 10mm in the middle pert of it, Cut out o square of 15 x 1Smm from TP sheet ruled into Imm squares. Glue it to the under side of the plate eround the window. (See Fig. 1.) Foge 2/5) —!6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) viny] plate fs, — glue fo the back Fig 18 make a hole transparent sheet (called TP sheet) “4 = . ruled into Imm equal lines Ay 2 Alternatively: The square of 15mm may be glued to glass slide as shown in Fig. 2. Take cere of excess adhesive thet will depress the resolving power ofthe microscope end deform the image. TP sheet glass slide Fig. 2 (2) Electron Microscope Grids. Glue the copper mesh on a glass slide es shown in Fig. 3. Teke care not to use too much edhesive. mesh for electron microscope glass slide Fig. 3 3) Scored Lines. Sundie razor blades with 8 rubber bend es shown in Fig. 4 Put a TP sheet around eny cylinder, end ‘moke scores by putting the blades on the sheet and rotating the cylinder slowly. The rubber band is Convenient to equalize the forces applied to the edges of the blades, rather then adhesives that stick the blades together. bundle them together Fig. 4 cutting marks on TP sheet 5 blades put over the sample glass slide ca 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (4) Affix label tepe on TP sheet, and make holes with 8 tape puncher. (See Fig. 5). The sheet should be thin enough so thet it can be applied to the punch even if its thickness is increased by the tepe (about 0.2mm). Cut off a suitable part of the tepe to @ square of 15 x 1Smm. put the label tape on TP sheet punch it Fig.5. Tp steet “ut It and tear off the TP sheet Strip off the tape from the TP sheet, and affix it on a glass slide as shown below. —~7- METHOD OF USE (a) Imm squares: The field of microscope of x50 magnification covers four squares (see Fig. 6), and thet of x100 ‘magnification one square, The squares glued to the window of ¢ vinyl slide of 1mm in thickness will be conveniently used to count squatic microorganisms in 1 mm? of the semple water. The counting will become easier when the organisms are fixed and sunk to the bottom by adding 0.058 nickel sulfate to the water. The squares glued to a glass slide will be suiteble to measure the size of microorganisms. Fig. 6 50 magnification (b) Holes of copper mesh: ‘The diameter of 0, 13mm of the holes will be used as 6 suitable scale for pollens. The diameter of (0.40mm of the circle enveloping edjacent four holes (Fig. 7) will be used es 6 scate for larger abjects. Fig. 7. 200 magnification {c) Rezor blede scores: Cut the scored TP sheet toe 15 x15mm square. It will be used in the seme way a5 6 glass cover slip, Fig. 8) et Fig. 8 (@) Holes made by a tepe punch: Drop the sample water on the glass slide ‘on which the punched tepe is effixed; Allocate the water to each hole with 6 sample needle, and wipe out the excess water Dd with tissue paper. (Fig. 9). Since the Tebel tape is about 0.2mm thick, the micro orgenisms are caged within @ shallow ool end easily observed under @ micro- scope without any chemical to reterd their mation, even if they rove briskly Fig.9. drop a little onto the slide J Page s/5_| 1- ITEM ‘SMOKE CELL. [2- PURPOSE To observe the Brownian motion of smoke par! 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Jepen. '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE microscope —-——. air bulb | 4 suck up the thick smoke carefully stage glass_cover 0.5 nm Ls-2.0mm black viny! tape FIG. A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roots) Electric Hand Drill Drill Bit (dia, Smm - 7mm) Cutter for Acrylic Board Razor Blade Ruler Tweezers (MATERIALS) |_White Acrylic Sheet (3mm thick) Vinyl Tube (Gia. mn) Double Sided Adhesive Tepe (20mm width) Electric Insulating Tape (Black) Microscope Slide 1 Cover Glass, 7 es Plastic Lens (dia. 25mm. 70mm focal length).....2 Clothespin... 1 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS PROCEDURES TO MAKE A SMOKE CELL Cut a white acrylic plate of 3mm in thickness to 8 SOmm x 20mm rectangle and make @ hole of 7ram iometer, os shown in Fig. 1. Alternatively pile up several card boards to the seme dimension and peste them together. make a hole in white acrylic plate Gu Fig 1 « — or glue card board together ‘0- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Stick e plete to a glass slide with double sided adhesive tape. (Fig. 2). affix with double sided tape Fig.2 upper side glass slide Affix o piece of black vinyl tope on the under side of the slide. Moke parallel scores of OSmm width on the tape using e cutter knife end pee! off the strips of O.Smrn width using tweezers, (see | Fig. 3). { bottom 4 black vinyl tape Fig. 3. as a! cae alata slice strips using cutter knife and lift out by tweezers The tepe puts ¢ limitetion on the light incidence by making derkflelds for observation of the perticles. A cover gless over the hole makes @ cell for the smoke, Incase there is no condenser lens on the microscope a detachable one can be made, and attached to | ‘the under side of the specimen stage. THE WAY TO MAKE A DETACHABLE CONDENSER: Put one plastic lens of 20-30mm diemater and 70-100mm focal length upon snother. Put the handles for the lenses into one end of « viny! tube, end insert one of the legs of # clothespin into ‘the other end. ‘Altech the Tens by the clothespin to the stage of e microscope. (see Fig. 4) Fig. 4 plastic lens Page 3/4 [7- METHOD OF USE (1) Set an eyepiece and objective lens on @ microscope so 8s to obtain 100 or 200 times magnification. (2) Attech the condenser lens to the under side of the specimen stage as shown in Fig. 4. if the ‘microscope does not have one. (3) Place the equipment on the stage, and focus the lens onto the edge of vingl strips. Then remove it from the stage (4) Suck up the thick smoke cerefully with a medicine dropper es shown in Fig. A. () Relesse the smoke between the glass stide and cover stip carefully es shown in Fig. A (6) Return the cell cerefully to the stage and set in the middle of the field of the microscope. (7) Move the body-tube up slowly to focus the lens on the smoke particles at the edge of the dark parts. They will be observed more cleerly at either of the edges. (8) Move up the body-tube again and they cen be observed at the pert nearer to the middle of the derk belt. (9) To observe the particles more cleerly, bring the derk belt to the middle of the field of view. (10) One release of the smoke sllows en observation of the particles for three to five minutes under ‘the light of day, or for five to fifteen minutes under @ fluorescent lemp. Page 4/4 [4 MICROBALANCE. 1- ITEM A MICROBALANCE. /2- PURPOSE ‘To messure smell changes in weight such as that of ¢ plent due to transpiration. [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japan, 450 /4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE bE» mirror with affixed pointer scale vinyl plate with arm , is ‘zero-point 5 Lower stopper aajiter vinyl plates tube vinyl! plate weight, triangular corner strip FIG. A. spare holes for pivot Page 176 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roots) Electric Hand Drill Drill Bit (aia, 3mm) Drili Bit (dia. 0.6mm) Screw Driver Drill Bit (die. Imm) ‘Teper-nosed Pliers Drill Bit (die. 2mm) Cutter for Acrylic Sheet (MATERIALS) Cerdboerd (75mm x 300mm) Milk White Acrylic Sheet (35mm x 450mm x Smm) IMilk White Acrylic Sheet (60mm x 450mm xSmm) Milk White Acrylic Sheet (120mm x 450mm x Smm) Cleor Acrylic Sheet (30mm x 300mm x 6mmn) Clear Acrylic Sheet (100mm x 100MM X 3MM)...nunnrnnnnnennened Vinyl Sheat (Smm thick) Mirror Gless (75mm x 300mm) Hard Vinyl Resin Rod (as used for welding) (die, 2mm, 400mm in length) Enamel Wire Small Cylindrical Bottle (dia. 7mm). a 1 Bolt (ia, 21) nna a el ‘Nut (die, 2mm), ven 1 Needle. ~ o 1 Rubber Stopper (G10. 7M) ..ninnnnvnnnininnnnin 1 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (OUTLINE) This betence is composed of an arm and pointer, scale, base, support and zero-point adjuster as shown in Fig A (1) arm Arod of hard viny! resin,as used for welding,end a small plate of the same resin were selected as the materials of the erm for the sake of lightness. Both ere connected with each other. The arm has a pointer of enamel wire et the scale end, and 6 bolt and nut which works es © zero-point adjuster is attached to the ‘small plate. 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) | ‘The small plate has also holes for the pivot ebove the center line of the rod so that the balence 1 ‘may occur at the inclination corresponding to the load. The suitable height of the pivot is Imm ‘above the center Tine in this belance. The actual positions of the pivot, and the nut of zero-point adjuster, are selected to ellow for maximum adjustment during assembly. The weighing cepacity of the balance is 5g end the reciprocal sensitivity is img. (2) weignts ‘Two kinds of weights ore prepared to make calibration. The one is a plate-type weight of ving! resin, weighing similarly to the semple, The others ere of the rider type, which ore made of pieces of enamel wire bent into hairpin shape. Each weight of this kind weighs 20mg and the nurnber of therm is limited to six at maximum due to the renge of lineerity of this belence. (3) Scale ‘The pointer scale hes greduations of 1mm interval and runs along the circumference of the Pointer's swing. The inclination of the erm becomes less sensitive to the varietion of the load as it deviates from 0° the horizontel position. Therefore, the inclination is limited to within #30° by the stoppers and in this range 1t ts releted to the load almost linearly (DETAILS) (1) arm Cut acrylic plate of Smm tn thickness to @ size of 40 x 15mm and drill 8 hole of die. 2mm Tongitudinelly. Tap an interior threed for the bolt of dia. 3mm (for the zero-point adjuster) at one end of the hole. Make at least four holes of Imm diemeter for the pivat hy drilling cerefully, (see Fig. 1.) They should ellow the pivot needle to roll freely. make ¢ Inm holes an Fig. 1. screw hole make a hole Insert a piece of enamel wire into @ drilled hole et one end of the die. 2mm vinyl rod. Insert the ther end of the rod into the longitudinal hole of the vinyl plate. Attach 8 dis. 3mm bolt and nut to the screwed end of the hole. (See Fig. 2) enamel wire 9 2mm vinyl rod insert the wire Fig.2 (Page 3/6) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (2) Bese end Support Cut milk white acrylic plate of Smm in thickness to @ size of 350 x 100mm as the base. ‘The upper half of the support is mede of two cleer acrylic pletes of 3mm in thickness and of the same size. (See Fig. 3). Make four holes on each of the plates, the first, dia, O.6mm, for the pivot, the second, die. 2mm for the bolt thet connects the lower half; ond the third end the forth die. 3mm for the upper and lower stoppers. upper stopper wake 9 3mm holes make ¢ 0.8mm holes for the fulcrum Fig.3 cake ¢ 2m hole acrylic_plate :3om thick ‘The lower half is msde of 6 clear acrylic plate of mm in thickness. Meke 8 hole for the bolt connecting the upper part. Cut out the side nesrer to the object to be weighed to ovoid contact. Affix it vertically on the bese plete, with Smm trienguler corner pieces of acrylic resin. (See Fig. 4) make 4 2nm holes le Fig. clear acrylic plate = 9 ick fan thie | glue it on a plate milk white acrylic plate : triangle corner “strip :5mn Page 476 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (3) Scale Hoke the greduotions for the pointer scele on 300 x 75mm sheet of drawing peper. Cut out the ‘window along ther, Glue the mirror then the scele onto thetr support of 450 x €0m milk white acrylic plate Fix them vertically on the base plate, as in the ebove mentioned case, (See Fig. 5) Ls | the way to make a scale | be 4 | +10, nirror i cut it out of thick | drawing paper | ie milk white acrylic plate Figs. Lower stopper ‘a ——_— glue 5m triangle corner strips Page 5/6} /7- METHOD OF USE The design of this belence is based on the fdea of the straw balance which was introduced by the PSSC project. It is low-cost balance of high sensitivity end great durability. It can measure not nly the amount of transpiration of one leaf but also small gins or losses in weight of various objects (1) Calibration Place some of the riders on the shoulder of the plete-type weight end hang él! of them fram the bolt at the one end of the erm. (See Fig. A). Select the pivot position which allovrs the arm to lay ina nearly horizontal position Read the positfon of the pointer on the scale when the riders are added or removed ona by one, end calculate the difference of reading per 11mg (2) Measurement Put 4 one-holed rubber stopper into small cylindrical bottle (phiel) about half-full of water, insert a leet into the bottle, end hang them from the bolt of the balance in place of the weights. Plot the weight chenge against the time and calculate the weight loss by transpiration per 1 min The control experiment of observing the evaporation of water of the bottle without leef, may be required according to circumstances. Trace the contour of the leaf on section paper, read the number of sections within it, and calculate the weight loss per 1 min per 1 cm” i Page 6/6 FTULLGREN AND BEARMIANN APPARATUS. SE, 1- ITEM ‘TULLGREN AND BEARMANN APPARATUS, '2- PURPOSE Collection of Soil Organisms. 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japan. }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE Ke de mia OO heater © soil container fix with a wire © ¢8om v Petri dish blue poiyethylene plate FIG, 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roots) Sow for cutting plastic. Cutting knife Dri end driNt bit (dia. 1omm) Screw threat tep set Pliers. (MATERIALS) Acrylic sheet (300mm x 100mm x Smm). Acrylic sheet (SOmm x SOmm x. 10mm). Vinyl pipe (tube), i, dia, 75mm x 36mm), Wire Gauge (Brass, 2mm mest). Burette stand. ; ‘Aluminium Funnel (medium) Gless funnel (die, 7Stnm.) Polyethylene Bottle (500m!) Petri dish... BE HE enon Lamp hotder. Cable, switch en plug Rubber tube (die, Bram x 70mm). Pinch cock. - Epoxy resin adhesive 1.2 dichloroethylene tron wire. Heoter (40W reflector lamp) - 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS See page 3. E] (Pege 2/6 ‘6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) | | (OUTLINE) \ Each of the two pieces of equipment are composed of four parts: heater, soil container, collector, \ and stond. (See Fig. 1.) { | | { | | a.c. supply A] } ) heater | { s = soil } container fix with a wire ze] 4 rubber tube : *80m | pinch cock =. \ Se retri dish | / collector | Petri dish blue polyethylene plate | Fig. | ae] i Poge 3/6) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) HEATER ‘The lamp shede is made from a wide-mouthed polyethylene bottle of SOGml by cutting its top off just below the shoulders. Dritl six holes (dia. lem) around it to let the steam, vaporized from the ‘soil somple,escape. As the heet source, 8 40W reflector Lemp is ettached to the bottom of the bottle. (See Fig. 2). j-—40W reflector lam 2 no : ae cut off| MH) — DETAILS OF SOIL CONTAINERS IN DRY CONDITIONS (Fig. 1. Left) A soil container is made of herd vinyl pipe (7.5cm inner diameter) with brass wire geuze of 2mm mesh glued with epoxy adhesive on its bottom, (See Fig. 3). ‘The enimels in the sofl go through this geuze and fall down through en aluminium funnel into the collector. Fig. 3, 2mm mesh wire gauze DETAILS OF SOIL CONTAINER IN WET CONDITIONS (Fig. 1. Right) A glass funnel of sbout 7.5 cm dismeter is filled with water by closing the rubber tube attached to ‘ts outlet with o pinchcock I" 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) COLLECTOR A Petri dish containing 6 small amount of water is used to catch the animals. A blue polyethylene plete is put under it so that the floating enimals on the water are clearly observed. STAND The obove mentioned parts are placed on a stand. In this case, a burette stend wes modified. The recks are made of two ecrylic plates of Smm thickness, one of the heaters, and the other for the soil containers. A small acrylic square of 10mm in thickness 1s glued to the center of each plate with 1.2-dichloroethylene es the base for the bolt thet fix the rack to the pole. (See Fig, 4) Glue with 1,2-dichloroethane Fig. 4. adjust the height and screw it tightly ‘A stand holding a par of collecting equipment for dry and wet conditions is convenient as shown in Fig 1 Page 5/6 /7- METHOD OF USE This equipment will be used efter hand sorting of larger enimsls in the sample soit (6) Collector for dry conditions. Put 6 half of the sample soil, about Som! into the soil container, teking care not to press the soil. Switch on the heater after all the preparstfons ‘re done. Then observe end count the enimals, felling from the soil to the collector, by the neked eye, during the hesting for sbout 20 mins. Shut off the heating current end observe and count them using a magnifier. {b) Collector for wet conditions. ‘Wrep up the soil sample, of about 20m! in volume, in 8 piece of nylon cloth about 12cin square(from an old peir of stockings). Close with 8 rubber bond. Put the parcel ‘into the glass funnel, end cover ft completely with water. Heet it for sbout 40min. Open the pinchcock of the funnel ‘nd run the water with the animals into the catching dish, Observe end count them. shall. BY aihosid forest \ L Bay y sort mx hand sorting + divide into 2 groups RESPIRATION APPARATUS, 1- ITEM RESPIRATION APPARATUS, /2- PURPOSE To determine the volume of cerbon dioxide discharged by Plonts etc. during respiration, [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japen. }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE ‘exhaust outlet syringe needie (syrtage needte) absorptton tube standard solutions respiration tube respiration tube for contro! experiment DOal plastics syringe clear acrylic plates $ San thick FIG.A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roaLs) Electric Drill Drill Bit (die. 18mm) Hacksaw (MATERIALS) Clear Acrylic Sheet (GOmm x 80mm x Senn) Clear Acrylic Sheet (60mm x 63rim ¥ Sth)... 2 Clear Acrylic Sheet (BOmm x 30mm x Smm) Black Acrylic Sheet (40mm x 35mm x 3mm)... nd Black Acrylic Sheet (40mm x 10mm x 3mm). 2 Milk White Acrylic Sheet (100mm x 35mmn x 3enm) 0.058 Solution of Bromothymot Blue. Acrylic Adhesive. Sel of Ten Tubes Containing » Standard pH Series of Solution Coloured by BromothytnO] BIUE..n0n cond Empty Container of the Stenderd Solution = 1 Plastic Cap for the Conteiner Injection Syringes (20ml. cleer and disposable, {0F M2diCB] USE) crm Cp for Syringe... Injectior Needle (Size 1/4, 6cm ine. vo Dropping Botte....... : 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ‘This equipment is composed of respiration tubes, their support, en ebsorption tube, a visual colorimeter and ‘stenderd series of colour solution of Bromothymol Blue. (1) Tha respiretion tubes Two disposable injection syringes for medical use, made of clear plastic, ere used, One of them is for the control experiment. The capacity of the syringes should be 20m! or smelter, depending on the test semples A test semple is put directly into one of the tubes, end ft can be easily observed es the tube is cleer. Page 2/5 7 METHOD OF USE (2) The Support The support fs made of clear ecrylic plates (See Fig. 1). The two respiration tubes ore loid horizontely on it side by side. (See Fig. A) Fig. 1 (3) Absorption Tube The tubes are of the stme size and meteriel es those for the standard colour solutions, end should have @ gréduation eround them at the Smt level. ‘The tube contains Smt of water to which are added @ few drops of Bromothymol Blue solution, end is Covered with @ plastic cap through which two syringe needles are inserted into the tube, One of the needles is for introducing the afr containing carbon dioxide trom each of the respiration tubes. The Needle is bent gradually to a right angle in the riddle of it, and its pointed end is smoothed by ¢ file to avoid accidents. The other needle is the outlet for the remaining components of the air, end the needle is cut off to en appropriate length. (See Fig. 2). exhaust outtet syringe neste (syringe neste) > Fig. 2. make holes: wlik vhite acrylic plate : dan thick black acrylic plate Sue thick bln thas toptner sbrorptton tube standard solutions 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (4) Visual Cotorimeter The stond is constructed os shown in Fig. 2. The sample solution of carbon dioxide coloured by Bromothymol Blue is compared with two standard solutions of nearest tints, on this colorimeter, to determine its pH value. The tubes containing these two kinds of solutions ere placed in front of the milk-white plastics board (through which the light is transmitted) for careful comperison (see Fig 3). (6) Stenderd pH solution (coloured by Gromothymnol Blue) ‘The stendard series of these solutions are obteined commercially. Alternatively, it can be made by using Bromothymol Blue end buffer solutions of known pH velues. Fig.3 Visual colorimeter 7 METHOD OF USE This equipment is used for meesuring the volume of carbon dioxide discharged from plants, soil, or insects by the visual colorimetry method using Bromothymal Blue solutions. Test semples ere placed in an injector (here called a respiretion tube) and kept et 9 fixed temperature for 9 given period of time. The experiment is easily performed within a short time (1) Compare the colour of the ebsorption tube with the standard series to estimate its initiel pH (2) Put the semple into 8 copped respiration tube, end hold it at a controlled temperature for & prescribed period of time; 10min for instence (3) Connect the respiration tube to the inlet needle of the absorption tube and introduce the air semple into it. Since carbon dioxide dissolves slowly in woter, the air should be introduced as slowly as possible as e stream of fine bubbles to make a large erea of contact. (Count at least one minute for Smi of air), (4) After 6 known emount of gir has been introduced into the ebsorption tube, estimate the fine! pH. (5) Repeat the steps (1) to (4) for the control experiment, using the empty respiretion tube end en absorption tube of fresh solution. (6) Reduce the final pH values to the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the respiration tube with use of the reduction diagram previously drawn. Fig. 5. shows an example of such ¢ diagram in the ‘cose of the initial pH of 7.6. The difference of the concentration obteined from the sample over the control will ellow an estimate to be made of the amount of carbon dioxide discherged from the sample (ow) rz) 12] 1.09} 6.3] 6.6 64 saz ale flor 6.2 TOR air flow SOC OT Oe 08 OF TO 12 14 16 18 2.0 22 24 HCO (APPLICATIONS) The respiration of verious samples, such es flowers, leaves, buds, germinating seeds, worms, and a volume of soil, may be observed with use of this apparatus. A strip of filter paper impregnated with yeast and glucose will show the generation of carbon dioxide by fermentation. it is interesting to observe respiration volumes at different stages of the germination of seeds and the meternorphism of the insects, and the equipment clearly demonstrates thet green leaves consume carbon dioxide in the light, while they discharge it in the derk Fig. 5 5/5 1- ITEM GAS GENERATOR (Type A) |2- PURPOSE To generate gas by 0 chemical reection |3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Centre for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japan. |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE rubber or silicone tube {| solid reactant liquid reactant J vide mouth bottle FIG.A. '5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roots) Wire Cutters. Screw Driver. Metel Rod (die. 6mm), Cork Borer, (MATERIALS) Rubber Stopper. Size 12. Plastic Spoon, Wide Mouth Bottle (125ml) 18-8 Stainless Steel Wire (¢ia. OSmm, SOcm length). Glass Tube (dis, 7mm, 70mm length). 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (OUTLINE) ‘0s the outlet of the gos (Fig. A). Arubber stopper with @ short piece of glass tubing inserted through, and plastic spoon atteched to its inner side, is put into @ wide mouthed bottle. To the outer edge of the glass tube ¢ long silicone tube is connected, Page 2/4 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (DETAILS) Make a hole of dia. 6mm in @ rubber stopper (No, 12), and meke 8 piece of glass tubing (0.2mm x 70mm) into it. Make @ cut on the lower side of the stopper with the edge of o screw driver. Cut ‘the hendle of the spoon diagonally in the middle of it with nippers, end put its edge into the cut. A detent on the handle made by filing will prevent the spoon from felling down. Connect s rubber (or vinyl or silicone) tube (die. 6rmm) to the outer edge of the glass tubing. A coiled spring of stainless steel sround the connected end of the rubber tube will prevent the bending of the tube to stop the path of the gas. silicone tube car 9188S. tube y7 ae 15m coiled stainless steel soring made by winding around 6 nm diameter rod = rubber stopper : size 12 cut made by a driver insert @ spoon lp i a diagonally with nipsers plastic spoon [7 METHOD OF USE This design enables the reaction to be started at any time after it is closed tightly, end it is suiteble for meesuring the emount of generated ges at successive stages of the reaction (1) Put a graduated cylinder filled with water upside down into @ water trough. (2) Pour the prescribed volume of liquid reectent into the wide mouthed bottle (3) Put the free end of the longer tube into the graduated cylinder, taking care of its bending thet nerrovs the path of the ges. (4) Tako & known amount of solid reactent on» spoon, and put the stoppar with things attached to it tightly into the bottle leid obliquely. (5) Stend up the bottle in order to start the reaction. (6) Reod the level of woter in the cylinder successively at eppropriote intervels of time. 1- ITEM ‘GAS GENERATOR. (Type B) GAS GENERATOR. (Type B) 2- PURPOSE [3~ INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY To generate gos by o chemicel reection Kyoto Municipal Science Centre for Youth, Kyoto 612, Jepen '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE clothespin B type Viquid reactant ean fttm case (eransparent) Plywood glue with double sided, te eube adhesive tape '5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roots) Cork Borer. Bunsen Burner. Triangular File. Double Edged Sew. Diagonal Cutting Rippers. Cutter. (MATERIALS) Clear Vinyl Hose (die, 4mm) Vinyl Tube (dia. 3mm) Rubber Tube (die. 3mm) Double Sided Adhesive Tape. Plywood (70mm x 70mm x Smm) Rubber Stopper (Size 2)..evnnesesnnnnnn Empty Film Case (35mm. cleer plastics). Clothes nnn ‘6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (OUTLINE) A ccleer viny! hose with o one-holed rubber stopper at each end is bent to 6 V-shape of unequel erms. The solid reactant stays in the shorter arm, while the liquid and gas cen move freely between both arms through ‘a piece of narrow tubing laid across the bend, The rubber tube on the top of the longer arm is short and closed with @ clothespin end that from the shorter arm is the outlet for the ges (Fig. A.) Page 2/4 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (DETAILS) Put a piece of vinyl tubing (outer diameter of Smm. 30mm in length) into each of two rubber stoppers of No. 2. Connect @ rubber tube with en inner diameter of dram to each of the vinyl tubes, one of ther being 3om long, and the other long enough to lead the gas to the collecting bottle. Cut off vinyl hose of ‘25cm in length, end put the rubber stopper into both ends. Ley a piece of vinyl tubing (dia, 3mm. ‘30mm in length) et the part of the hose 10 cm distant from its one end into which the stopper with the longer tube is put, and bend the hose at the position to @ V-shape (see Fig. 1). Attach en ‘empty film case of clear plastics to @ boerd of plywood with double sided adhesive Lepe, end put the V-shaped hose into it vinyl tube : 42m: rubber stopper =e = @ gine 2 oso PB | wnt BE fam | BE am vinyl M08 jae ‘ne = Fig. Poge 3/4 '7- METHOD OF USE This design is @ modification of Kipp’s generator, and is convenient for obtsining smal! amounts of ges repeatedly. In addition, it is essily constructed with use of low-cost materials, requires ‘smaller amounts of chemicals, and simpler operations with no danger from explosions. (1) Put the collecting bottie filled with water upside down in water trough. (2) Put the solte resctent into the shorter arm and insert the rubber stopper, with the longer tube, into its mouth, (3) Pour the Tiquid reectant into the hose from the end of the longer arm end fi11 up to one helt maximum, If 8 vigorous resction is expected, the amount should be reduced to a sefe level. (4) insert the rubber stopper, with the shorter tube, into the mouth of the longer armn of the hose, and close the open end of the tube with @ clothespin, The generated ges will be sent to the collecting bottle. (5) When the required amount of the ges hes been collected, change the position of the clothespin to the longer tube. The ges will force the liquid into the longer erm of the hose, end the reection will be stopped. (6) To obtein the gas egein, draw out the free end of the longer tube from the collecting bottle to the ‘atmosphere end remove the clothespin to equelise the levels of water in both arms. Then close the shorter tube. Poge 4/4 [DEW POINT APPARATUS. 60. - = DEW POINT APPARATUS. [2- PURPOSE To determine the dew point of atmospheric air. [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY | Kyoto Municipel Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japan I '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE => heating part posistor nn 50°C thermoneter cool to -18°C with freezing mixture — FIG. A Page 1/6 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS | (roa.s) Hock Sew Drill Bit (dia. 4mm) Tin Snips Drill Bit (¢ta. Smm) Sets of Screw Thread Taps Drill Bits (die. 6mm) Electric Hand Drill Drill Bit (die. 10mm) Orin Bit (die. 35mm) Cutter for Acrylic Plate Felt Sheet (pasted on @ board for polishing) (MATERIALS) Duralurnin Rod (rectengutor 200mm x 30mm x 20mm). 1 Aluminium Plate (220mm x 90mm x Imrn) 1 | 1.2-Dichloroethene Heat-Conductive Grease Abresive (for polishing/finishing) Ice si oo Toble Salt... a Bolt (dia. 4mm. 10mm in Fength).. nn Heating Element. : Polishing Cloth (for glasses) Thermometer (-20°; +50*), 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (1) TROUGH FOR FREEZING MIXTURE Hake e trough for the freezing mixture with eerylic plete of, sey, Smm in thickness. One of the side pistes should be high enough to stop the breath of the observer from reaching the durelumin ber when the height of the upper limit of the dew formstion is read(See Fig. 1) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) protector trea bres cont te tare ‘a —_—— { i ect aatare (2) Fin Construct the fin,as shown in Fig. A, from a piece of sluminium plate of size 220mm x 90mm x Imm. Drill 2 holes for attaching the fin to the bar. (3) Durelumin Ber ‘The duralumin bar used in this equipment is 200mm x 30mm x 20mm in size, which hes 8 sufficient heat capacity to stabilize the temperature distribution in it Make four holes for inserting the thermometers end the one-holed rubber stoppers transversely to the ber, and two holes for the screws to attach the cooling fin to the bar on the bottom side, (See Fig.2) Fig. 2 Fs 1 screw holes to L— %» —|_ Size of holes fix cooling fin Page 3/6 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Polish the top end bottom faces with emery paper to obtain flat surfaces, Polish the opposite side to the holes accepting thermometers with an clumintum oxide powder ised to make a thin section of rock),on the felt plate until the face becomes dim. (See Fig. 3) Then rub it with the glass cloth smeared with “Cer Wex” to get a mirror’ Tike face. Fig.3. Coat the bottom face of the ber with heat conductive grease when attaching the fin to it. Coat elso ‘the bulbs of the thermometers when they are inserted to the ber. Affix a scaled vinyl rule to the bar as shown in Fig. A. (4) Heater ‘The posister used wes a semi-conductor heating element (used to sublimate mosquito-fumigent), (see Fig. 4), ond operating on AC current. The heating element of an electric soldering iron can also be used as the heater. However, it may require e varieble resistor to drop the input voltage. (In ‘the case of @ 60W soldering iron, it may be about 40V on @ 100V a.. supply (somewhat higher in summer, lower in winter). Glue the heater to the top face of the duralmin bar with quickly curing adhesive. posister (6) Freezing mixture ‘Wrap severel blocks of ice ine piece of strong cloth, end top e stick evenly on them to obtain pieces of about Smm in size, Add one volume (500g) of Leble salt to two volume (500g) of the ice layer by layer. Stir them with a stirring rod, end they cool to the temperature of about -20°C. In sumer, the salt may be unnecessary Fig. 4. Poge 4/6 7- METHOD OF USE Usualiy, the low temperature for dew formetion is obtained by the evaporation of ether, but the method requires cere to avoid uncomfortable smells and accidents due to its flammability. Furthermore, the formed craps of dew extinguish so quickly that the experiment is often inedequate 26 8 demonstration to many pupils. ‘This equipment enables continuous measurements of the dew point to be made without using ether. |n eddition, it can clearly show the fact that motsture in the atmosphere becomes dew on the surface of solid matter when the temperature is below the dew point. The bottom aluminium fin in the freezing mixture of salt and fce is cooled to ebout ~18°C while the top is heated with the hester, (a posister used to sublimate mosquito-fumigent), which keeps the temperature to about 25°C in summer and 15°C in winter, therefore the temperature gradient slong the durslumin ber is kept linear end steady ‘The drops of dew appear on the surface of the duralmin bar and their upper limit makes a clear horizontal borderline eround the middle of the ber. This state lasts for about one hour and helf in winter and one hour in summer according to the time of duretion of the freezing mixture. ‘Among four thermometers inserted into the dureImin bar at equal intervals, two give the temperatures just above end just below the dewpoint, which is estimated by interpolation from the both temperatures. (1) Dip the sluminiura fin into the freezing mixture, and complete the heating circuit (2) Read the scale at the pesition of the upper limit of the range which allows the drops of dew to condense, and at the positions of the thermometers. The ternperature at the limit is the dew potnt of the etmospheric eir (3) Read the thermometers just above and just below the limit. (4) Celeulate the dew point by proportionel ellocetion besed on the results obtained at (2) end (3), Poge 5/6 ‘7- METHOD OF USE (Continued) (EXAMPLE OF RESULT) Date Westher fine ‘Temperature. °C atmosphere 258 freezing mixture “15 positions in the ber 65 (50mm) 92 (90mm) 11.8 (130mm) 145 (170mm) upper limit of the dew 120mm dew point/*C = 9.26(11.8-92) x 30/40 = 11.15 ‘According to the dew point and the temperature of the atmosphere, the relative humidity was 39.9%. This value coincided with the velue 40% obtained by Assmen-type psychrometer. 1- ITEM A EUDIOMETER, '2- PURPOSE To investigate the combining volumes of oxygen end hydrogen in @ reaction vessel [3- INFORMATION SUBHITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japen }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE piezoelectric element alligator clips vinyl! tube 30cm plastic measure vinyle hose : [ne inner diameter 17m Tength 450mm for straightening and Supporting the hose, also, use as a scale scale made with ine indelible pen byeregen 94s double sided —_ adhesive tape oxygen 98 | vater trough FIG. A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (TOOLS) Diggonal Cutting Nippers. Side Cutting Pliers. Long-nosed Pliers. Scissors. Electrical Soldering Iron. Spirit Lemp. (MATERIALS) Clear Acrylic Tube (dis. 17mm, 50cm in length). Vinyl Tube (dia. 13mm. Sem in length) Vinyl Tube (dia. 9mm, 6cm in length) Vinyl Tube (die. 1mm. 4em in length) Stainless Steel Wire (die. Imm) Electrical insulated Twin Coble Rubber Stopper (Size 3). - Plezoelectric Element (NL 28) : Screw (dis, 1 &mm), Alligator Clip. . G- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS See page 3. (Pege 2/7 ‘6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) ‘A.50cm length of vinyl tube is used #s a reaction vessel with 8 spark plug on its top, as showin in Fig. hydrogen gas Fig. for straightening and Supporting the hose, also, use as a scale double sided adhesive tape (0 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) The spark plug is made by inserting two steinless wires into @ rubber stopper and shaping their ends as in Fig. 2. in order to get sparks easily. The size of the rubber stopper should be chosen es to it the tube but not to fly out when the mixed gas explodes. rubber stopper: size 3 Stainless steel wire:$1.0nm insert them using pliers, little by little Fig.2 — cut with cross them vinyl tube I vinyle hose : inner diameter 17mm Tength 450mm AAs the igniter a piezoelectric element of @ cigarette lighter (12000V.30000 times ignition possible) is suiteble. (See Fig. 3). Connect insulated electrical cable to the elements by soldering, or by a screw, es the leads to the spark plug (as shown in Fig. 3.) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Attach a vinyl tube of 6Omm in length to the bottom of the element as the support, Consequently, ‘the lead from the bottom terminal goes through the support. (See Fig. 3) vinyl cords, put cellophane piezoelectric adhesive tape element around to fix Fig 3 the cord <= vinyl tube : inner diameter 9mm Bed ake the case for the piezoelectric element using vinyl tube of approx. 90mm in Tength which will be convenient to handle. ‘Soften one edge of the tube by heating, close it with Pliers, end make @ hole for the leads at the corner, (See Fig 4). vinyl tube : inner diameter 13mm Fig. 4 pinch with pliers punch with a scissors 7 HETHOD OF USE The igniter is handled by holding it in one hand and pushing down its heed with the thumb. The general view of the igniter is shown in Fig. A (1) Pour weter in the trough to 60% of its capacity. (2) Stand the reaction tube filled with woter in the trough, end fix it with @ ring stand. The lower ‘edge of the tube should be kept 2 - 3 cm high from the bottom of the trough. (3) Send hydrogen end oxygen from the bottom mouth of the tube, successively. (4) Measure the volumes of hydrogen and oxygen. Keep the volume constant in order to get better results. (5) Connect the igniter to the sperk plug on the top of the reaction tube. The surface of the rubber stopper on the top of the tube must be wiped to make 8 spark, (6) Fire! As very strong explosions will occur(when the mixed ges consists of 1:2 mixture of oxygen and hydrogen), the reaction tube must be fixed firmly not to fly out. The volume of the mixed gas should be under 308 of the tube's volume, so that the ges dogs not blow off from the bottom of the tube (7) Measure the volume of the remaining gas. (8) Send oxygen ges of 8 helf volume of the remaining ges into the tube and fire again if the mixed gas explodes the remaining gas should be hydrogen, end if no explosion occurs it should be oxygen. Calculate the volume ratio of reacted gases besed on the difference between the volumes before and after the explosion. (9) Repest the steps from (2) to (8) with gases in different volume ratios. 7- METHOD OF USE (Continued) An example of the results —— calculated value © observed value se pouyemoy jo aanjon anizeias volume fraction of hydrogen Note: Cre should be teken when carrying out experiments involving explosions of gases. Eye end face protection, such as goggles and a safety screen, should be used Page 7/7 OXIDATION AND REDUCTION APPARATUS 1- ITEM OXIDATION AND REDUCTION APPARATUS. 2- PURPOSE To demonstrate the oxidation and reduction of copper by oxygen (atmospheric) end hydrogen [3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Centre for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japen. '4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE fine copper wire 60M soldering iron heater viny! friction tape test tube, 30mm x 20cm a.c. supply lead for heater rubber stopper alligator clip FIG.A. ‘S- TOOLS AND MATERIALS: (roots) Long-nosed Pliers. Wood Sew. Hammer. (MATERIALS) Test Tube (30mm dia. x 20cm). - 1 Rubber Stopper Size 9. see sesnecnnnneae | Soldering Iron Heeter with leeds, (Flat-type, 60 wet)... — Copper Wire (ota, 2mm). 7 2 Plywood Sheet (70mm x 70mm x Simm). seco L AQROF CHIP S.cnnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnnne 2. Copper Wire, Fine. Refractory Tubes (insulators) Vinyl friction tepe (self-seeting) Mains ceble with switch end plug Nit 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (1) Insert two lengths of copper wire of dia. 2mm into a rubber stopper of size 9 to support the heater and to ‘supply it with electricity. Using pliers bend their end parts of 30-40mm in length to moke terminals. See Fig. (2) Tie together the heating elements end the covering iron plates of an electric soldering-iron (60W.) with fine copper wires es shown in Fig. 1 Page 2/4 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (3) Cover the leeds with refractory tubes and wind a friction tepe around the leads snd supports at ‘appropriate positions, Wind the bare ends of the leads around each support. (See Fig. 1) tie them together with fine copper wire } copper wire 2. wind friction tape around 1 Fig.1 _ thrust the rubber stopper onto a nail bend with pl esi 7ox70 (4) Push the rubber stopper onto the neil which is thrust upwerd through the center of the bese plate of plywood of Smm thick. (5) Connect ¢ cord with a plug end 6 switch to the terminels of the heeter by elligator clips end insert the errengement into the test tube es shown in Fig. A Page 3/4 /7- METHOD OF USE The oxidation of copper with atmospheric oxygen and the reduction of its oxide with tysrogen cen be observed with use of this equipment, constructed simply and manipulated essily, as shown in Fig. A According to the fect that the reduction temperature of oxidized copper is lower than the ignition temperature of hydrogen in the atmospheric air, the reduction goes without any accident ceused by hydrogen, (1) Loy the heater horizontelly end put copper pawder on it es shown below, FG ===S sma spoon Experiment of copper oxidation (2) Complete the heating circuit. After about 10 seconds the copper powder will be oxidized to bleck cupric oxide, which has stuck to ‘the surface of the fron cover of the heater. Then stend the heater an its base plate. The oxide will be eveilable for several repetitions of oxidetion-reduction experiment. (3) Put the test tube filled with hydrogen on the heater end shut off the nesting current (4) The oxide will be reduced end change its colour into bright copper tone, Drops of water will be Condensed on the inner surface of the test tube, This indicates the combination of the hyurugen geo and oxygen from the oxide. 1- ITEM ‘AIR COLUMN RESONANCE. /2- PURPOSE Resonence in air column and wavelength of sound, 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japen. }4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE speaker :6 6cn vinwt ie : inner diameter 7omn inl stick 9 tom ‘inner diameter 36mm: jv a vinyi tube C7 earphone air pipe = scrylle pipe vith 35mu cuter dianter ‘rubber stopper: rubber_stopper_: size 3 rubber tube : air bulb FIG.A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (Tools) Cutter for Acrylic Resin. Drili Bit (tia. émm) Hend-Sew. Drill Bit (dia. 10mm) Electric Hend Drill Drill Bit (ia, 12mm) Drill Bit (die, 4mm) Diagonal Cutting Nippers (MATERIALS) Clear Acrylic Tube (dia. 10mm outside: dem in length) Clear Acrylic Tube (Gia, 35mm outside: Im in length) Clear Acrylic Tube (dis. 130mm. outside: 10cm in Yength) Vinyl Pipe (die. 36mm inside: Sem in length) Vinyl Pipe (die. 70mm inside: Scm in length) Vinyl Pipe (die. 4mm outside: Gem in length) Rubber Tube (die. 6mm inside: 60cm in tength) Vinyl Tube (Gia, 6mm outside: 80cm in length) Eorphone Air Bulb (for sphygmomenometer USE). nnnennennnnnnenned Multi-Strand Insulated Electrical Wire (ving! insulated. 3m in lengtt).... Redio Speoker (die. 6cm) Rubber Stopper (size 1). - — Rubber Stoper (size 3). - Rubber Stopper (size 20)..... 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS See page 3. Page 2/7 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (QUTLINE) ‘As shown in Fig. 1. the main part of the equipment is the trensparent acrylic pipe A (35mm outer diameter, 1.5mm thick. 100cm long) inserted deeply into the water tight tank, ‘0- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (DETAILS GF SOUND OUTLET) As 6 sound source on the holder use either @ tuning fork or & small recio's speeker connected to the low frequency oscilletor, as shown in ig. 2. speaker #6o0 450 550M tuning fork Vinyl stick 34% VinyT tube insert the bent vinyl Stick by heating; for holding the speaker box cut out fit it in f__s* ° as_a stopper €e > Vinyl pipe with inner diameter 36m The structure of the sound outlet Fig. 2. ‘0- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) (DETAILS OF WATER TANK) How to set up the water holding pert, as shown in Fig. 3 acrylic: pipe fit the rubber stopper make a 169 hole make a 534 hole glue with 1,2 Dichloroethane water tank glue with 1,2 Dichloroethane acrylic plates : Sam thick, 130 ¢ acrylic pipe + outer diameter of 130mm opaque acryl plate As on alternative the water tenk could be rectenguler. Fig.3 Poge 5/7 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) ‘when sendng air from the air bulb, the water level in the pipe rises up, end when loosening the exheust valve it fells down. ‘The speed of water rising end falling cen be changed by the speed of compressing the air bulb and by the degrees of the valve opening respectively (below) rubber tube : inner diameter 8am exhaust valve o> (On the top of the pipe, there is @ holder constructed of vinyl pipes including the sound utlet connected to en eerphone by 8 vinyl tube. ‘This adapter can catch the vibrations of the air in the tube, thus allowing for ¢ seerch of the resonance point ecurately without being bothered by the surrounding noises, as is the case of @ doctor's stethoscope (below). speaker :4 6cm Vinyl pipe : earphone vinyl tube 7- METHOD OF USE The equipment devised may be used for demonstration, but it is also designed for pupil use. It is able to chenge quickly and hold constantly the length of the sir column. Only one hand need to be used for hendling. In addition, the eerphone is attached so that when many groups have {he same experiment in a class ech group is not disturbed by noise from the others. (1) Pour about 1000cm of water in the tenk (80% of its capacity). (2) Pump up the water level in the pipe to Sem from the top. (3) Put the speoker on the holder at the top of the pipe, and connect it to the low frequency oscillator, (4) Operate the spesker st 44042 (5) Adjust the volume of the earphone. 6) Loosen the exhoust veive slowly to lower the water level end, as eccurately es you can, seerch for the level which makes the strongest sound. Mark @ line indicating the water level on the side of the pipe (2) Continue the lowering of the water level, and you will find out another maximum of sound, then mark 6 tine again in the sere wey a5 (6) (B) Repeat the steps (6) to (7) on BBOHZ (9) Do the same experiment, step (6) to (7) with a tuning fork instead of the speaker. * Since the difference between water levels at (6) and (7) is @ half of the wove length of sound from ‘the speaker, if the frequencies used in (6) - (6) ere eccuretely known, you can determine the wave length and the frequency of the sound from @ tuning fork besed on those results. Poge 7/7) [sik MOISTURE APPARAT ad AIR MOISTURE APPARATUS. /2- PURPOSE To determine the emount of moisture in atmospheric air. 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipsl Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japan /4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE ‘The sack should be made to contain 0.1m? air when it is fully inflated, desiccant filled acrylic tube foot, bellows dried vinyl sheet ¥ FIG. A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roo.s) | Cutter for Plastics Pliers Cork Borer Foot Bellows Bolence (MATERIALS) Acrylic Tube (die. 30mm inside; !mm thick; 110mm in length) Vinyl Tube (Gis. 6mm inside; 6Omm in length) Styrofoam Disc (dia. 30mm) Gouze | Square polyethylene Sack (67cm x 97cm) Adhesive Tepe Adhesive Peste (suiteble for ving!) Calcium Chloride Rubber Tube (dis, 7mm inside; 2mm in length) Rubber Stopper (S122 11) — 4 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (OUTLINE) ‘As showin in Fig A. the foot bellows end polyethylene seck of known volume are connected to either end of the destecation tube Whose wetght has been measured beforehand, The air fs sent by the bellows through the | tube into the sock until itis filled, The weight of the tube incresses by the weight of moisture inte air | with which the seck is filled j (DETAILS) (1) Polyethylene sack ‘The meximum capacity of the sack is adjusted to be exectly O.1r? by the following procedures, (to simplify the celeulstion in the experiment): Attach 6 vinyl tube of 10mm in outer diameter to one of the corners of & sack of about 1 m in edge length, with adhesive or adhesive tape, (See Fig. 1.) (Page 2/5 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Cuntinued) Ve = OS fix with adhesive tape ‘tube Seal the mouth of the seck by hesting and check it for sir-tightness. Inflate it fully sed messure the maximum cepacity by collecting the air from it aver the water. Fully inflate the seck agsin end fold it Tittle by Tittle et the adjacent two edges, end measure the volume of expelled sir, until remeins in the sack. Hest seal the folded edges py using en electric iron or @ soldering iron, Test again the airtightness of the sack (2) Desiccating tube Cut an acrylic tubing of Imm in thickness and 30mm in inner diemeter to | Oram length. Mekea styrofosm disk which is 30mm in diemeter end 1Gmm in thickness end hes @ hole of 7rnma in diameter at the center. Cover it with two sheets of gauze (see Fig. 2), to filtrate spattered desiccant. Similarly make another dise for the other end. vinyl tube rubber stopper : size 11 styrofoam disk with a hole in the center acrylic tube -— w crack the calcium chloride Crack fresh celcium chloride into pieces of soybean size, Parch ther to dryness on & gs heater {see Fig. 3) then put them into the tube, Hold them with th styrofoam disks, and close the tube with solid rubber stoppers at both ends. The weight of the tube will be sbau! 1000. Getween the ‘uber stopper end the styrofoam disk, make s space of Smm in length (Ouring the experiment, the rubber stoppers ere replaced with single-hol ed ones (4s shown in Fig 2) 985 heater Fig. 1 Fig. 3 5) (age 3/5) '7- METHOD OF USE On 6 rainy day, we feel damp and wonder how much moisture is in the afr. This equipment ellaws us to meesure easily the weight of the moisture in ¢ given emount of air (1) Weigh the seeled desiccation tube to 0.019, (2) Replece the rubber stoppers of the sealed desiccation tube with the single-holed ones. Connect, tone of the single-holed rubber stopper to the polyethlene sack, from which the sir has been expelled ‘8s much as possible, and the other to the foot bellows. (See Fig. 4). The foot bellows should be put on 6 dry plastic sheet, to avoid the moisture from the bare floor (3) Using the betlows pass sir through the tube to the seck, until it Is fiNled with the air. The rete of sending air should not be Loo fast; thirty times of full blowing per 1 min may be en appropriate rete, Fig. 4 stop blowing the foot bellows when the sack is fully inflated the calcium chloride will absorb | water from the air that goes through the tube (4) Replace again the solid rubber stoppers in the tube, to seal it, end weigh it to get the weight ‘increase by sbsorption of moisture | (5) The calcium chloride can be used repeatedly by parching, Take core of hydrochloric acis | evaporeting from the heeted calcium chloride Page 4/5 7 METHOD OF USE (Continued) (EXAMPLES OF THE RESULT) Closs. Dote Weather Temp. °C. RH. Moisture in the air. g/m! cale. from RH obs. values by groups June 24 Cloudy 25.0 64 15 13 15 4 15 15 1s 15 16 14 Some of the results of pupil's experiment with use of this equipment are 8s follows: Oct. 27 Cloudy 20.8 50 og 1.0 1.0 1.0 10 10 10 10 og 08 Jan, 29 Cloudy 165 4 06 oe o6 06 07 06 06 07 08 oe Page 5/5 ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER. vir ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER. [2 PURPOSE | To obtain Oxygen and Hydrogen by the Electrlysis of Weter. | 3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Centre for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japen, 4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE gas collecting test tube #1008 YL | rubber stopper stainless / steel terminal of electrode rubber stopper air outlet hole case ¢ polyethylene top container! FIG. A. 5- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (rool) Toper-nosed Pliers Spirit Lamp Cork Borer Hocksaw Aluminium tube (dia. 16mm. outside: 10cm in Yengtn) Aluminiura tube (dia, 10mm. outside: 7cm in length) Iron Rod (die. 4mm. outside: 10cm in length) Nail (Gis. 4mm. outside: 7em in length) Electric Hend Dri. Drill Bit (Gie. 2mm) (MATERIALS) 18-6 Stainless Wire (dis, 0.6mm. 50cm in length) Vinyl Tube (Gia, 1.0mm. 10cm in length) Cleer Plastic Case with polyethylene top 6Cimmn x 100mm x 25mrn, Rubber Stopper (Size 2). Rubber Stopper (Size OC). 7 Test Tube (die. 10mm). 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS obteined by cutting off the Lip of e felt pen with e hacksaw. Page 2/6 (1) Prepare metellic tubes (die, 16mm and die. 1Gmm) and rod (die. 2mm). The tube of 16mm diameter can be (2) Heat the tube or rod with a spirit lamp end make holes as shown in Fig. 1 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) aluninum pipe ig =< E NS iron rod or spoke — a Fig. t heat the aluminum feltoen case and make holes O air outlet holes for electric terminal rubber stopper ‘The bigger holes are used to connect the coNlecting test tubes, the smadlest 4s the path of air, end the other two to fix the electrodes. (3) Make e hole through each of the two rubber stoppers (size 2), snd put a collecting text tube (Gia. 10mm) into it (4) Since inside dimensions of test tubes may be different, check before using by pouring mt of water into each tect tube; if the water levels show. the sme height these tivo tubes can oe useO for this spperatus. (5) rake & cot) of twenty turns in the middie of the length of stainless steel wire by calling It around 6 nail of dis, 4mm (See fig. 2) stainless steel wire oe Fig.2 (Page 3/6 6 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) Cut the coil into equal parts of L-shape. Cover the streight parts with vinyl tubes and leave the coils bare as the electrods (See Fig. 3). ee | Fig. 3 vinyl tube Bend up the tail of the L-shaped wire and put the end into 6 one-holed rubber stopper of size OC (See fig. 4). rubber stopper : ze OC ci (6) If you use nichrome or stainless wire, which s sensitive to megnetism, sometimes the solution eround the positive electrode may chenge colour and become red (2) Assemble the appsratus as shown in Fig. A (Page 4/6 7 METHOD OF USE | (1) FHT] the case half with the Figuid (SOmI). Set it on edge with air hole higher than the Jevel of the liquid, and the liquid will flow into the test tubes. When the tubes ore filled, turn the cose bck. (2) Generate electricity using o hand driven generetor or by connecting the lead wires from & dry cell to the terminals est tunes Page 5/6 [7= METHOD OF USE (Continued) (3) Observe that one of the test tubes conteins twice es much ges as the other. (4) when the test tube at the side of negotive pole is filled with gas, remove it from the case ond bring it close to a candle fleme (efter wiping the mouth of the test tube with peper), es indiceted below. Vrms ste = 5) When oxygen is stored tn the test tube, teke it out, wipe awey any weter eround Its mouth, anid then put an ignited incense stick into the tube as indicated ebove, POLARIZER. é6 1- ITEM POLARIZER, '2- PURPOSE ‘To observe thin sections of rock under polarised light. I3- INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY Kyoto Municipal Science Center for Youth, Kyoto 612, Japan, |4- LINE DRAWING OF PROTOTYPE affix with double sided adhesive tape covering half of the window lastic polarizing sheet TRE a A!) FIG. A. ‘S- TOOLS AND MATERIALS (roots) | Cutter for Plastics Cutter for Plastics (for circles) File (for glass cutting) Round-File Electric Hand Orit! Drill Bit (die. 3mm) Diagonal Cutting Nippers Sheers (MATERIALS) Acrylic Sheet (108mm x 75mm x 3mm)... se 1 Vinyl Sheet (9Omm x Oram x tm) . 1 ‘Vinyl Sheet (105mm x 60mm x tmrn). 2 Chloroethytene Rod (die, 3mm, 45mm in length) Plastic Polarizing Sheet (29mm x 23mm). Plastic Polarizing Sheet (25mm x 29mm). Double Sided Adhesive Tepe Adhesive Paste (suiteble for vinyl plates) 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS This equipment is composed of e bese plate to fix the one polarizing sheet, rotable disk, end a top plote to ‘ix the other sheet, as shown in Fig. A (1) Cut two vinyl plates of Imm in thickness to 105 x 60mm in size. Make a hole of 16mm in diameter at the center of one of them. Cut out window of 30mm square from the center of the other plate, (See Fig. 1). Affix the two plates with double sided adhesive tape or by glueing them with o suitoble adhesive for vinyl resin. Page 2/5 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) 103 ——— vinyl plate make a hole : 9 1éam (2) Make the top plete, as shown in fig. 2. The slots cen be made by drilling holes first then cutting out the linear strips, first make holes and then cut greave out a ‘en cut out vinyl plate : Imm thick (3) Cut out a piece of 3mm acrylic sheet to the sizes shown. Using ¢ thin saw blade cut out the ‘TOmmn dia. disc from the center of the plate. From the center of the disc cut out a rectenguler window of size 29 x 48mm. (See Fig. 3). acrylic plate ; 3mm thick cut_the circle out cut out rotatable disk as T (4) As shown in Fig. 4.cut off both sides of the acrylic plate to make the guides for the rateting disc ut off wo Fig 1 Fig. 3. Fig.4 6- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS (Continued) with double sided adhesive Lepe so thet the disk rotates smoothly between them. each of the holes, end fix with adhesive hold 4t with double sided adhesive tape covering half of the window T plastic polarizing she 8 L bed put a plastic polarizersheet hold with double sided adhesive tape put thectloroethylene ero plastic polarizing sheet ba Assemble the base plate, the rotatable disk, and its guiding frames, end fix the frames to the base (5) Put the top plate exactly on the guiding fremes effixed to the base, and meke four holes of 3mm in diemeter 6s indicated in Fig 4. Remove the top plete, Insert 9 10mm length of vinyl rod into (6) Overlap two pieces of polarizing sheet at the relstive position thet gives them the minimum transparency. Holding the position, affix thern to the top and the bese plates respectively using double-sided adhesive tepe. Be coreful not to cover the window with a tepe. (See Fig. 5) hold with double sided adhesive tape Led Fig. 5 Page 4/5 7- METHOD OF USE This equipment is used when observing a thin section of rock under @ microscope, or through a loupe, boy setting the section into the window of # disk which can rotate freely between two polerizing plates. (1) Put the thin section of rock into the rectengular window of the rotatable disk, end put the top plate over it (2) Observe the section with @ loupe or @ microscope of sppropriete magnification (3) Rotete the disk between the overlapped polarizing sheets or on the sheet attached to the base plate by sliding the top plete. The overlapped sheets requireabrighter light source. Page 5/5

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