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Application of Content
5(b) The teacher engages learners in applying content knowledge to real world problems through the lens
of interdisciplinary themes (e.g., financial literacy, environmental literacy).

While in the course Theory and Techniques of Instruction in Mathematics, I was

able to plan a lesson in collaboration with my
cooperating teacher that contained real-life applications of mathematics at Mercy High
School. The students were exploring exponential functions. A perfect application of exponential functions is exponential growth and decay.
I planned my lesson to include realworld situations that the students would have
to analyze and evaluate. The example I used
was a Flying Nun lunchbox that got dented
and therefore depreciated in value. The depreciation of cost led to a decreasing rate when using the exponential function. Then the students were asked to find the value of the lunchbox in 2015 if the rate of depreciation continued. When evaluating this problem the students began to question which values to substitute into the function. I then divided the class
into groups and the students evaluated the
problem using both starting values. The students found that both methods of solving the
problem are acceptable.

The students were also relating the exponential function to physics. The vocabulary
used in physics, such as,
initial value and
value were
being used to
describe the
starting value and the
ending value
in the exponential function. This
This is an example of exponential decay in a
was a great
real world situation.
because the concept is exactly the same.
The students explored real world situations that required them to find the value of an
item after a few months or at a time in the past.
The situations introduced the student to rational and negative rational exponents.

The value of the lunchbox in 2015 can be found two different ways as shown above.

As I planned and implemented my lesson in the classroom I found the value of incorporating examples that
required critical thinking and analysis. The use of real-world situations in constructing knowledge not only motivates the students but also gives the students the opportunity to make connections between mathematical concepts and the global world. As a future educator, I will use real-world applications to ensure
the transfer of the students knowledge from my classroom to other content areas and finally to their future
educational pursuits and careers.

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