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Hans Brix and Hans-Henrik Schierup The Use of Aquatic Macrophytes in Water-Pollution Control Ecosystems dominated by aquatic macrophytes are among the most pro- ductive in the world. Aquatic plants possess an cutstanding ability for assimilating nutrients and creating favorable conditions ‘or microbial decomposition of organic matter. This ability can be expioited in the restoration process of natural streams, lakes and wetlands, and in waste- water-treatment systems. This paper describes different types of mac rophyte-based wastewater-treatment facilities, their treatment capacities and their potential applicability under different climatic conditions. Work- ing experiences from Danish facilities are evaluated. The potential for resource recovery by harvesting and utlization of the plant material pro- duced can be regarded as a step in the direction of a holistic solution. where waste products will be regarded and utilized as a resource. INTRODUCTION Extensive investments sewage plants during the last two decades have greatly reduced the orgame loading of reseiving water bodies ina number of wounties However, wn equivalent improvement in water quality fas not been achieved since there are many small contributors which oll have no Cleaning of their wastewater discharge. and since leakage of nitrogen from the agricultural Land, ay a conse- quence of the inereased use of teratizers. fas greatly ineceased over the last titty seaty (1). Burthermure. only few of the existing wastewater-freaiment plants are equipped to remove the nutrients nitrogen aed phosphorus, [0 the curly efghtios, the local murieipatilies in Denssark were met with creasing demands for the removal Sot murogen sand phosphoras os Well as Be fonauoie Content of the wastewater privr to Aisposal. The teaditional solution fox smalh contributors is 10 collect the sewage from Several sinall villages in one centra¢real- int facility. Such solution is, however rather expensive, ain! therefore the muniespalites were, and still are, search ior more cost-eftective solutions. Shallow, eutrophic, aquatic sors stocked with magrophytes ace among the most productive ig) the world (2). The Capacity of sich wens ta decompose or ganic matter and assimilate nutrignts hs been recognized, and itis well known ‘hat streams lakes, coastal tiga, 2 we lands contain a considerable "ke lipusi lie tion” eapactty (3), Dung the growing sea seit the plants ahsort and incorporate The hutients iio their own structures. nd function as a SubstUate {01 microorgar ‘On ait toter anon basis considerable attention # al present being directed to wards the capacity of aguutic usierophy es (ova and water plants) 10 enrol poll thom and to treat municipal and induste il wastewater as indicated by" the great iw umber of prtpan at fee te Tonal rectngs (28) Tis mires! pt ty coupled to the public demand fr i Seeing stongem strait snd pasty tothe nee toevelnp foecin desentslie comstrtions capable ot Seong spall ne Mechutyszed. co0r ironies Macrophatehased. wastewater treatneny system ae several vantages compared co convention irearment systems (7) 2 Hon operating ins 5 Low energy regrets They eam often be catonones te ws shete the wastewater m prod o Tat are mre texte nid ew sinc Meta an Won Ihe potential tor resource reeorery by and using the biomass pr. in energy source. aig compost OF as animal todder should als Be em- phasized (8). The major disadvantage of macrophyte-bsed systems is the inereased lund area required, compared 9 conven- onal systems. und decreased pertorm lunce during winter 1m temperate regions Macrophytebased systems sare expeckalh, Suitable for stualler contributors Such ss snail villages, single faves. campung sites Stummer-house ates, and small duties WATER-QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS IN NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS. The disposal of large smouats of sewage and tbe intensified exploitation of agsteul tural hind involving increased umiouints of fertilizers. has resulted in pronounced et: trophication of receiving waters. The effects of eutrophication, ie lower species diversity and decreasing. selfpurification eapacity. have been greatly esaunitied Dy estruction of the naiural physical heterogeneity of the ecosystem, Streams have been viewed simply as conduits and have been deepened und straightened und their vegotaninn has been removed t0 3 mt the drainage of agricultural kind Natural weddands and marshes have been Urained and mmed imo agricultural land Regulation of he man tabutary to Lake Balaton (Hungary as resulta poor water quay nthe ake ‘he damns enclosing theriver nave now been removed in an atten tovstabish a system of shallow ‘macrophyte dominated reservoirs as abulforing zone for theiver water prior fo entesing te lake Pov Figure t. Lifeforms of aquatic macrophytes. |, Emergent aquatic macrophytes are the ‘dominating ite form in wetlands and marshes, (Growing within awater-tabla range trom 50 em Below the sol aurtace to. water dopth of 150 ‘em or more. In goneral they produce aerial tome andeaves ond an extensive rootand fhizome system. The plants are morpholog- ‘ally adapted to growing in wateriooged! ‘submerged substrate by virtue of arge inter. ortatlonof oxygen to ofthe oxygen may leak nto the surrounding rhizosphere creating ‘oxidized condtionain the otherwise anosle ‘environment and stimulating both docompos!- tion of erganle mattor and growah of living ‘bacterin. The species sketched: (@) Scirpus lcvatria, (6) Phragmites australis, and () Ty= ‘pha latifolia iiustrateacaptatione o diferent ‘water dopthe and explotation of sll volume {aiteront depth penetration of roots and ‘hizomes). 4, Flonting-eaved aquatic macrophytes in- ‘clude both epectes which ere rooted Inthe muse. aemtnensin ‘wigarl and species which are ree-fogting ‘onthe water surface, 0.9 (9) Elchhornla ‘rassipee and(h) Lemna minor. The floating lenved species are highly averse inform and ‘habit ranging from large plants with rosettes (of nerlal and/or floating aves and wall-ce- eloped submerged oote (e.g. Fichhorni to ‘minute surtace-loating plants with few or no Lemna), I Submerged aquatic macrophytes have ‘thelr photosynthetic taaue entirely sub ‘merged but usually the flowers exposed tothe stmoephers. Two types of aubmerged equat- lee are sketched: the slodeld type (eg. 0) Potsmogeton crlspus), and the lost {Wosete)type() Littorele unitoa. 1. Emergent Aquatic Macrophytes (a) (6) Il, Floating-leaved Aquatic Macrophytes @ © III. Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes @ @ 101 ‘Theroots ana hollow ‘msomes reeds (Prragmites australis) penatate upto 15 me- ferinto the substrate ‘reat vor time ot active riz sone area Leakage of xy: {ea trom theroots may {reate oxidized micro” zones nthe otherwise t I ‘Treatment of wastewater in ditches planted with burushes Scirpus acusts} ‘as been practiced or more than two the Netherianas. Photo: HBr we Recently, the value ofthe bolo ever sily and complexity which preval in nat ral evossstents hip been recognized, and Attempts have "been me 10. restore Stream, rivets and wetinds. in order te repain their heterogenelty. and. theteds their seltpurification capacity and atfe. ing fects "A good eximple of ths revagiatin to be found in Hungary. The main tributary {0 Lake Balaton is the River Zale, Ta tient times the Watey of the ther distr buted deltaclibe wetens 8D Km of ethane before watering the like, The waterseloct {y was ercaty Feduced athe wel ids were entrapped by seine ganic matter wan Socompoved Ents taken upsor transformed bs plants sil trierourganisins. [iypeneral herelare. the ‘eater entering the lake 848 a good! yu yn for agricultural purposes The water veloe ity in the iver inerewed. the physteal heterogeterty and biological diversity dis appeared, aid the selt-puriication caper 1 was greatly reduced. The water quali: inthe river and subsequently sn Lake Bais on rapidly deteriorated, anid created veri fous ofssronmental problems im the lake (9). This was patticulacly ndesicabie, as the lake has pronounced economic value mainly a5 4 tourist resort nnd fishing area Comequently, a s¢ster af shallow teer wwirs hak, BOW een constructed meat the neath of the river 2éla ii ab Atlee to regain the buffering zone of macroyshyte vegetation asa biologie nuttient fitter lor the aver water belore it emery Lake Basson, WASTEWATER TREATMENT Te capacity of ecosystems that ave nated By aqustie aaciop hte find dasompose inputs ot etre sane mutter his resulted fv the extendea the of such sgstem to eat decent pe Of wastewiners. The pollutants are re moved by a complex sariety of bokegteal physical and choal processes The fuyuatee macraphites ate the Ios wbs tes ivologed component uf the systems However, the uptake of pollutants by the vegetation itself cannot aewount TOF the ee moval efficiency often observed in such spstems. Other maedhanisms iavohved are Racteral ansforesatisin and posi chenneal. processes including sedinventa- tions abwepion sad" precgation The rmaciophytes play an tmportart role by providing surfaces and subsicwes for bacterial growth, and by altertag. the phys ivochemical ensiconment in the water sind ithe riveaxphere (1M) Aquatic maccophyte-baved a tecatinent systems may be elsif () Floating Macropiiste Treatment Sty tems, 2) Submerged Macrophyte Treatment Spsiems, (3) Emergent Macropiyte Treatment Sys: ~ artifical wetlands — natural wetlands. (4) Integrated Macrophyie Treatment Systems (Figure 2)

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