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Various Servers on which Siebel is being Run


Application /Development Servers

Quality Assurance (QA) Server
Pre Production Server
Production /Go Live Server.

As Configurators we will be working Application/Dev. Servers where we will be

connecting these servers from our respective mobile web clients (i.e., from our
When once we finish configuration, the same .srf file will be compiled in QA server,
where QA team will perform testing, if successful the same .srf will be compiled in
either Pre Production server or Production server as the case may be.
Check Out -- Check In
Configurators can go for Check out or Check in of Projects from Local Database only.
Check Out means trying to bring a copy from server, which overwrites local version of
same project. Check out is two types.
1. Get
2. Check Out
1. Get Get is one form of Check out but the functionality differs , if u GET a
Project while Checking out , it will Overwrite Local Objects but no Lock will be
put on Server.
2. Check Out is another form , if u Check out a Project it will over write the Local
Objects and as well place a Lock on Server ,meaning no body else can make
changes to that checked out project except the person who checked out , in order
to release lock on the server , the person should Check in the same after making
changes in local on to server.
Till Siebel 7.5.2 versions only Projects can be checked out but in 7.7 even objects can be
checked out like Applets and views etc.,

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