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The line graph explains the number of complaints from Newtown citizens to

Environmental Health Office from 1980 to 1990 regarding noise. In general,

there are different trends in the noise caused by road works, traffic, factories,
and domestic stuffs.
The noise caused by factories rose steadily in 1980 till 1982. Then, it
increased slightly towards 1986. From then onwards, it remained stable. The
noise caused by traffic leveled off between 1980 and 1984. Then, it fell
steadily till 1986, then it was stable, increased steadily until 1992, and from
then grew slightly till 1996. The noise caused by road works had general
trend downwards along period 1980 to 1996. The noise caused by household
had almost the same trend with noise caused by traffic from 1980 to 1988.
However, it rose dramatically towards 1990, then rose slightly until 1996.
From the graph, it can be obviously seen that in the 1996, the most
complained noise by societies is noise from domestic environment. This
noise is complained by 1200 people. On the contrary, the least complained
noise by societies was noise from road works which got less than 200 a
number of complaints in 1996.
In conclusion, the picture illustrates the number of complaints which were
given by Newtowns society since 1980 until 1996 to the Environmental
Authorities in the town.

The Environmental Health authorities in Newton received a number of complaints in

relation to domestic, factory, traffic and road work noise over a sixteen year period.
To begin with, just over 600 complaints were received in 1980 relating to the noise
from road works. Complaints from this category fell sharply to less than 100 in 1996.
Protests over domestic/household noise were steady from 1980 to 1984 at
approximately 500 and between 1986 and 1990 at 400. There was a dramatic upward
trend over a 6 year period ending at 1200 complaints in 1996 which represents the
highest figure. Factories accounted for 400 complaints in 1980 with the figure
increasing by about 200 over the sixteen year period. Finally, the fewest complaints
were made about traffic noise in 1980. 300 complaints were recorded during the first
four years and 200 between 1986 and 1988. Following a rise in traffic noise
complaints, the 1996 figure stood at 600.
Overall, the numbers of complaints received for domestic/household, factory and
traffic noise were on the rise whilst noise from road works noted a drop. In 1996,
domestic/household noise was complained about the most and road works the least.

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