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Who would be the audience for your media product?

I researched into similar films to ours and similar type of magazines that have the same target
audience and genre as us to identify my audience for my media
Empire magazines target audiences are teenagers and adults
aged 16-25. The target audience of this magazine would be
predominantly male and would be mainly ages 16-25 but 26-30+
would easily be close because this magazine is aimed at a more
adult audience. We know this because there is lots of texts and
very few images, the articles are in depth .There are a lot of
famous ,well - known actors in this issue of empire magazine
such as George Clooney, James Franco, Jackie Chan and Daniel
Craig. This is seen as the unique selling point for the magazine. It
will attract the audience and is influential as people look up to
these big stars and aspire to be like them.

Our film the same target audience as our protagonist is male and he is wearing branded
clothing (vans), so teenagers who are our primary target audience can relate. The teenagers
can imagine themselves in the protagonists scenario. Our secondary audience would be adults
as they would understand the storyline more than teenagers and theyre most likely able to
break down everything thats happening to understand the media text.

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