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Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level
Big Ideas


Matthew Sartore
1 Class Period 45-60 Minutes
Mathematical relationships among numbers can be
represented, compared, and communicated.
Mathematical relationships can be represented as
expressions, equations, and inequalities in
mathematical situations.
Numerical quantities, calculations, and measurements
can be estimated or analyzed by using appropriate
strategies and tools.
Patterns exhibit relationships that can be extended,
described, and generalized.



Webb's Depth of
Formative &

How is mathematics used to quantify, compare,

represent, and model numbers?
CC.2.1.1.B.1 Extend the counting sequence to read and
write numerals to represent objects.
CC.2.1.1.B.2 Use place value concepts to represent
amount of tens and ones and to compare two digit
The student will be able to independently use base-ten
blocks to represent the requested number with 80%
The student will be able to, in pairs, practice identifying
numbers with base-ten blocks and the opposite with
80% accuracy.

Regular Education Student

Teacher will observe the students as they work with the
base ten blocks. The teacher will watch and listen for
As students work on Base-Ten Block Worksheet, observe
students and assist when needed or to clarify
Observe for accuracy during matching game.
For ELLs:
Speaking: The students will repeat the numbers that
are said to them. The student will say the numbers in
both English and Spanish. The students speech will be
recorded to listen to later.
Writing: ELL students will not only speak the numbers
but will practice writing by tracing over a dotted


ISTE Standards
for Students
Framework for
21st Century

s, Modifications

number. Models of all numbers will be clearly displayed

on the board as well as the sheets. Check for accuracy
in written numbers.
Reading: The students will be reading the numbers with
their partners in preparation to display with the baseten blocks.
Family: The student will identify specific numbers and
display them using the base-ten blocks. (House/apt.
number, phone numbers, ages of family members)
Culture: Discuss differences in identifying numbers. Is
there a similar base-ten block system used in native
culture? Use native and second language in identifying
new numbers.
ELL Assessment Options
(When doing group work, pair ELLs with dominant
English speakers.)
(Perform assessment in groups and individually.)
Assess students for understanding of digit to base-ten
block representation with a matching quiz. Make the
quiz on a large scale with matching blocks to digit with
Orally assess students for understanding. Let them
explain in their native language first, then try in
Record students audio/video and upload to ThreeRing
online portfolio to observe progress and growth
throughout the year.
Economic literacy and use of technology via the ipad.
ELL 21st Century Learning
The lesson presented allows for communication and
collaboration through working with partners. Together,
the students will be developing life skills of basic
counting practices while utilizing technology to assess
their progress themselves.

ELL Students
Provide audio recording of the students speaking the
Videotape students identifying numbers in relation to
base-ten blocks.
Provide dotted numbers for tracing to aid writing.
There will be a desk in the room that acts as the
listening and watching center where students can listen
or watch videos and audio of themselves for practice.


Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step

the Learning


Activating Prior Knowledge
The students will chorally count, in 10s. (10,20,30,40
ect) until directed to stop. Next, we will do the same but
I will instruct that when I clap, we being to count by ones
(10, 20, 30, 40, clap 41, 42, 43, 44).
ELL students will follow along with a sheet that has the
numbers listed in 10s and 1s.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
The students will be asked if they can think of other
ways to count or represent numbers instead of numbers
themselves. The students will share their ideas. The
teacher will then introduce the base-ten block.
ELL students will repeat base-ten block in English and
Big Idea Statement
Students will read the big idea together aloud. Point to
the Big Idea statement on the board.
Essential Questions Statement
Teacher will ask the essential questions and review
responses. Teacher will point to the questions as they
are being read. Students will follow along, pointing to
each word as they read it.
Objective Statement
The teacher will then explain that they will be using
base-ten blocks today to represent numbers.
Teacher will point to the words base-ten blocks on the
board as they read it aloud and follow up with showing
them the base ten blocks.
Everything thus far including vocabulary and essential
questions and big idea statements will be recited from
the student seats.
Key Vocabulary
Base-Ten Blocks. Tens. Ones. Place Value.
All terms translated into Spanish.

Must include
adaptations &
s for students
with special

PreAssessment of Students
The preassessment will be done partially during the
hook/lead and activating prior knowledge. The teacher
will observe the fluency of students in reciting numbers
in 10s and 1s and their grasping of the concept of the
base-ten block.
The ELL student will have a sheet with the 10s and 1s
outlined. An explanation of base-ten blocks will be
provided for them as well.
Modeling of the Concept
The teacher will demonstrate how, for instance, one long
block and one cube can represent 11. Three different
examples will be provided.
SIOP: List vocabulary on the board for base-ten blocks,
tens, ones, and place value. Provide examples and
conduct a brief formative assessment to ensure the
students fully understand the vocabulary. Do not
overlook vocabulary! Guarantee understanding.
Guiding the Practice
One at a time, write a numeral on the board. The
students will then represent this number with the baseten blocks.
SEI: Visuals. Create simple posters that depict the
values and meanings of base-ten blocks. Depict both
long blocks and singular blocks. These can become a
reference for the ELL students.
The numbers will be listed for the ELL with its written
translation in both English and Spanish underneath.
This practice will be continuously reinforced with
questions like how many tens are in 36.
Providing the Independent Practice
The students, in pairs, will practice using the Base-Ten
Matching Game. In pairs, the students will play the
matching game associating the correct numeric value to
the base-ten block image.
Directions for this activity will be explicitly explained
prior to beginning.
The behaviors can be modeled for the ELL students to
grasp a better understanding.
SIPO: Think Pair Share. Provide time for the students to
regroup, and discuss together any finding and thought
hey had independently or in their pairs. Facilitate
conversation and discussion through open ended
A take home assignment will be handed out in which the
students will draw the base-ten blocks to correspond
with their 1) House Number 2/3) Each parent or
guardians age 4) Their age 5) The teachers age. These
five will be completed for additional practice.

The students will have pre-assigned pairs to work with
for the activity.
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special
See in red within the document
Evaluation of
Formal Evaluation
Performance during the guided practice and matching
activity will be assessed.
y of the
Informal Evaluation
Observation will be conducted throughout all activities.
Essential questions will be asked prior to the lesson as
well as for emphasis throughout. Responses of students
will be compared before, during, and after instruction.



Summary & Review of the Learning

We will review what the objective was and how we met it
with the use of the base-ten blocks.
Take home activity for further practice. (See
independent practice)
Base-ten Blocks
Base-Ten Block Worksheet (M-1-1-1_Base-Ten Block
Worksheet and KEY.docx)
base-ten matching game cards, one set for each
partnership (M-1-1_Base-Ten Matching Game.doc)
Pencil and paper
Ipads for recording

This lesson plan was taken from, Lesson

plans for 1st grade, allowable by PDE.

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