Final 451 Paper

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Jacob Klionsky

Sonneville 7
March 12, 2015
Fahrenheit 451 Analysis
Corruption seizes the world country-by-country and day-by-day.
In Fahrenheit 451 many real world examples of corruption are
introduced. This book highlights problems of the world and what they
well develop into if they are not controlled. Unfortunately, many of the
problems in Fahrenheit 451 are present in the world we live in. Through
the vast amount of issues in Fahrenheit 451s society, the two most
important are the disregard for books and over obsession for
Books are frowned upon in Fahrenheit 451. They are considered
to be useless and negative towards society. If books arent people
[page 73] why should we even care for them? This is the question that
people are asking themselves today. It happens that people would
much rather play on their phones or watch sports than read. To fix this
problem people need to encourage reading and actually read once a
day themselves. If this is done the problem will cease to exist for the
people of the future.
The other major problem in Fahrenheit 451 and the world is the
obsession of technology. This is somewhat the effect of disregard to
books, but it gets more in depth than just that. When people arent
reading they are usually using some source of technology. It could be
useful or it could not, but at the end of the day it still is staring into a
screen. In effect people are starting to disregard nature because
technology is better and we can just look at pictures. Even people
that are intrigued in nature realize technology is an environment as
real as world
[page 84]. Even worse technology is addicting, [no one] has ever
torn themselves from the TV. [Ibid] To fix this problem citizens of the
world need to observe the nature and be beneficial with their time.
Hopefully this will get people off the couch and away from the
computer and TV. However, if we cant come together and fix this
problem we will start to see the world slowly corrupt till people ignore
nature and praise technology.
Overall these are some of the major problems in the world we
live in. If the worlds population cannot come together and help build
the love of books over technology, many values will be lost. We could
lose nature to technology and many other things that make planet

earth a unique place. Come together and help save books to help save
the world.

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