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ACP 101: First Year Seminar

Social Justice Interview Assignment

What Does Social Justice Mean At Roosevelt University?

Even with a strong, widely-embraced mission like RU has, community members are likely to have
different definitions and interpretations of that central set of values. So, along with an ACP
classmate, your task is to interview three specific people at RU (faculty, staff, students who
have studied at Roosevelt for at least a year) to find out how they think about social justice. At
least one of the three people must be from outside of CCPA, and please do not
bombard the English professors (this has happened in past semesters because all ACP
students are enrolled in ENG as well).
Here are a few questions to get you started. You and your working partner should generate at
least three more and include them in the final write up.

Why should members of a university community think and talk about what social justice
What social justice issues are most important to you? Thinking about the issues that
matter to you, please give us a one or two sentence definition of social justice.
From your perspective, who is responsible for creating socially just living conditions?
What specific ways of acting do the most to create social justice, in your opinion?

Once youve completed your interviews (which must be conducted in person and with your
partner), you will pool your notes, and then each of you will produce the following:
1. Your own (one per student, not group) two-page write-up of your findings.
a. In your write-up, be sure to explain in detail your sources definitions and
examples of social justice, both at RU and beyond.
b. Your conclusion should address commonalities, differences, and interesting
tensions or conflicts that you notice in your sources responses.
2. A collaborative in-class presentation (you and your partner)
a. Present your findings to the class according to the schedule set by the
b. Your presentation should be approximately five minutes long, and both members
of each team must speak.
Evaluation Rubric For Assignment:
Content: quality of your
interview questions, followups, and notes
Write-up: clarity of writing,
detail in descriptions, quality of
Presentation: speaking clarity
and appropriate volume; eye
contact with audience
Collaboration: One additional
point awarded for evidence of
good collaboration between



Needs work










you and your working partner

Total: 25 possible points:

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