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Malala Yousafzai

Karlee Kita
March 2015

Table of Contents
Page 3; Chapter 1- Intro
Page 4; Chapter 2- How Malala Spoke Out After
Getting Shot
Page 5; Chapter 3- How Malala Stood Up To
Womens Rights To Education
Page 6; Chapter 4- How Malala is a Teen Activist
Page 7; Chapter 5- About Malala Today
Page 8; Chapter 6- Teen Activism
Page 9; Chapter 7- Alex Lin
Page 10; Chapter 8- Conclusion
Page 11; Chapter 9- Bibliography

Chapter 1:
Recently, I read some articles about Malala
Yousafzai. She is a 17 year old teen activist from
Mingora, Pakistan. I did a character analysis on
Malala Yousafzai. Malala is an inspirational person
because she spoke out after in shot in the head by
the Taliban group, she stood up for womens rights
to education, and she is a teen activist.

Chapter 2:
Spoke Out After Getting Shot
The first reason why Malala is an inspirational
person is because she spoke out after getting shot
in the head by the Taliban group. Luckily, she
survived with a lot of help from doctors. She was
shot in the head by the Taliban group because she
stood up to womens rights to education. Malala
stood up for this because she thinks that education
is power, education teaches you how to live a
happy and healthy life, and education helps you
learn how to respect others. They thought that
the bullets would silence us. But they failed
weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength,
power, and courage was born. Malala Yousafzai.

Chapter 3:
Stood Up to Womens Rights in
The second reason why Malala is an
inspirational person is because she stood up for
womens rights to education. Her father kept
telling her to do what you think is right and she did.
Malala stood up for womens rights in education
because she didnt think it was fair that the men
have freedom to do anything and the women dont.
Malala believes that there is no difference between
men and women. Also, she wanted to live in
peace. She wants to fight back against the Taliban
group for freedom but without cruelty. All I want is
an education, Malala told a television broad

Chapter 4:
How Malala is a Teen Activist
The last reason why Malala is an inspirational
person because she is a teen activist. She stood
up to what she thought was right and is now a very
famous teen. She made a big difference in this
world. She sacrificed her life to make women feel
how they should feel. She also wanted to feel good
about herself, too. She is a very brave teen.

Chapter 5:
About Malala Today
Today, Malala is going to school in England.
Her birthday is July 12, 1997. Right now Malala
Yousafzai is 17 years old. She wants to become
prime minister in her hometown, so she can make
fair laws. Malala ended up being Time For Kids
Person of the Year AND won the Noble Peace Prize.
Malala Yousafzai is a very brave and strong women.
Malala is an inspirational person because she
spoke out after getting shot in the head by the
Taliban group, she stood up to womens rights in
education, and she is a teen activist.

Chapter 6:
Teen Activism
Do you know what teen activism is? Teen
activism is someone who takes part in activities
that are attended to achieve political or social
change. There are a lot of teen activist in the
world today. Malala is an example. She changed
so many lives from sadness to happiness. That is
what a teen activist is.

Chapter 7:
Alex Lin
Do you know who Alex Lin is? He is a teen
activist from Rhode Island. He is a teen activist
because in 2002 he started recycling E-waste.
People herd about it and started doing the same.
From the recycled E-waste people remade over 330
pound of electronics. He changed a lot in our
world. Recycle computers and thats it. Alex Lin

Chapter 8:
Malala Yousafzai is an inspirational person
because she spoke out after getting shot in the
head by the Taliban group, she stood up to
womens rights in education and she is a teen
activist. Teen activism is a good thing to do it you
want to make a change in the world.

Chapter 9:
1."The Daily Show - Extended Interview - Malala
Yousafzai." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 27 Jan.
3. "5 Uncommon Facts About Malala Yousafzai."
Aol.on. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015
4. "News." The Person of the Year Is . . . N.p., n.d.
Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

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