March-E Choto Mesha

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This morning while the children were eating their morning tea, I sat up a writing activity linked to our

topic, which is learning about

planet earth. Todays worksheet was about the sun. Safa was the first to come to the writing table and asked me to give her a sheet. I
said to her that she needs to wait until every-one is here. She nodded in agreement and then turned around calling Sana to come. Sana
was still eating.
After a few second she asked me again for a sheet so I decided to give it to her and we started to talk the sun. She had a lot to tell me
so she started to speak in farsi. She was saying that the sun is hot and we cant look up at the sun because we close our eyes and that it
burns your skin so we put cream on it. Masha Allah she did have a lot of information to tell me.
When all the other children were here she was very excited to finally start her worksheet. She first picked a black coloring pencil but
before starting I noticed she started to observe what the other children were doing. They all had different colored pens. So she changed
her mind and picked up a colored pen, she then asked me e choto mesha?how do you do this. So I should her that she needed to
color the sun and write over the dotted lines. She happily started her worksheet and did well at completing it.
It is great to see Safa taking responsibility for her learning, becoming independent and is a good observer. She has become
accustomed to centre routines and thus ready to take charge. What I will do in future is to continue to support Safa by providing her
with more opportunities to follow her own interests and set own learning. As a younger sister and friend to other children I have often
seen her follow the interests of others. Therefore extending her independence and interests will allow her to build confidence and self
assurance to follow her interests.

By: Teacher Madiha

March 2015

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